The primary role of the Finance Office is to provide financial and administrative support to the academic and non-academic functions of the University, thereby facilitating the core teaching and research activities of the institution.
Staff should find our “Frequently asked questions” section helpful in dealing with any queries about procedures but do not hesitate to contact us directly if further clarification is required.
Tax Clearance Certificate
- Maynooth University
Prompt Payments Information
Is é príomhról na hOifige Airgeadais ná tacaíocht airgeadais agus riaracháin a chur ar fáil do na feidhmeanna acadúla agus neamhacadúla san Ollscoil, chun gur féidir príomhghníomhaíochtaí teagaisc agus taighde na hinstitiúide feidhmiú go héifeachtach.
Ba chóir go gcabhródh ár gcuid den leathanach gréasáin ar an nglaoitear "Ceisteanna Coitianta" le haon cheisteanna faoi nósanna imeachta ach ná bíodh leisce ort teagmháil a dhéanamh linn go díreach má tá tuilleadh soiléirithe ag teastáil. Tax Clearance Certificate - Ollscoil Mhá Nuad
deimhniú imréitigh cánach