Maynooth Campus has been transformed in the last few years, adjusting every aspect of how the grounds and infrastructure are maintained. Every action that was taken on the campus grounds had pollinators in mind. Actions such as 'don’t mow, let it grow' (15+acres), planting flower beds and wildflower meadows, reducing the usage of pesticide and rewilding some areas have all been introduced around the campus
As well as transforming the campus into a more pollinator friendly environment, Maynooth Green Campus Group has worked hard to bring awareness to students, staff, and visitors about the importance of all pollinators. We have run several events in the past year such as 'native seed bomb' workshop, 'solitary bee box' making workshop, nature, and biodiversity walks/tours around campus. This has allowed us to showcase some of the actions that have been taken.
Please, join us next time (whenever we can) so you can see all our efforts.
Go raibh maith agat to all!
More about the AIPP Awards here: https://pollinators.ie/2020-green-flag-pollinator-awards.../