Prof Andrew Hogan

Biology, Human Health Institute


Biosciences & Electronic Engineering Building
(01) 708 6118


Dr Andrew Hogan joined Maynooth University as a Assistant Professor in 2017, and is Principle Investigator with the Obesity Immunology Research Group.

He completed his undergraduate and post-graduate studies in Maynooth University, before being awarded a Newman Fellowship in Obesity with Prof Donal O'Shea in UCD and St Vincent's Hospital.

In 2012, he was awarded a Research Fellowship from the National Children's Research Centre and established the Childhood Obesity Immunology Group. He has also been a research fellow in the lab of Prof Lydia Lynch in Harvard Medical School. 

The Obesity Immunology Research group focuses on the impact of Obesity on the immune system and the development of co-morbid diseases such as Type II Diabetes and Cancer.

Currently the group is comprised of 3 Post Doctoral Scientists, 3 PhD Students and 2 MD Students.

The group has strong clinical partnerships with Prof Donal O'Shea & Prof Helen Heneghan (St Vincent's University Hospital), Prof Declan Cody (CHI Crumlin) and Dr Anne Marie Tobin (Tallaght Hospital).

The group is funded by grants from the National Children's Research Centre, Health Research Board, Dublin Skin Hospital & Enterprise Ireland.

Research Interests

Ireland has one of the highest rates of childhood obesity in the world. One in four Irish school-going children are living with overweight or obesity, and as a result these children are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular, metabolic and cancer related co-morbidities later in life. The purpose of our research is to understand how obesity drives this increased risk and aim to develop successful interventions to prevent the establishment of overt chronic disease.

The Obesity Immunology research programme aims to do this by investigating (1) how obesity impacts the immune system, driving inflammation and dysregulation, which underpins the development of the aforementioned diseases. (2) Our research also 
focuses on how the immune system regulates metabolism (from insulin signalling to adiposity), better understanding of these processes will allow us to identify new therapeutic strategies for obesity and its associated diseases.

