Liberia Solidarity Group: Ebola Crisis in Liberia

Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 00:00

The Liberia Solidarity Group Ireland is appalled at the death, destruction and hardship being caused by the Ebola crisis in Liberia and other countries in the West African Region.  Immediate and targeted support delivered in direct partnership with local organisations is required from the International Community, European Union, National Governments and all who can contribute to stopping the situation spiralling further out of control.

Liberia with a population of approximately four million people and a tropical land mass one and a quarter times the size of Ireland, is situated on the North Atlantic Ocean in West Africa between Sierra Leone,Guinea and Cote D’Ivore.

Ebola was reported in northern Liberia in February 2014.  The situation subsided but in June the second outbreak took place in Monrovia the capital.  A treatment centre supported by Medecins Sans Frontieres, was established and a testing centre near Monrovia supported by the US army.  The disease spread quickly to other areas including Bong County.  Here, the hospital in Gbarnga remains closed due to the contamination of five health workers including the death of one.  A number of hospitals in the affected counties are not functioning due to the health risks involved thus adding to the risks from other illness and diseases.  The number of people dying is increasing on a daily basis but many are neither recorded as having had Ebola nor died from it.  Women, who already bear a heavy burden and suffered disproportionately during the civil war, are at high risk, since they generally provide care services at home and in the community.
Liberia emerged in 2006 from a prolonged period of conflict and turmoil followed by a fourteen year civil war which led to upwards of 200,000 deaths, severe physical and social damage, disruption of governmental and social institutions and displacement of the majority of the population internally and externally.  Despite this a fragile democracy was established in 2005 with the assistance of the international community including Ireland whose peace keeping force played an important role in the disarmament process.  Since then basic services have been restored, infrastructure and education institutions are being built.  Civil society organisations, including women’s groups are driving much of the development. Liberia however remains poor and is ranked 169 out of 182 countries in the United Nations human development Index.

Building on Irelands particular standing in Liberia the Liberia Solidarity Group was established as a mutual learning partnership between Ireland and Liberia which promotes justice, pace, equality and human rights through collective action and sustainable development. Irish Aid contributes to the development programme as do Irish development organisations and over the years a number of missionaries, aid workers, peace keeping troops, volunteers and students have worked and built links there. 

Treatment and assessment centres, and proper protective clothing including for burial workers, as well as additional fully trained medical and support staff are urgently required.  Restricted movement in the state of emergency means the need for food aid is imminent.  Particularly important, as the World Health Organisation states, is public education and preventative work.  Those involved in this work through their local groups and task forces are very short of resources and local or national groups are best positioned for this endeavour.
We acknowledge the work already underway through the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Liberia and Sierra Leone but urge its reinforcement and urge the government to play an active role in immediately strengthening EU, UN and international organisations endeavours, ensuring where possible that aid goes directly and speedily to groups on the ground addressing the issues.

You can help too by contributing to our fundraising for Local Ebola initiatives via Liberia Solidarity Group Account, Bank of Ireland, Maynooth
IBAN number: IE29 BOFI 9015 0396 7092 67   BIC number: BOFIIE2D

Or by contributing to the West Africa Ebola fundraising campaigns of Medecins Sans Frontieres, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and other organisations.

Further information about Liberia Solidarity Group is available at where we will post updates regularly. You can also contact us at [email protected]
Anastasia Crickley, Chair  &  Debbie O' Rourke, Treasurer

Liberia Solidarity Group