Kimberly Wright pursued her studies in law as, from a young age, she recognised the importance of law for society in the way it protects individuals' rights and ensures order. Last year, she graduated from Maynooth University Department of Law with a Bachelor of Civil Law Degree specialising in law and criminology. During the course of her degree she completed a module in International Criminal Law which, in turn inspired her to further her studies in law on an international scale. In addition, she was moved by the global response relative to the Covid–19 pandemic and how, in the face of chaos, the law has reformed to deal with this crisis. Subsequently she decided to undertake her masters in global legal studies. One of Kimberly's chosen modules on the masters was the placement programme. Kimberly chose ALL Institute because it gave her the opportunity to learn from its members who work tirelessly to implement positive change through law and policies in their many research projects dedicated to improving and enhancing the lives of all. She plans to pursue a career in law and penal policy and make a real change by improving legal systems to adapt with modern times and the new challenges we all face. The diverse nature of this masters, its modules, and the invaluable learning experience from her placement will enable her to use her degree in a variety of ways. Kimberly feels travelling abroad will give insight into the diversity of people and cultures whilst observing the functioning and implementation of laws in different jurisdictions.
We wish Kimberly every success in her studies.
ALL Institute Hosts student Kimberly Wright as part of her postgraduate studies in Global Legal Studies.
ToggleALL Institute Hosts student Kimberly Wright as part of her postgraduate studies in Global Legal Studies.
Monday, March 8, 2021 - 12:15