To date we have published >60 peer reviewed papers in leading peer-reviewed journals including Nature Immunology, PNAS, Science Signaling, Obesity and The Journal of Immunology.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Novel Approach to the Development of Food Products for Pre-Diabetics and Those With Impaired Glucose Tolerance Co-PI 01/08/2018 31/07/2020 285000
Immune dysregulation in Type 1 diabetes. Principle Investigator 09/07/2018 12/07/2020
Inflammatory markers of antipsychotic weight gain and cardiometabolic dysfunction in youth mental health disorders Principle Investigator 01/02/2018 30/01/2021
Effect of Glucagon like peptide-1 therapy on obesity driven inflammation and co- morbid inflammatory conditions. Scientific Lead Obesity is a global epidemic and increases the risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), heart disease and cancer. In lean healthy individuals the host immune system is equipped with mechanisms to deal with insults such as inflammation or malignant cells. Obese people are at greater risk of disease as their immune system is altered. Chronic inflammation plays a major role in obesity and is now seen in obese children. This results in inflamed tissues, exhausted immune cells and ultimately inflammatory disease. Glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a gut hormone now used in the treatment of T2DM. We have reported that GLP-1 impacts inflammation and the immune system. In this study we will look in detail at how GLP-1 impacts inflammation in patients with T2DM and other inflammatory conditions including psoriasis, arthritis and asthma. We will also look in vitro at the effect of GLP-1 on cells from obese children. This will determine if GLP-1 therapy plays a role in treating the inflammation present in obesity and its co-morbid inflammatory diseases. This in turn could have major implications for practice, offering a new treatment pathway for those with T2DM and co-morbid inflammatory diseases. 01/05/2015 30/04/2018
Investigating MAIT cells in Hidradenitis Suppurativa PI Mucosal Associated Invariant T cells are a population of “innate” T cells, which express the invariant T cell receptor (TCR) a chain Va7.2-Ja33 and are capable of robust rapid cytokine secretion, producing a milieu of cytokines including IFN- and IL-17. MAIT cells have been reported in the gut, skin and periphery. Recent research has highlighted their involvement in numerous inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, obesity and psoriasis. Hidradenitis Suppurativa (H.S) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the hair follicles, resulting in painful lesions of apocrine-bearing skin. Several inflammatory cytokines have been implicated in the pathogenesis of H.S including IL-17. The role of MAIT cells in H.S is currently unknown. In this study we aim to fully investigate MAIT cells in the lesions from patients with H.S. and adjacent skin. 01/01/2020 31/12/2021 59910
Investigating the impact of obesity on SARS-CoV-2 T cell immunity PI 02/11/2020 29/10/2021 65000
Investigating the impact of amino acid restriction on the anti-cancer activity of MAIT cells- Kirti Achanta PI 12/06/2023 04/08/2023 2400
Investigating the impact of obesity on the immune system Principle Investigator 02/01/2012 31/12/2015 250000
Avectas Pilot Study PI 20/08/2018 28/09/2018 8000
Investigating the impact of childhood obesity on innate immune cell function & metabolism and their modulation by Metformin and Glucagon like peptide-1 PI Ireland has one of the highest rates of childhood obesity in the world. One in four Irish school-going children are either overweight or obese. These children are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular, metabolic and cancer related co-morbidities. Furthermore, children who are obese are highly likely to be obese in adulthood. Obesity is associated with a state of chronic sterile low-level inflammation and immune dysregulation. Our group has recently reported the adverse influence of obesity and metabolic profile on innate immune cell populations, including invariant natural killer T cells (iNKT), macrophages and mucosal associated invariant T cells (MAIT) in childhood obesity. We have also described a proinflammatory adipocytokine profile in obese children. Innate cells such as iNKT cells are now highlighted as important metabolic regulators, while MAIT cells have been implicated in insulin resistance. However the mechanisms through which dysregulation occurs is largely unknown. We propose that the altered innate immune cell frequency and function in childhood obesity is due to dysregulated cell metabolism. This alteration in innate immunity ultimately increases susceptibility to metabolic disease, infection and cancer. We propose to further characterize innate immune cell populations (function and metabolism), in lean and obese cohorts of children aged between 6 and 16 years of age. We will focus on the iNKT cell, MAIT cell and Natural Killer (NK) cell. The observed immune profiling will be correlated with body weight, birth weight, systemic inflammation and metabolic syndrome status. Currently there is no protocol for targeting inflammation in childhood obesity, allowing the development of co-morbid diseases to go unchecked into adulthood. We aim to investigate the impact of the anti-diabetic agent metformin (in vivo) and the weight loss and immunomodulatory agent Glucagon Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) (in vitro) on obesity driven inflammation in children. This will generate an expanded evidence base for potential therapeutic use in childhood obesity. 01/08/2017 31/07/2020 275879
