The MU Teaching and Learning Reading Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm during term time.
Each meeting focuses on 1-2 readings (academic articles or books chapters) centred on a monthly theme, predominantly in the areas of teaching, learning and assessment, with some occasional sessions dedicated to the broader context within which these activities occur (past examples include Student Feedback Literacies, Generative Artificial Intelligence, Student Reading Practice, and Assessment Practice).
The reading group convenor is Dr Adrian Kirwan ([email protected]), Critical Skills.
Should you like to join the group please contact Dr Kirwan at the email address above.
Upcoming meetings:
11 Feb. (venue RW.01, Rowan House), 2-3 pm. Topic: Student Feedback Literacies.
4 March (SE235, School of Education), 2-3 pm. Topic: Decolonising Higher Education.
1 April (SE235, School of Education), 2-3 pm. Topic: Gardens and Nature in Higher Education.