Congratulations to ALL Institute member, Ikenna Ebuenyi on having recently had some articles published:
CW Musyimi, VN Mutiso, DN Nyamai, I Ebuenyi, DM Ndetei (2020) Suicidal behavior risks during adolescent pregnancy in a low-resource setting: A qualitative study. PLoS one 15 (7), e0236269.
ID Ebuenyi (2020) COVID-19: an opportunity for African governments to rethink social welfare benefits and protection. The Pan African Medical Journal 35 (64)
ID Ebuenyi, AJ van der Ham, JFG Bunders-Aelen, BJ Regeer (2020) Expectations management; employer perspectives on opportunities for improved employment of persons with mental disabilities in Kenya* Disability and rehabilitation 42 (12), 1687-1696. 4
ID Ebuenyi, ES Rottenburg, JFG Bunders-Aelen, BJ Regeer (2020) Challenges of inclusion: a qualitative study exploring barriers and pathways to inclusion of persons with mental disabilities in technical and vocational education and training …Disability and rehabilitation 42 (4), 536-544.