HRB Internship-Marta Pisarska PI AH acting as sponsor for Marta Pisarska's application to the HRB for their Internship programme. Marta hired as an MU postdoctoral employee (start point 2 IUA scale) but working for 2 yrs in the HRB offices. 05/01/2022 04/01/2024 135526
Investigating the requirement of glutamine and its metabolism in MAIT cell functional responses (Nidhi Kedia-Mehta) PI [email protected] 01/11/2023 31/10/2025 105604
Investigating chronic inflammation and innate immune cell dysregulation in obese children and adolescents Principle Investigator 02/01/2012 31/12/2014 354000
NutraTreat: A healthy treat for stiff and arthritic dogs Co Investigator 01/09/2021 28/02/2023
Investigating MAIT cell function & metabolism in Malignant Melanoma PI MAIT cells are a population of “innate” T cells, which can recognize bacteria-derived metabolites presented by MR1. A feature of their innateness is the ability to be activated independently of their TCR via cytokines such as IL-18. MAIT cells are involved in immunity against pathogens and are capable of robust rapid cytokine secretion, producing a milieu of cytokines including IFN-, TNF- and IL-17. MAIT cells are among the most abundant T cell subsets in humans, and have been reported in the gut, liver, skin and periphery (Godfrey et al, Nat Imm 2019). In addition to their role in host protection against bacteria, fungi and viruses, MAIT cells have also been implicated in anti-tumour responses. MAIT cells possess a full complement of cytolytic molecules, including granzyme B and perforin, and are capable of rapidly killing infected or transformed cells (Provine & Klenerman, Ann Rev Imm, 2020). MAIT cells have been investigated in numerous human cancers, with opposing beneficial and pathogenic roles reported. On one hand, MAIT cells can home to the site of the tumor in many human cancers and can produce anti-tumor molecules. On the other, MAIT cells can display defective phenotypes in certain cancer and can produce pro-tumor molecules (O’Neill et al, Cancers 2021). To date a single study has investigated MAIT cells in Malignant Melanoma (MM), highlighting them as a strong predictor of responsiveness to anti-PD-1 therapy (De Biasi et al, Nat Comm 2021). One major gap in the knowledge base is the understanding of the mechanisms underpinning cancer-related alterations in MAIT cells. Understanding how MAIT cells are regulated and how cancer modulates them will reveal novel therapeutic approaches to harness or target MAIT cells in cancer. 01/01/2022 31/12/2022 75627
Investigating the role of cellular metabolism in monocyte-inflammation associated with childhood obesity / Conor Barry PI 02/09/2019 31/08/2023 105333.12
Are lipids the dysregulating factor for MAIT cells in obesity PI Torin Wright is lead undergraduate applicant 06/06/2022 29/07/2022 2400
NutraTreat phase 2: A healthy treat for stiff and arthritic dogs Co Investigator 01/09/2023 31/03/2025
HRB Summer Studentship (Natalia Otrebska) - Investigating immunometabolic compounds in obesity driven inflammation PI Intent on behalf of undergraduate Natalia Otrebska 10/06/2019 02/08/2019 2400
NK cell RESTORE PI Natural Killer (NK) cells are a population of lymphocytes which classically form part of the innate immune system, due to their ability to kill transformed cells without prior activation. NK cells are also rapid producers of lytic molecules and inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-, and are therefore a critical component of early immune responses in cancer. Obesity is a worldwide epidemic, with over 600 million adults and 124 million children now classified as obese. It is well established that individuals who are obese are at a higher risk of many acute and chronic conditions, including many cancers. Over the past 10 years many studies including ours have detailed obesity induced systemic dysregulation of NK cell functions. This ultimately increases the risk of cancer in the most severely obese patients, and decreases their prognosis. GLP-1 analogue therapy is the current gold-standard in weight loss pharmacology. We have previously reported that GLP-1 therapy can also modulate the immune system in obese patients, independent of weight loss. We have preliminary data which suggests that GLP-1 analogue therapy can restore NK cell numbers and functions in severely obese patients. The mechanisms through how this happen are unknown. In this project we propose to investigate if GLP-1 can restore NK cell number and function in a cohort of obese patients, we will elucidate the mechanisms driving restoration, and determine if the benefits independent of weight loss. Collectively these studies will identify novel benefits for GLP-1 therapy in a cohort of at-risk obese patients. Furthermore, it may identify novel pathways regulating NK cell functions which could extend beyond obesity. UCD Lead- unclear budget coming to MU. 01/11/2019 31/10/2022 70200
Investigating the impact of obesity on anti-viral immunity (Andrea Woodcock) PI 01/09/2022 31/08/2023 27500
Pfizer - Educational Grant PI Pfizer shall pay a total of sum of € 25,000.00 (twenty five thousand Euro) to support a Postdoctoral Researcher to work with Dr Hogan and his team as well as to gain expertise in specific research techniques. 27/11/2023 27/11/2024 25000
Childhood Obesity and Vaccine Responses PI 02/09/2019 01/09/2022 235812.6

