On Monday 19th June, a new book – “Monaghan, History and Society: Interdisciplinary Essays on the History of an Irish County” – was launched in St. McCartan’s College in Monaghan Town; an event that was chaired by RTE’s Audrey Carville. This book – running to 925 pages and involving 36 different chapters - was edited by Prof. Paddy Duffy, Emeritus Professor at the Maynooth University Department of Geography, who himself also contributed three of the thirty six chapters in this book. A number of other Maynooth University people also contributed to this book, including Prof. Terrence Dooley, Professor in the Department of History, Dr. Proinnsias Breathnach, Senior Emeritus Lecturer in the Department of Geography, and Dr. Adrian Kavanagh, Lecturer in the Department of Geography.
The book chapters contributed by Maynooth University staff/emeritus staff were:
- Historians of modern Monaghan, Patrick Duffy (pp.1-16)
- Exploring townland geographies: Landholding and landscape in County Monaghan from the sixteenth century, Patrick Duffy (pp.265-316)
- Agricultural change and the growth of the creamery system in Monaghan, 1855-1920, Proinnsias Breathnach (pp.617-642)
- ‘Insane Feiners’: The 1916 Rising in County Monaghan and its Commemoration in 1966, Terence Dooley (pp.687-712)
- A Century of Elections in Monaghan, Adrian Kavanagh (pp.729-754)
- ‘Important places and great events: Patsy Duffy’s diaries of everyday life in Monaghan in the 1930s and 1940s, Patrick Duffy (pp.803-844)
The book is published by Geography Publications. More details on the book may be found here .