All-Ireland RNA Club

The All-Ireland RNA club was set-up in 2023 to create a network for Ireland-based RNA researchers, providing opportunities for regular interactions and new collaborations.

For 2023/24, we received funding through the RNA Society ‘RNA salon’ scheme. We thank the RNA Society and its sponsor Lexogen for this funding to facilitate our activities.
We support RNA research broadly, stretching from basic science to the design and testing of RNA therapeutics and delivery systems. Researchers in the network study non-coding RNAs, circular RNAs, RNA viruses, RNA-binding proteins, RNA modifications, mRNA translation, etc.
Our network welcomes all RNA researchers on the island of Ireland, please get in touch with [email protected] if you would like to be added to our mailing list. Our events are free to attend.
The network aims to support early career RNA researchers in particular, giving them opportunities to present their research regularly in a low stakes’ environment, access to a network of fellow RNA researchers, and the chance to participate actively in the planning and hosting of RNA club activities. We are committed to promoting gender equality, inclusion, and diversity at all our events.
The inaugural meeting of the All-Ireland RNA club was held in Maynooth University on the 16th of June 2023 and had around 55 attendees from 6 Irish universities, featuring a diverse programme of research overview presentations, flash-talks, and posters presentations. The programme can be found here. RNA programme
On the 1st of December 2023, we held a virtual half-day conference co-ordinated and hosted by our Queen’s University Belfast sub-group, with Dr Matthias Hentze (EMBL) as keynote speaker.
AI agenda 2023