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Eimear K. Ryan,* Christy Clutter,†,‡ Conor De Barra,* Benjamin J. Jenkins,§ Simon O’Shaughnessy,{ Odhra ́n K. Ryan,*,|| Chloe McKenna,* Helen M. Heneghan,|| Fiona Walsh,* David K. Finlay,{,# Linda V. Sinclair,** Nicholas Jones,§ Daniel T. Leung,†,‡ Donal O’Shea,*,|| and Andrew E. Hogan* (2024) 'Iron Is Critical for Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cell Metabolism and Effector Functions'. Journal of Immunology, . [DOI]
2023 De Barra, C.; Khalil, M.; Mat, A.; O'Donnell, C.; Shaamile, F.; Brennan, K.; O'Shea, D.; Hogan, A.E. (2023) 'Glucagon-like peptide-1 therapy in people with obesity restores natural killer cell metabolism and effector function'. Obesity, . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Hogan A.; O'Reilly V.; Dunne M.; Dere R.; Zeng S.; O'Brien C.; Amu S.; Fallon P.; Exley M.; O'Farrelly C.; Zhu X.; Doherty D. (2011) 'Activation of human invariant natural killer T cells with a thioglycoside analogue of α-galactosylceramide'. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 140 (2):196-207. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Brennan K; O'Leary BD; Mc Laughlin D; Breen EP; Connolly E; Ali N; O'Driscoll DN; Ozaki E; Mahony R; Mulfaul K; Ryan AM; Ni Chianain A; McHugh A; Molloy EJ; Hogan AE; Paran S; McAuliffe FM; Doyle SL; (2018) 'Type 1 IFN Induction by Cytosolic Nucleic Acid Is Intact in Neonatal Mononuclear Cells, Contrasting Starkly with Neonatal Hyporesponsiveness to TLR Ligation Due to Independence from Endosome-Mediated IRF3 Activation'. Journal of Immunology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Boulenouar, S; Michelet, X; Duquette, D; Alvarez, D; Hogan, AE; Dold, C; O'Connor, D; Stutte, S; Tavakkoli, A; Winters, D; Exley, MA; O'Shea, D; Brenner, MB; von Andrian, U; Lynch, L (2017) 'Adipose Type One Innate Lymphoid Cells Regulate Macrophage Homeostasis through Targeted Cytotoxicity'. Immunity, 46 :273-286. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Tobin, LM; Mavinkurve, M; Carolan, E; Kinlen, D; O'Brien, EC; Little, MA; Finlay, DK; Cody, D; Hogan, AE; O'Shea, D (2017) 'NK cells in childhood obesity are activated, metabolically stressed, and functionally deficient'. Jci Insight, 2 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Khan F; Mat A; Hogan A; Kent B; Eigenheer S; Corrigan M; O'Shea D; Butler M; (2017) 'Preliminary asthma -related outcomes following glucagon - like peptide 1 agonist therapy'. QJM - Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Lynch, L; Hogan, AE; Duquette, D; Lester, C; Banks, A; LeClair, K; Cohen, DE; Ghosh, A; Lu, B; Corrigan, M; Stevanovic, D; Maratos-Flier, E; Drucker, DJ; O'Shea, D; Brenner, M (2016) 'iNKT Cells Induce FGF21 for Thermogenesis and Are Required for Maximal Weight Loss in GLP1 Therapy'. Cell Metabolism, 24 :510-519. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Hams, E; Bermingham, R; Wurlod, FA; Hogan, AE; O'Shea, D; Preston, RJ; Rodewald, HR; McKenzie, ANJ; Fallon, PG (2016) 'The helminth T2 RNase omega 1 promotes metabolic homeostasis in an IL-33-and group 2 innate lymphoid cell-dependent mechanism'. FASEB Journal, 30 :824-835. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Carolan E.; Tobin L.; Mangan B.; Corrigan M.; Gaoatswe G.; Byrne G.; Geoghegan J.; Cody D.; O'Connell J.; Winter D.; Doherty D.; Lynch L.; O'Shea D.; Hogan A. (2015) 'Altered distribution and increased IL-17 production by mucosal-associated invariant T cells in adult and childhood obesity'. Journal of Immunology, 194 (12):5775-5780. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Gaoatswe, G; Kent, BD; Corrigan, MA; Nolan, G; Hogan, AE; McNicholas, WT; O'Shea, D (2015) 'Invariant Natural Killer T Cell Deficiency and Functional Impairment in Sleep Apnea: Links to Cancer Comorbidity'. Sleep, 38 :1629-1634. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Woods C.; Corrigan M.; Gathercole L.; Taylor A.; Hughes B.; Gaoatswe G.; Manolopoulos K.; Hogan A.; O'Connell J.; Stewart P.; Tomlinson J.; O'Shea D.; Sherlock M. (2015) 'Tissue specific regulation of glucocorticoids in severe obesity and the response to significant weight loss following bariatric surgery (BARICORT)'. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 100 (4):1434-1444. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Yang, S; Wang, BW; Humphries, F; Hogan, AE; O'Shea, D; Moynagh, PN (2014) 'The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Pellino3 Protects against Obesity-Induced Inflammation and Insulin Resistance'. Immunity, 41 :973-987. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Carolan, E; Hogan, AE; Corrigan, M; Gaotswe, G; O'Connell, J; Foley, N; O'Neill, LA; Cody, D; O'Shea, D (2014) 'The Impact of Childhood Obesity on Inflammation, Innate Immune Cell Frequency, and Metabolic MicroRNA Expression'. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 99 :474-478. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Hogan, AE; Gaoatswe, G; Lynch, L; Corrigan, MA; Woods, C; O'Connell, J; O'Shea, D (2014) 'Glucagon-like peptide 1 analogue therapy directly modulates innate immune-mediated inflammation in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus'. Diabetologia, 57 :781-784. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Mangan B.; Dunne M.; O'Reilly V.; Dunne P.; Exley M.; O'Shea D.; Scotet E.; Hogan A.; Doherty D. (2013) 'Cutting edge: CD1d restriction and Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokine secretion by human Vδ3 T cells'. Journal of Immunology, 191 (1):30-34. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 O'Shea D.; Corrigan M.; Dunne M.; Jackson R.; Woods C.; Gaoatswe G.; Moynagh P.; O'Connell J.; Hogan A. (2013) 'Changes in human dendritic cell number and function in severe obesity may contribute to increased susceptibility to viral infection'. International Journal of Obesity, 37 (11):1510-1513. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Zeng, SG; Ghnewa, YG; O'Reilly, VP; Lyons, VG; Atzberger, A; Hogan, AE; Exley, MA; Doherty, DG (2013) 'Human Invariant NKT Cell Subsets Differentially Promote Differentiation, Antibody Production, and T Cell Stimulation by B Cells In Vitro'. Journal of Immunology, 191 :1666-1676. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Lynch L.; Nowak M.; Varghese B.; Clark J.; Hogan A.; Toxavidis V.; Balk S.; O'Shea D.; O'Farrelly C.; Exley M. (2012) 'Adipose Tissue Invariant NKT Cells Protect against Diet-Induced Obesity and Metabolic Disorder through Regulatory Cytokine Production'. Immunity, 37 (3):574-587. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Farah N.; Hogan A.; O'Connor N.; Kennelly M.; O'Shea D.; Turner M. (2012) 'Correlation between maternal inflammatory markers and fetomaternal adiposity'. Cytokine, 60 (1):96-99. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 O'Reilly V.; Zeng S.; Bricard G.; Atzberger A.; Hogan A.; Jackson J.; Feighery C.; Porcelli S.; Doherty D. (2011) 'Distinct and overlapping effector functions of expanded human CD4 +, cd8α + and CD4 -CD8α - invariant natural killer T cells'. PLoS ONE, 6 (12). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Hogan, AE; O'Reilly, V; Dunne, MR; Dere, RT; Zeng, SJG; O'Brien, C; Amu, S; Fallon, PG; Exley, MA; O'Farrelly, C; Zhu, XM; Doherty, DG (2011) 'Activation of human invariant natural killer T cells with a thioglycoside analogue of alpha-galactosylceramide'. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 140 :196-207. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Hogan, AE; Tobin, AM; Ahern, T; Corrigan, MA; Gaoatswe, G; Jackson, R; O'Reilly, V; Lynch, L; Doherty, DG; Moynagh, PN; Kirby, B; O'Connell, J; O'Shea, D (2011) 'Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and the regulation of human invariant natural killer T cells: lessons from obesity, diabetes and psoriasis'. Diabetologia, 54 :2745-2754. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Michielsen, AJ; Hogan, AE; Marry, J; Tosetto, M; Cox, F; Hyland, JM; Sheahan, KD; O'Donoghue, DP; Mulcahy, HE; Ryan, EJ; O'Sullivan, JN (2011) 'Tumour Tissue Microenvironment Can Inhibit Dendritic Cell Maturation in Colorectal Cancer'. PLoS ONE, 6 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Hogan, AE; Corrigan, MA; O'Reilly, V; Gaoatswe, G; O'Connell, J; Doherty, DG; Lynch, L; O'Shea, D (2011) 'Cigarette smoke alters the invariant natural killer T cell function and may inhibit anti-tumor responses'. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 140 :229-235. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2023 Kenny, G.; O’Reilly, S.; Wrigley Kelly, N.; Negi, R.; Gaillard, C.; Alalwan, D.; Saini, G.; Alrawahneh, T.; Francois, N.; Angeliadis, M.; Garcia Leon, A.A.; Tinago, W.; Feeney, E.R.; Cotter, A.G.; de Barra, E.; Yousif, O.; Horgan, M.; Doran, P.; Stemler, J.; Koehler, P.; Cox, R.J.; O’Shea, D.; Olesen, O.F.; Landay, A.; Hogan, A.E.; Lelievre, J.D.; Gautier, V.; Cornely, O.A.; Mallon, P.W.G.; Leon, A.G.; Feeney, E.; de Barra, E.; Mallon, P. (2023) 'Distinct receptor binding domain IgG thresholds predict protective host immunity across SARS-CoV-2 variants and time'. Nature Communications, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Gallagher, C.; Mahon, J.M.; O'Neill, C.; Cassidy, F.C.; Dunbar, H.; De Barra, C.; Cadden, C.; Pisarska, M.M.; Wood, N.A.W.; Masterson, J.C.; McNamee, E.N.; Schrumpf, E.; English, K.; O'Shea, D.; Tobin, A.M.; Hogan, A.E. (2023) 'Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cells Are Altered in Patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Contribute to the Inflammatory Milieu'. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2023 Kedia-Mehta, N.; Pisarska, M.M.; Rollings, C.; O'Neill, C.; De Barra, C.; Foley, C.; Wood, N.A.W.; Wrigley-Kelly, N.; Veerapen, N.; Besra, G.; Bergin, R.; Jones, N.; O'Shea, D.; Sinclair, L.V.; Hogan, A.E. (2023) 'The proliferation of human mucosal-associated invariant T cells requires a MYC-SLC7A5-glycolysis metabolic axis'. Science signaling, 16 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Cassidy, F.C.; Kedia-Mehta, N.; Bergin, R.; Woodcock, A.; Berisha, A.; Bradley, B.; Booth, E.; Jenkins, B.J.; Ryan, O.K.; Jones, N.; Sinclair, L.V.; O'Shea, D.; Hogan, A.E. (2023) 'Glycogen-fuelled metabolism supports rapid mucosal-associated invariant T cell responses'. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Wrigley Kelly NE; Kenny G; Cassidy FC; Garcia-Leon AA; De Barra C; Mallon PWG; Hogan AE; O'Shea D; (2022) 'Individuals with obesity who survive SARS-CoV-2 infection have preserved antigen specific T cell frequencies'. Obesity, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Dyck L; Prendeville H; Raverdeau M; Wilk MM; Loftus RM; Douglas A; McCormack J; Moran B; Wilkinson M; Mills EL; Doughty M; Fabre A; Heneghan H; LeRoux C; Hogan A; Chouchani ET; O'Shea D; Brennan D; Lynch L; (2022) 'Suppressive effects of the obese tumor microenvironment on CD8 T cell infiltration and effector function'. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 219 (3). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Cooper A.J.R.; Clegg J.; Cassidy F.C.; Hogan A.E.; McLoughlin R.M. (2022) 'Human MAIT Cells Respond to Staphylococcus aureus with Enhanced Anti-Bacterial Activity'. Microorganisms, 10 (1). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Bergin, R; Kinlen, D; Kedia-Mehta, N; Hayes, E; Cassidy, FC; Cody, D; O' Shea, D; Hogan, AE (2022) 'Mucosal-associated invariant T cells are associated with insulin resistance in childhood obesity, and disrupt insulin signalling via IL-17'. Diabetologia, . [DOI]
2022 Schmidt V; Hogan AE; Fallon PG; Schwartz C; (2022) 'Obesity-Mediated Immune Modulation: One Step Forward, (Th)2 Steps Back'. Frontiers in Immunology, 13 . [DOI]
