Dr Créidhe O'Sullivan

Experimental Physics, Physics

Associate Professor

Science Building
(01) 708 3953


BSc (NUI) 1988-1992 PhD (Cantab) 1992-1995 Research Scientist, NMRC, UCC, 1995-1996 EU Presidency Post. Doc. Fellow, NUI Galway, 1996-1998 Contract Lecturer NUI, Maynooth, 1998-2000 Lecturer NUI, Maynooth, 2000-2006 Senior Lecturer, NUI, Maynooth 2006 -  


Year Publication
2012 O'Sullivan, Créidhe & Murphy, J. Anthony (2012) Field Guide to Terahertz Sources, Detectors, and Optics. : SPIE Press.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2015 Räisänen A.; Lioubtchenko D.; Generalov A.; Murphy J.; O'Sullivan C.; Gradziel M.; Trappe N.; Garcia Muñoz L.; Garcia-Lamperez A.; Montero-de-Paz J. (2015) 'Propagation at THz Frequencies' In: Semiconductor THz Technology: Devices and Systems at Room Temperature Operation. [DOI]
2013 Murphy J.A.; O'Sullivan C. (2013) 'Terahertz Optics' In: Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging. Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London : Springer. [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 J.-Ch. Hamilton and L. Mousset and E.S. Battistelli and P. de Bernardis and M.-A. Bigot-Sazy and P. Chanial and R. Charlassier and G. D\textquotesingleAlessandro and M. De Petris and M.M. Gamboa Lerena and L. Grandsire and S. Landau and S. Mandelli and S. Marnieros and S. Masi and A. Mennella and C. O\textquotesingleSullivan and M. Piat and G. Ricciardi and C.G. Sc\'occola and M. Stolpovskiy and A. Tartari and S.A. Torchinsky and F. Voisin and M. Zannoni and P. Ade and J.G. Alberro and A. Almela and G. Amico and L.H. Arnaldi and D. Auguste and J. Aumont and S. Azzoni and S. Banfi and A. Ba\`u and B. B\'elier and D. Bennett and L. Berg\'e and J.-Ph. Bernard and M. Bersanelli and J. Bonaparte and J. Bonis and E. Bunn and D. Burke and D. Buzi and F. Cavaliere and C. Chapron and A.C. Cobos Cer (2022) 'QUBIC I: Overview and science program'. 2022 (04). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Mousset L.; Gamboa Lerena M.M.; Battistelli E.S.; De Bernardis P.; Chanial P.; D'Alessandro G.; Dashyan G.; De Petris M.; Grandsire L.; Hamilton J.C.; Incardona F.; Landau S.; Marnieros S.; Masi S.; Mennella A.; O'Sullivan C.; Piat M.; Ricciardi G.; Scóccola C.G.; Stolpovskiy M.; Tartari A.; Thermeau J.P.; Torchinsky S.A.; Voisin F.; Zannoni M.; Ade P.; Alberro J.G.; Almela A.; Amico G.; Arnaldi L.H.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Azzoni S.; Banfi S.; Baù A.; Bélier B.; Bennett D.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.P.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.A.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Cavaliere F.; Chapron C.; Charlassier R.; Cobos Cerutti A.C.; Columbro F.; Coppolecchia A.; De Gasperis G.; De Leo M.; Dheilly S.; Duca C.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Ferreyro L.P.; Fracchia D.; Franceschet C.; Ganga K.M.; García B.; García Redondo M.E.; Gaspard M.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Gilles V.; Giraud-Heraud Y.; Gómez Berisso M.; González M.; Gradziel M.; Hampel M.R.; Harari D.; Henrot-Versillé S.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Maffei B.; Mandelli S.; Marty W.; Mattei A.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Mele L.; Melo D.; Montier L.; Mundo L.M.; Murphy J.A.; Murphy J.D.; Nati F.; Olivieri E.; Oriol C.; Paiella A.; Pajot F. (2022) 'QUBIC II: Spectral polarimetry with bolometric interferometry'. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022 (4). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 S.A. Torchinsky and J.-Ch. Hamilton and M. Piat and E.S. Battistelli and P. de Bernardis and C. Chapron and G. D\textquotesingleAlessandro and M. De Petris and M.M. Gamboa Lerena and M. Gonz\'alez and L. Grandsire and S. Marnieros and S. Masi and A. Mennella and L. Mousset and J.D. Murphy and C. O\textquotesingleSullivan and D. Pr\^ele and G. Stankowiak and A. Tartari and J.-P. Thermeau and F. Voisin and M. Zannoni and P. Ade and J.G. Alberro and A. Almela and G. Amico and L.H. Arnaldi and D. Auguste and J. Aumont and S. Azzoni and S. Banfi and A. Ba\`u and B. B\'elier and D. Bennett and L. Berg\'e and J.-Ph. Bernard and M. Bersanelli and M.-A. Bigot-Sazy and J. Bonaparte and J. Bonis and E. Bunn and D. Burke and D. Buzi and F. Cavaliere and P. Chanial and R. Charlassier and A.C. Cobos Cer (2022) 'QUBIC III: Laboratory characterization'. 2022 (04). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 M. Piat and G. Stankowiak and E.S. Battistelli and P. de Bernardis and G. D\textquotesingleAlessandro and M. De Petris and L. Grandsire and J.-Ch. Hamilton and T.D. Hoang and S. Marnieros and S. Masi and A. Mennella and L. Mousset and C. O\textquotesingleSullivan and D. Pr\^ele and A. Tartari and J.-P. Thermeau and S.A. Torchinsky and F. Voisin and M. Zannoni and P. Ade and J.G. Alberro and A. Almela and G. Amico and L.H. Arnaldi and D. Auguste and J. Aumont and S. Azzoni and S. Banfi and A. Ba\`u and B. B\'elier and D. Bennett and L. Berg\'e and J.-Ph. Bernard and M. Bersanelli and M.-A. Bigot-Sazy and J. Bonaparte and J. Bonis and E. Bunn and D. Burke and D. Buzi and F. Cavaliere and P. Chanial and C. Chapron and R. Charlassier and A.C. Cobos Cerutti and F. Columbro and A. Coppolecchia a (2022) 'QUBIC IV: Performance of TES bolometers and readout electronics'. 2022 (04). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 S. Masi and E.S. Battistelli and P. de Bernardis and C. Chapron and F. Columbro and A. Coppolecchia and G. D\textquotesingleAlessandro and M. De Petris and L. Grandsire and J.-Ch. Hamilton and L. Lamagna and S. Marnieros and A. May and L. Mele and A. Mennella and C. O\textquotesingleSullivan and A. Paiella and F. Piacentini and M. Piat and L. Piccirillo and G. Presta and A. Schillaci and A. Tartari and J.-P. Thermeau and S.A. Torchinsky and F. Voisin and M. Zannoni and P. Ade and J.G. Alberro and A. Almela and G. Amico and L.H. Arnaldi and D. Auguste and J. Aumont and S. Azzoni and S. Banfi and A. Ba\`u and B. B\'elier and D. Bennett and L. Berg\'e and J.-Ph. Bernard and M. Bersanelli and M.-A. Bigot-Sazy and J. Bonaparte and J. Bonis and E. Bunn and D. Burke and D. Buzi and F. Cavaliere a (2022) 'QUBIC V: Cryogenic system design and performance'. 2022 (04). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 G. D\textquotesingleAlessandro and L. Mele and F. Columbro and G. Amico and E.S. Battistelli and P. de Bernardis and A. Coppolecchia and M. De Petris and L. Grandsire and J.-Ch. Hamilton and L. Lamagna and S. Marnieros and S. Masi and A. Mennella and C. O\textquotesingleSullivan and A. Paiella and F. Piacentini and M. Piat and G. Pisano and G. Presta and A. Tartari and S.A. Torchinsky and F. Voisin and M. Zannoni and P. Ade and J.G. Alberro and A. Almela and L.H. Arnaldi and D. Auguste and J. Aumont and S. Azzoni and S. Banfi and A. Ba\`u and B. B\'elier and D. Bennett and L. Berg\'e and J.-Ph. Bernard and M. Bersanelli and M.-A. Bigot-Sazy and J. Bonaparte and J. Bonis and E. Bunn and D. Burke and D. Buzi and F. Cavaliere and P. Chanial and C. Chapron and R. Charlassier and A.C. Cobos Cer (2022) 'QUBIC VI: Cryogenic half wave plate rotator, design and performance'. 2022 (04). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 F. Cavaliere and A. Mennella and M. Zannoni and P. Battaglia and E.S. Battistelli and P. de Bernardis and D. Burke and G. D\textquotesingleAlessandro and M. De Petris and C. Franceschet and L. Grandsire and J.-Ch. Hamilton and B. Maffei and B. Manzan and S. Marnieros and S. Masi and C. O\textquotesingleSullivan and A. Passerini and F. Pezzotta and M. Piat and A. Tartari and S.A. Torchinsky and D. Vigan\`o and F. Voisin and P. Ade and J.G. Alberro and A. Almela and G. Amico and L.H. Arnaldi and D. Auguste and J. Aumont and S. Azzoni and S. Banfi and A. Ba\`u and B. B\'elier and D. Bennett and L. Berg\'e and J.-Ph. Bernard and M. Bersanelli and M.-A. Bigot-Sazy and J. Bonaparte and J. Bonis and E. Bunn and D. Buzi and P. Chanial and C. Chapron and R. Charlassier and A.C. Cobos Cerutti and F. (2022) 'QUBIC VII: The feedhorn-switch system of the technological demonstrator'. 2022 (04). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 C. O'Sullivan and M. De Petris and G. Amico and E.S. Battistelli and P. de Bernardis and D. Burke and D. Buzi and C. Chapron and L. Conversi and G. D\textquotesingleAlessandro and M. De Leo and D. Gayer and L. Grandsire and J.-Ch. Hamilton and S. Marnieros and S. Masi and A. Mattei and A. Mennella and L. Mousset and J.D. Murphy and A. Pelosi and M. Perciballi and M. Piat and S. Scully and A. Tartari and S.A. Torchinsky and F. Voisin and M. Zannoni and A. Zullo and P. Ade and J.G. Alberro and A. Almela and L.H. Arnaldi and D. Auguste and J. Aumont and S. Azzoni and S. Banfi and A. Ba\`u and B. B\'elier and D. Bennett and L. Berg\'e and J.-Ph. Bernard and M. Bersanelli and M.-A. Bigot-Sazy and J. Bonaparte and J. Bonis and E. Bunn and F. Cavaliere and P. Chanial and R. Charlas (2022) 'QUBIC VIII: Optical design and performance'. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022 (04). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 D’Alessandro G.; Battistelli E.S.; de Bernardis P.; De Petris M.; Gamboa Lerena M.M.; Grandsire L.; Hamilton J.C.; Marnieros S.; Masi S.; Mennella A.; Mousset L.; O’Sullivan C.; Piat M.; Tartari A.; Torchinsky S.A.; Voisin F.; Zannoni M.; Ade P.; Alberro J.G.; Almela A.; Amico G.; Arnaldi L.H.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Azzoni S.; Banfi S.; Baù A.; Bélier B.; Bennett D.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.P.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.A.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Chapron C.; Charlassier R.; Cobos Cerutti A.C.; Columbro F.; Coppolecchia A.; De Gasperis G.; De Leo M.; Dheilly S.; Duca C.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Ferreyro L.P.; Fracchia D.; Franceschet C.; Ganga K.M.; García B.; García Redondo M.E.; Gaspard M.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Gilles V.; Giraud-Heraud Y.; Gómez Berisso M.; González M.; Gradziel M.; Hampel M.R.; Harari D.; Henrot-Versillé S.; Incardona F.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Maffei B.; Marty W.; Mattei A.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Mele L.; Melo D.; Montier L.; Mundo L.M.; Murphy J.A.; Murphy J.D.; Nati F.; Olivieri E.; Oriol C.; Paiella A.; Pajot F.; Passerini A.; Pastoriza H.; Pelosi A.; Perbost C.; Perciballi M.; Pezzotta F.; Piacentini F. (2022) 'QUBIC Experiment Toward the First Light'. Low Temperature Physics, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Marnieros S.; Ade P.; Alberro J.; Almela A.; Amico G.; Arnaldi L.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Azzoni S.; Banfi S.; Battaglia P.; Battistelli E.; Baù A.; Bélier B.; Bennett D.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.; Bleurvacq N.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bottani A.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Chapron C.; Charlassier R.; Columbro F.; Coppolecchia A.; D’Alessandro G.; de Bernardis P.; De Gasperis G.; De Leo M.; De Petris M.; Dheilly S.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Ferreyro L.; Fracchia D.; Franceschet C.; Gamboa Lerena M.; Ganga K.; García B.; García Redondo M.; Gaspard M.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Gilles V.; Giraud-Heraud Y.; Gómez Berisso M.; González M.; Gradziel M.; Grandsire L.; Hamilton J.; Harari D.; Henrot-Versillé S.; Hoang D.; Incardona F.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Maffei B.; Marty W.; Masi S.; Mattei A.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Mele L.; Melhuish S.; Mennella A.; Montier L.; Mousset L.; Mundo L.; Murphy J.; Nati F.; Olivieri E.; Oriol C.; O’Sullivan C.; Paiella A.; Pajot F.; Passerini A.; Pastoriza H.; Pelosi A.; Perbost C.; Perciballi M.; Pezzotta F.; Piacentini F.; Piat M.; Piccirillo L.; Pisano G.; Platino M. (2020) 'TES Bolometer Arrays for the QUBIC B-Mode CMB Experiment'. Low Temperature Physics, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Piat, M; Belier, B; Berge, L; Bleurvacq, N; Chapron, C; Dheilly, S; Dumoulin, L; Gonzalez, M; Grandsire, L; Hamilton, JC; Henrot-Versille, S; Hoang, DT; Marnieros, S; Marty, W; Montier, L; Olivieri, E; Oriol, C; Perbost, C; Prele, D; Rambaud, D; Salatino, M; Stankowiak, G; Thermeau, JP; Torchinsky, S; Voisin, F; Ade, P; Alberro, JG; Almela, A; Amico, G; Arnaldi, LH; Auguste, D; Aumont, J; Azzoni, S; Banfi, S; Battaglia, P; Battistelli, ES; Bau, A; Bennett, D; Bernard, JP; Bersanelli, M; Bigot-Sazy, MA; Bonaparte, J; Bonis, J; Bottani, A; Bunn, E; Burke, D; Buzi, D; Buzzelli, A; Cavaliere, F; Chanial, P; Charlassier, R; Columbro, F; Coppi, G; Coppolecchia, A; D' Alessandro, G; de Bernardis, P; De Gasperis, G; De Leo, M; De Petris, M; Di Donato, A; Etchegoyen, A; Fasciszewski, A; Ferreyro, LP; Fracchia, D; Franceschet, C; Lerena, MMG; Ganga, K; Garcia, B; Redondo, MEG; Gaspard, M; Gault, A; Gayer, D; Gervasi, M; Giard, M; Gilles, V; Giraud-Heraud, Y; Berisso, MG; Gradziel, M; Harari, D; Haynes, V; Incardona, F; Jules, E; Kaplan, J; Korotkov, A; Kristukat, C; Lamagna, L; Loucatos, S; Louis, T; Luterstein, R; Maffei, B; Masi, S; Mattei, A; May, A; McCulloch, M; Medina, MC; Mele, L; Melhuish, S; Mennella, A; Mousset, L; Mundo, LM; Murphy, JA; Murphy, JD; Nati, F; O' Sullivan, C; Paiella, A; Pajot, F; Passerini, A; Pastoriza, H; Pelosi, A; Perciballi, M; Pezzotta, F; Piacentini, F; Piccirillo, L; Pisano, G; Platino, M; Polenta, G; Puddu, R; Ringegni, P; Romero, GE; Salum, JM; Schillaci, A; Scoccola, C; Scully, S; Spinelli, S; Stolpovskiy, M; Suarez, F; Tartari, A; Timbie, P; Tomasi, M; Tucker, C; Tucker, G; Vanneste, S; Vigano, D; Vittorio, N; Watson, B; Wicek, F; Zannoni, M; Zullo, A (2020) 'QUBIC: Using NbSi TESs with a Bolometric Interferometer to Characterize the Polarization of the CMB'. Low Temperature Physics, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Sugai, H; Ade, PAR; Akiba, Y; Alonso, D; Arnold, K; Aumont, J; Austermann, J; Baccigalupi, C; Banday, AJ; Banerji, R; Barreiro, RB; Basak, S; Beall, J; Beckman, S; Bersanelli, M; Borrill, J; Boulanger, F; Brown, ML; Bucher, M; Buzzelli, A; Calabrese, E; Casas, FJ; Challinor, A; Chan, V; Chinone, Y; Cliche, J-F; Columbro, F; Cukierman, A; Curtis, D; Danto, P; de Bernardis, P; de Haan, T; De Petris, M; Dickinson, C; Dobbs, M; Dotani, T; Duband, L; Ducout, A; Duff, S; Duivenvoorden, A; Duval, J-M; Ebisawa, K; Elleflot, T; Enokida, H; Eriksen, HK; Errard, J; Essinger-Hileman, T; Finelli, F; Flauger, R; Franceschet, C; Fuskeland, U; Ganga, K; Gao, J-R; Genova-Santos, R; Ghigna, T; Gomez, A; Gradziel, ML; Grain, J; Grupp, F; Gruppuso, A; Gudmundsson, JE; Halverson, NW; Hargrave, P; Hasebe, T; Hasegawa, M; Hattori, M; Hazumi, M; Henrot-Versille, S; Herranz, D; Hill, C; Hilton, G; Hirota, Y; Hivon, E; Hlozek, R; Hoang, D-T; Hubmayr, J; Ichiki, K; Iida, T; Imada, H; Ishimura, K; Ishino, H; Jaehnig, GC; Jones, M; Kaga, T; Kashima, S; Kataoka, Y; Katayama, N; Kawasaki, T; Keskitalo, R; Kibayashi, A; Kikuchi, T; Kimura, K; Kisner, T; Kobayashi, Y; Kogiso, N; Kogut, A; Kohri, K; Komatsu, E; Komatsu, K; Konishi, K; Krachmalnicoff, N; Kuo, CL; Kurinsky, N; Kushino, A; Kuwata-Gonokami, M; Lamagna, L; Lattanzi, M; Lee, AT; Linder, E; Maffei, B; Maino, D; Maki, M; Mangilli, A; Martinez-Gonzalez, E; Masi, S; Mathon, R; Matsumura, T; Mennella, A; Migliaccio, M; Minami, Y; Mistuda, K; Molinari, D; Montier, L; Morgante, G; Mot, B; Murata, Y; Murphy, JA; Nagai, M; Nagata, R; Nakamura, S; Namikawa, T; Natoli, P; Nerval, S; Nishibori, T; Nishino, H; Nomura, Y; Noviello, F; O' Sullivan, C; Ochi, H; Ogawa, H; Ogawa, H; Ohsaki, H; Ohta, I; Okada, N; Okada, N; Pagano, L; Paiella, A; Paoletti, D; Patanchon, G; Piacentini, F; Pisano, G; Polenta, G; Poletti, D; Prouve, T; Puglisi, G; Rambaud, D; Raum, C; Realini, S; Remazeilles, M; Roudil, G; Rubino-Martin, JA; Russell, M; Sakurai, H; Sakurai, Y; Sandri, M; Savini, G; Scott, D; Sekimoto, Y; Sherwin, BD; Shinozaki, K; Shiraishi, M; Shirron, P; Signorelli, G; Smecher, G; Spizzi, P; Stever, SL; Stompor, R; Sugiyama, S; Suzuki, A; Suzuki, J; Switzer, E; Takaku, R; Takakura, H; Takakura, S; Takeda, Y; Taylor, A; Taylor, E; Terao, Y; Thompson, KL; Thorne, B; Tomasi, M; Tomida, H; Trappe, N; Tristram, M; Tsuji, M; Tsujimoto, M; Tucker, C; Ullom, J; Uozumi, S; Utsunomiya, S; Van Lanen, J; Vermeulen, G; Vielva, P; Villa, F; Vissers, M; Vittorio, N; Voisin, F; Walker, I; Watanabe, N; Wehus, I; Weller, J; Westbrook, B; Winter, B; Wollack, E; Yamamoto, R; Yamasaki, NY; Yanagisawa, M; Yoshida, T; Yumoto, J; Zannoni, M; Zonca, A (2020) 'Updated Design of the CMB Polarization Experiment Satellite LiteBIRD'. Low Temperature Physics, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Battistelli, ES; Ade, P; Alberro, JG; Almela, A; Amico, G; Arnaldi, LH; Auguste, D; Aumont, J; Azzoni, S; Banfi, S; Battaglia, P; Bau, A; Belier, B; Bennett, D; Berge, L; Bernard, JP; Bersanelli, M; Bigot-Sazy, MA; Bleurvacq, N; Bonaparte, J; Bonis, J; Bottani, A; Bunn, E; Burke, D; Buzi, D; Buzzelli, A; Cavaliere, F; Chanial, P; Chapron, C; Charlassier, R; Columbro, F; Coppi, G; Coppolecchia, A; D' Alessandro, G; de Bernardis, P; De Gasperis, G; De Leo, M; De Petris, M; Dheilly, S; Di Donato, A; Dumoulin, L; Etchegoyen, A; Fasciszewski, A; Ferreyro, LP; Fracchia, D; Franceschet, C; Lerena, MMG; Ganga, K; Garcia, B; Redondo, MEG; Gaspard, M; Gault, A; Gayer, D; Gervasi, M; Giard, M; Gilles, V; Giraud-Heraud, Y; Berisso, MG; Gonzalez, M; Gradziel, M; Grandsire, L; Hamilton, JC; Harari, D; Haynes, V; Henrot-Versill, S; Hoang, DT; Incardona, F; Jules, E; Kaplan, J; Korotkov, A; Kristukat, C; Lamagna, L; Loucatos, S; Louis, T; Luterstein, R; Maffei, B; Marnieros, S; Marty, W; Masi, S; Mattei, A; May, A; McCulloch, M; Medina, MC; Mele, L; Melhuish, S; Mennella, A; Montier, L; Mousset, L; Mundo, LM; Murphy, JA; Murphy, JD; Nati, F; Olivieri, E; Oriol, C; O' Sullivan, C; Paiella, A; Pajot, F; Passerini, A; Pastoriza, H; Pelosi, A; Pisano, G; Platino, M; Polenta, G; Prele, D; Puddu, R; Rambaud, D; Ringegni, P; Romero, GE; Salatino, M; Salum, JM; Schillaci, A; Scoccola, C; Scully, S; Spinelli, S; Stankowiak, G; Stolpovskiy, M; Suarer, F; Tartari, A; Thermeau, JP; Timbie, R; Tomasi, M; Torchinsky, S; Tristram, M; Tucker, C; Tucker, G; Vanneste, S; Vigano, D; Vittorio, N; Voisin, F; Watson, B; Wicele, F; Zannoni, M; Zullo, A; Perbost, C; Perciballi, M; Pezzotta, F; Piacentini, F; Piat, M; Piccirillo, L (2020) 'QUBIC: The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology'. Low Temperature Physics, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 McCarthy D.; Trappe N.; Doherty S.; Murphy J.A.; Gradziel M.; Bracken C.; O'Sullivan C.; Audley M.D.; de Lange G.; van der Vorst M. (2020) 'Analysis of multi-mode waveguide cavities containing free space gaps for use in future far-infrared telescopes'. Infrared Physics and Technology, 105 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Mennella A.; Ade P.; Amico G.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Banfi S.; Barbaràn G.; Battaglia P.; Battistelli E.; Baù A.; Bélier B.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.; Bersanelli M.; Sazy M.; Bleurvacq N.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Buzzelli A.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Chapron C.; Charlassier R.; Columbro F.; Coppi G.; Coppolecchia A.; D'Agostino R.; D'Alessandro G.; De Bernardis P.; De Gasperis G.; De Leo M.; De Petris M.; Di Donato A.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Franceschet C.; Lerena M.; Garcia B.; Garrido X.; Gaspard M.; Gault A.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Héraud Y.; Berisso M.; González M.; Gradziel M.; Grandsire L.; Guerard E.; Hamilton J.; Harari D.; Haynes V.; Versillé S.; Hoang D.; Holtzer N.; Incardona F.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Korotkov A.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Lowitz A.; Lukovic V.; Luterstein R.; Maffei B.; Marnieros S.; Masi S.; Mattei A.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Medina M.; Mele L.; Melhuish S.; Montier L.; Mousset L.; Mundo L.; Murphy J.; O'Sullivan C.; Olivieri E.; Paiella A.; Pajot F.; Passerini A.; Pastoriza H.; Pelosi A.; Perbost C.; Perciballi M.; Pezzotta F.; Piacentini F.; Piat M.; Piccirillo L.; Pisano G.; Polenta G. (2019) 'QUBIC: Exploring the primordial universe with the Q&U bolometric interferometer'. Universe, 5 (2). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Delabrouille, J; de Bernardis, P; Bouchet, FR; Achucarro, A; Ade, PAR; Allison, R; Arroja, F; Artal, E; Ashdown, M; Baccigalupi, C; Ballardini, M; Banday, AJ; Banerji, R; Barbosa, D; Bartlett, J; Bartolo, N; Basak, S; Baselmans, JJA; Basu, K; Battistelli, ES; Battye, R; Baumann, D; Benoit, A; Bersanelli, M; Bideaud, A; Biesiada, M; Bilicki, M; Bonaldi, A; Bonato, M; Borrill, J; Boulanger, F; Brinckmann, T; Brown, ML; Bucher, M; Burigana, C; Buzzelli, A; Cabass, G; Cai, ZY; Calvo, M; Caputo, A; Carvalho, CS; Casas, FJ; Castellano, G; Catalano, A; Challinor, A; Charles, I; Chluba, J; Clements, DL; Clesse, S; Colafrancesco, S; Colantoni, I; Contreras, D; Coppolecchia, A; Crook, M; D'Alessandro, G; D'Amico, G; da Silva, A; de Avillez, M; de Gasperis, G; De Petris, M; de Zotti, G; Danese, L; Desert, FX; Desjacques, V; Di Valentino, E; Dickinson, C; Diego, JM; Doyle, S; Durrer, R; Dvorkin, C; Eriksen, HK; Errard, J; Feeney, S; Fernandez-Cobos, R; FineIli, F; Forastieri, F; Franceschet, C; Fuskeland, U; Galli, S; Genova-Santos, RT; Gerbino, M; Giusarma, E; Gomez, A; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J; Grandis, S; Greenslade, J; Goupy, J; Hagstotz, S; Hanany, S; Handley, W; Henrot-Versille, S; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C; Hervias-Caimapo, C; Hills, M; Hindmarsh, M; Hivon, E; Hoang, DT; Hooper, DC; Hu, B; Keihanen, E; Keskitalo, R; Kiiveri, K; Kisner, T; Kitching, T; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Lagache, G; Lamagna, L; Lapi, A; Lasenby, A; Lattanzi, M; Le Brun, AMC; Lesgourgues, J; Liguori, M; Lindholm, V; Lizarraga, J; Luzzi, G; Macias-Perez, JF; Maffei, B; Mandolesi, N; Martin, S; Martinez-Gonzalez, E; Martins, CJAP; Masi, S; Massardi, M; Matarrese, S; Mazzotta, P; McCarthy, D; Melchiorri, A; Melin, JB; Mennella, A; Mohr, J; Molinari, D; Monfardini, A; Montier, L; Natoli, P; Negrello, M; Notari, A; Noviello, F; Oppizzi, F; O'Sullivan, C; Pagano, L; Paiella, A; Pajer, E; Paoletti, D; Paradiso, S; Partridge, RB; Patanchon, G; Patil, SP; Perdereau, O; Piacentini, F; Piat, M; Pisano, G; Polastri, L; Polenta, G; Pollo, A; Ponthieu, N; Poulin, V; Prele, D; Quartin, M; Ravenni, A; Remazeilles, M; Renzi, A; Ringeval, C; Roest, D; Roman, M; Roukema, BF; Rubino-Martin, JA; Salvati, L; Scott, D; Serjeant, S; Signorelli, G; Starobinsky, AA; Sunyaev, R; Tan, CY; Tartari, A; Tasinato, G; Toffolatti, L; Tomasi, M; Torrado, J; Tramonte, D; Trappe, N; Triqueneaux, S; Tristram, M; Trombetti, T; Tucci, M; Tucker, C; Urrestilla, J; Valiviita, J; Van de Weygaert, R; Van Tent, B; Vennin, V; Verde, L; Vermeulen, G; Vielva, P; Vittorio, N; Voisin, F; Wallis, C; Wandelt, B; Wehus, IK; Weller, J; Young, K; Zannoni, M (2018) 'Exploring cosmic origins with CORE Survey requirements and mission design'. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Bracken, CP; Lightfoot, J; O'Sullivan, C; Murphy, JA; Donohoe, A; Savini, G; Juanola-Parramon, R (2018) 'Multimode simulations of a wide field of view double-Fourier far-infrared spatio-spectral interferometer'. Journal Of Astronomical Telescopes Instruments And Systems, 4 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Bracken C.; O'Sullivan C.; Murphy J.; Donohoe A.; Savini G.; Lightfoot J.; Juanola-Parramon R. (2016) 'Quasi-optical analysis of a far-infrared spatio-spectral space interferometer concept'. Infrared Physics and Technology, 77 :171-178. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 McAuley I.; Murphy J.; McCarthy D.; Gradziel M.; Mahon R.; O’Sullivan C.; Trappe N. (2016) 'Determination of the Phase Centers of Millimeter-Wave Horn Antennas Using a Holographic Interference Technique'. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, :1-16. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Tartari A.; Aumont J.; Banfi S.; Battaglia P.; Battistelli E.; Baù A.; Bélier B.; Bennett D.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.; Bleurvacq N.; Bordier G.; Brossard J.; Bunn E.; Buzi D.; Cammilleri D.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Chapron C.; Coppolecchia A.; D’Alessandro G.; De Bernardis P.; Decourcelle T.; Del Torto F.; De Petris M.; Dumoulin L.; Franceschet C.; Gault A.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Ghribi A.; Giard M.; Giraud-Héraud Y.; Gradziel M.; Grandsire L.; Hamilton J.; Haynes V.; Holtzer N.; Kaplan J.; Korotkov A.; Lande J.; Lowitz A.; Maffei B.; Marnieros S.; Martino J.; Masi S.; McCulloch M.; Melhuish S.; Mennella A.; Montier L.; Murphy A.; Néel D.; Ng M.; O’Sullivan C.; Pajot F.; Passerini A.; Perbost C.; Piacentini F.; Piat M.; Piccirillo L.; Pisano G.; Prêle D.; Rambaud D.; Rigaut O.; Salatino M.; Schillaci A.; Scully S.; Stolpovskiy M.; Timbie P.; Tucker G.; Viganò D.; Voisin F.; Watson B.; Zannoni M. (2016) 'QUBIC: A Fizeau Interferometer Targeting Primordial B-Modes'. Low Temperature Physics, 184 (3-4):739-745. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 McCarthy D, Trappe N, Murphy JA, O'Sullivan C, Gradziel M, Doherty S, Huggard P,van der Vorst M, (2016) 'The optimisation, design and verification of feed horn structures for future Cosmic Microwave Background missions'. Infrared Physics and Technology, 76 :32-37. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Alves, M. I. R.; Armitage-Caplan, C.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Atrio-Barandela, F.; Aumont, J.; Aussel, H.; Baccigalupi, C.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; Barrena, R.; Bartelmann, M.; Bartlett, J. G.; Bartolo, N.; Basak, S.; Battaner, E.; Battye, R. Benabed, K.; Benoît, A.; Benoit-Lévy, A.; Bernard, J. -P.; Bersanelli, M.; Bertincourt, B.; Bethermin, M.; Bielewicz, P.; Bikmaev, I.; Blanchard, A.; Bobin, J.; Bock, J. J.; Böhringer, H.; Bonaldi, A.; Bonavera, L.; Bond, J. R.; Borrill, J.; Bouchet, F. R.; Boulanger, F.; Bourdin, H.; Bowyer, J. W.; Bridges, M.; Brown, M. L.; Bucher, M.; Burenin, R.; Burigana, C.; Butler, R. C.; Calabrese, E.; Cappellini, B.; Cardoso, J. -F.; Carr, R.; Carvalho, P.; Casale, M.; Castex, G.; Catalano, A.; Challinor, A.; Chamballu, A.; Chary, R. -R.; Chen, X.; Chiang, H. C.; Chiang, L. -Y.; Chon, G.; Christensen, P. R.; Churazov, E.; Church, S.; Clemens, M.; Clements, D. L.; Colombi, S.; Colombo, L. P. L.; Combet, C.; Comis, B.; Couchot, F.; Coulais, A.; Crill, B. P.; Cruz, M.; Curto, A.; Cuttaia, F.; Da Silva, A.; Dahle, H.; Danese, L.; Davies, R. D.; Davis, R. J.; de Bernardis, P.; de Rosa, A.; de Zotti, G.; Déchelette, T.; Delabrouille, J.; Delouis, J. -M.; Démoclès, J.; Désert, F. -X.; Dick, J.; Dickinson, C.; Diego, J. M.; Dolag, K.; Dole, H.; Donzelli, S.; Doré, O.; Douspis, M.; Ducout, A.; Dunkley, J.; Dupac, X.; Efstathiou, G.; Elsner, F.; Enßlin, T. A.; Eriksen, H. K.; Fabre, O.; Falgarone, E.; Falvella, M. C.; Fantaye, Y.; Fergusson, J.; Filliard, C.; Finelli, F.; Flores-Cacho, I.; Foley, S.; Forni, O.; Fosalba, P.; Frailis, M.; Fraisse, A. A.; Franceschi, E.; Freschi, M.; Fromenteau, S.; Frommert, M.; Gaier, T. C.; Galeotta, S.; Gallegos, J.; Galli, S.; Gandolfo, B.; Ganga, K.; Gauthier, C.; Génova-Santos, R. T.; Ghosh, T.; Giard, M.; Giardino, G.; Gilfanov, M.; Girard, D.; Giraud-Héraud, Y.; Gjerløw, E.; González-Nuevo, J.; Górski, K. M.; Gratton, S.; Gregorio, A.; Gruppuso, A.; Gudmundsson, J. E.; Haissinski, J.; Hamann, J.; Hansen, F. K.; Hansen, M.; Hanson, D.; Harrison, D. L.; Heavens, A.; Helou, G.; Hempel, A.; Henrot-Versillé, S.; Hernández-Monteagudo, C.; Herranz, D.; Hildebrandt, S. R.; Hivon, E.; Ho, S.; Hobson, M.; Holmes, W. A.; Hornstrup, A.; Hou, Z.; Hovest, W.; Huey, G.; Huffenberger, K. M.; Hurier, G.; Ilić, S.; Jaffe, A. H.; Jaffe, T. R.; Jasche, J.; Jewell, J.; Jones, W. C.; Juvela, M.; Kalberla, P.; Kangaslahti, P.; Keihänen, (2014) 'Planck 2013 results. I. Overview of products and scientific results'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 571 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Andre, P; Baccigalupi, C; Banday, A; Barbosa, D; Barreiro, B; Bartlett, J; Bartolo, N; Battistelli, E; Battye, R; Bendo, G; Benoit, A; Bernard, JP; Bersanelli, M; Bethermin, M; Bielewicz, P; Bonaldi, A; Bouchet, F; Boulanger, F; Brand, J; Bucher, M; Burigana, C; Cai, ZY; Camus, P; Casas, F; Casasola, V; Castex, G; Challinor, A; Chluba, J; Chon, G; Colafrancesco, S; Comis, B; Cuttaia, F; D'Alessandro, G; Da Silva, A; Davis, R; de Avillez, M; de Bernardis, P; de Petris, M; de Rosa, A; de Zotti, G; Delabrouille, J; Desert, FX; Dickinson, C; Diego, JM; Dunkley, J; Ensslin, T; Errard, J; Falgarone, E; Ferreira, P; Ferriere, K; Finelli, F; Fletcher, A; Fosalba, P; Fuller, G; Galli, S; Ganga, K; Garcia-Bellido, J; Ghribi, A; Giard, M; Giraud-Heraud, Y; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J; Grainge, K; Gruppuso, A; Hall, A; Hamilton, JC; Haverkorn, M; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C; Herranz, D; Jackson, M; Jaffe, A; Khatri, R; Kunz, M; Lamagna, L; Lattanzi, M; Leahy, P; Lesgourgues, J; Liguori, M; Liuzzo, E; Lopez-Caniego, M; Macias-Perez, J; Maffei, B; Maino, D; Mangilli, A; Martinez-Gonzalez, E; Martins, C; Masi, S; Massardi, M; Matarrese, S; Melchiorri, A; Melin, JB; Mennella, A; Mignano, A; Miville-Deschenes, MA; Monfardini, A; Murphy, A; Naselsky, P; Nati, F; Natoli, P; Negrello, M; Noviello, F; O'Sullivan, C; Paci, F; Pagano, L; Paladino, R; Palanque-Delabrouille, N; Paoletti, D; Peiris, H; Perrotta, F; Piacentini, F; Piat, M; Piccirillo, L; Pisano, G; Polenta, G; Pollo, A; Ponthieu, N; Remazeilles, M; Ricciardi, S; Roman, M; Rosset, C; Rubino-Martin, JA; Salatino, M; Schillaci, A; Shellard, P; Silk, J; Starobinsky, A; Stompor, R; Sunyaev, R; Tartari, A; Terenzi, L; Toffolatti, L; Tomasi, M; Trappe, N; Tristram, M; Trombetti, T; Tucci, M; Van De Weijgaert, R; Van Tent, B; Verde, L; Vielva, P; Wandelt, B; Watson, R; Withington, SFO (2014) 'PRISM (Polarized Radiation Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission): an extended white paper'. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Ghribi, A; Aumont, J; Battistelli, ES; Bau, A; Belier, B; Berge, L; Bernard, JP; Bersanelli, M; Bigot-Sazy, MA; Bordier, G; Bunn, ET; Cavaliere, F; Chanial, P; Coppolecchia, A; Decourcelle, T; De Bernardis, P; De Petris, M; Drilien, AA; Dumoulin, L; Falvella, MC; Gault, A; Gervasi, M; Giard, M; Gradziel, M; Grandsire, L; Gayer, D; Hamilton, JC; Haynes, V; Giraud-Heraud, Y; Holtzer, N; Kaplan, J; Korotkov, A; Lande, J; Lowitz, A; Maffei, B; Marnieros, S; Martino, J; Masi, S; Mennella, A; Montier, L; Murphy, A; Ng, MW; Olivieri, E; Pajot, F; Passerini, A; Piacentini, F; Piat, M; Piccirillo, L; Pisano, G; Prele, D; Rambaud, D; Rigaut, O; Rosset, C; Salatino, M; Schillaci, A; Scully, S; O'Sullivan, C; Tartari, A; Timbie, P; Tucker, G; Vibert, L; Voisin, F; Watson, B; Zannoni, M (2014) 'Latest Progress on the QUBIC Instrument'. Low Temperature Physics, 176 :698-704. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Ade, PAR; Aghanim, N; Armitage-Caplan, C; Arnaud, M; Ashdown, M; Atrio-Barandela, F; Aumont, J; Baccigalupi, C; Banday, AJ; Barreiro, RB; Bartlett, JG; Battaner, E; Benabed, K; Benoit, A; Benoit-Levy, A; Bernard, JP; Bersanelli, M; Bielewicz, P; Bobin, J; Bock, JJ; Bonaldi, A; Bond, JR; Borrill, J; Bouchet, FR; Boulanger, F; Bridges, M; Bucher, M; Burigana, C; Butler, RC; Cardoso, JF; Catalano, A; Chamballu, A; Chary, RR; Chen, X; Chiang, HC; Chiang, LY; Christensen, PR; Church, S; Clements, DL; Colley, JM; Colombi, S; Colombo, LPL; Couchot, F; Coulais, A; Crill, BP; Curto, A; Cuttaia, F; Danese, L; Davies, RD; de Bernardis, P; de Rosa, A; de Zotti, G; Delabrouille, J; Delouis, JM; Desert, FX; Dickinson, C; Diego, JM; Dole, H; Donzelli, S; Dore, O; Douspis, M; Dupac, X; Efstathiou, G; Ensslin, TA; