We cater for 44 children, which is divided into the following groups:
Services by Age
ToggleWaddler Room
Caters for 10 children
Age range: 1 yr - 2.5 yrs
Ratio: 1:5
The room provides a wide range of activities to aid all areas of development. On offer are puzzles, music, books, circle time, sand and messy and home play, to name but a few. To further enhance children's interest and development: monthly themes are carried out such as, colours, farm animals, pets, shapes. Children will have lots of opportunity to play outside therefore ensure appropriate clothing is provided. Time for sleep or rest is allocated for whenever waddler's need it.

Toddler Room
Caters for 6 children
Age range: approximately 2 yrs and 3 yrs
Ratio: 1:6
For busy hands and curious minds, this room provides short structured programmes, such as sand and water, puzzles, circle time, music and dance, assorted arts and crafts, construction play. Varied learning programmes through monthly curriculum themes e.g. : shapes, numbers, colours, etc. also aids areas of development.
Children will have plenty of opportunity to play outside therefore ensure appropriate clothing is provided. Time for sleep or rest is allocated after the children's lunch time.

Caters for 6 children
Age range: 2 yrs to 3.5 yrs
Ratio: 1:6
We focus on your child's overall development and use a variety of toys and equipment to aid and refine your child's physical, intellectual emotional and social skills. Children are still very young so short works periods are encouraged. Table top activities such as jigsaws, sorting and pairing are introduced to promote motor skills and hand eye co-ordination along with introducing children to basic numeracy and literacy skills. Home corner, role play, various arts, crafts and music also contribute to developing your Childs' growing confidence. Varied learning programmes through monthly themes for example: friendship, transport, nursery rhymes also aid areas of development and interest. Outdoor play is very important and children are given plenty of opportunity to go outside, therefore ensure that appropriate clothing is provided. Time for sleep or rest is provided every day after lunch time.
Caters for 16 children
Age range: 3yrs to school going age
Ratio: 1:8
Focus hre is on the whole child and developing the Childs' physical, intellectual, emotional and social skills. Once your child is in pre-school they are encouraged to be independent in toilet facilities, meal times and self care. children are encouraged to get involved in the planning of their day. This room provides a variety of activities taking into account diversity and equality. Monthly curriculum themes such as life cycles, community workers, me and my family also support learning and interests. Children are given plenty of opportunity to go outside, it is essential that appropriate clothing is provided.