2022 Schwartz C; Schmidt V; Deinzer A; Hawerkamp HC; Hams E; Bayerlein J; Röger O; Bailer M; Krautz C; El Gendy A; Elshafei M; Heneghan HM; Hogan AE; O'Shea D; Fallon PG; (2022) 'Innate PD-L1 limits T cell-mediated adipose tissue inflammation and ameliorates diet-induced obesity'. Science Translational Medicine, 14 (635). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Moynagh P.N.; Hogan A.E. (2021) 'The IRX(3)some factor in macrophages'. Nature Immunology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 O'Neill C; Cassidy FC; O'Shea D; Hogan AE; (2021) 'Mucosal Associated Invariant T Cells in Cancer-Friend or Foe?'. Cancers, 13 (7). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 McCarthy C; O'Donnell CP; Kelly NEW; O'Shea D; Hogan AE; (2021) 'COVID-19 severity and obesity: are MAIT cells a factor?'. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Kedia-Mehta N.; Tobin L.; Zaiatz-Bittencourt V.; Pisarska M.M.; De Barra C.; Choi C.; Elamin E.; O'Shea D.; Gardiner C.M.; Finlay D.K.; Hogan A.E. (2021) 'Cytokine-induced natural killer cell training is dependent on cellular metabolism and is defective in obesity'. Blood Advances, 5 (21):4447-4455. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Hams E.; Roberts J.; Bermingham R.; Hogan A.E.; O'Shea D.; O'Neill L.; Fallon P.G. (2020) 'Role for Retinoic Acid-Related Orphan Receptor Alpha (RORα) Expressing Macrophages in Diet-Induced Obesity'. Frontiers in Immunology, 11 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Pisarska MM; Dunne MR; O'Shea D; Hogan AE; (2020) 'Interleukin-17 producing mucosal associated invariant T cells - emerging players in chronic inflammatory diseases?'. European Journal of Immunology, 50 (8). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Naughton, M; Moffat, J; Eleftheriadis, G; Gallardo, ND; Young, A; Falconer, J; Hawkins, K; Pearson, B; Perbal, B; Hogan, A; Moynagh, P; Loveless, S; Robertson, NP; Gran, B; Kee, R; Hughes, S; McDonnell, G; Howell, O; Fitzgerald, DC (2020) 'CCN3 is dynamically regulated by treatment and disease state in multiple sclerosis'. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 17 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 O' Brien, A; Kedia-Mehta, N; Tobin, L; Veerapen, N; Besra, GS; O' Shea, D; Hogan, AE (2020) 'Targeting mitochondrial dysfunction in MAIT cells limits IL-17 production in obesity'. Cellular and Molecular Immunology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 O'Shea D; Hogan AE; (2019) 'Dysregulation of Natural Killer Cells in Obesity'. Cancers, 11 (4). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Melo AM; O'Brien AM; Phelan JJ; Kennedy SA; Wood NAW; Veerapen N; Besra GS; Clarke NE; Foley EK; Ravi A; MacCarthy F; O'Toole D; Ravi N; Reynolds JV; Conroy MJ; Hogan AE; O'Sullivan J; Dunne MR; (2019) 'Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cells Display Diminished Effector Capacity in Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma'. Frontiers in Immunology, 10 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Brennan K; O'Leary BD; Mc Laughlin D; Kinlen D; Molloy EJ; Cody D; Paran S; McAuliffe FM; Hogan AE; Doyle SL; (2019) 'Nucleic acid cytokine responses in obese children and infants of obese mothers'. Cytokine, 119 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Giannoudaki E; Hernandez-Santana YE; Mulfaul K; Doyle SL; Hams E; Fallon PG; Mat A; O'Shea D; Kopf M; Hogan AE; Walsh PT; (2019) 'Interleukin-36 cytokines alter the intestinal microbiome and can protect against obesity and metabolic dysfunction'. Nature Communications, 10 (1). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 O'Brien A; Loftus RM; Pisarska MM; Tobin LM; Bergin R; Wood NAW; Foley C; Mat A; Tinley FC; Bannan C; Sommerville G; Veerapen N; Besra GS; Sinclair LV; Moynagh PN; Lynch L; Finlay DK; O'Shea D; Hogan AE; (2019) 'Obesity Reduces mTORC1 Activity in Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cells, Driving Defective Metabolic and Functional Responses'. Journal of Immunology, 202 (12). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Michelet X; Dyck L; Hogan A; Loftus RM; Duquette D; Wei K; Beyaz S; Tavakkoli A; Foley C; Donnelly R; O'Farrelly C; Raverdeau M; Vernon A; Pettee W; O'Shea D; Nikolajczyk BS; Mills KHG; Brenner MB; Finlay D; Lynch L; (2018) 'Metabolic reprogramming of natural killer cells in obesity limits antitumor responses'. Nature Immunology, 19 (12). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 O'Connell, J; Lynch, L; Hogan, A; Cawood, TJ; O'Shea, D (2011) 'Preadipocyte Factor-1 Is Associated with Metabolic Profile in Severe Obesity'. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 96 :680-684. [DOI]


Year Publication
2022 Breen C.; O'Connell J.; Geoghegan J.; O'Shea D.; Birney S.; Tully L.; Gaynor K.; O'Kelly M.; O'Malley G.; O'Donovan C.; Lyons O.; Flynn M.; Allen S.; Arthurs N.; Browne S.; Byrne M.; Callaghan S.; Collins C.; Courtney A.; Crotty M.; Donohue C.; Donovan C.; Dunlevy C.; Duggan D.; Fearon N.; Finucane F.; Fitzgerald I.; Foy S.; Garvey J.; Gibson I.; Glynn L.; Gregg E.; Griffin A.; Harrington J.M.; Heary C.; Heneghan H.; Hogan A.; Hynes M.; Kearney C.; Kelly D.; Neff K.; Le Roux C.W.; Manning S.; McAuliffe F.; Moore S.; Moran N.; Murphy M.; Murrin C.; O'Brien S.M.; O'Donnell C.; O'Dwyer S.; O'Grada C.; O'Malley E.; O'Reilly O.; O'Reilly S.; Porter O.; Roche H.M.; Rhynehart A.; Ryan L.; Seery S.; Soare C.; Shaamile F.; Walsh A.; Woods C.; Yoder R. (2022) Obesity in Adults: A 2022 Adapted Clinical Practice Guideline for Ireland. [Reviews] [DOI]
2020 Pisarska M.M.; Dunne M.R.; O'Shea D.; Hogan A.E. (2020) Interleukin-17 producing mucosal associated invariant T cells - emerging players in chronic inflammatory diseases?. [Reviews] [DOI] [Full-Text]

Publication Letters

Year Publication
2017 Malara A; Hughes R; Jennings L; Sweeney CM; Lynch M; Awdeh F; Timoney I; Tobin AM; Lynam-Loane K; Tobin L; Hogan A; O'Shea D; Kirby B; (2017) Adipokines are dysregulated in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa. [Publication Letters] [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2023 Kedia-Mehta, N.; Hogan, A.E. (2023) MAITabolism2 – the emerging understanding of MAIT cell metabolism and their role in metabolic disease. [Link] [DOI]
2023 De Barra, C.; O'Shea, D.; Hogan, A.E. (2023) NK cells vs. obesity: A tale of dysfunction & redemption. [Link] [DOI]
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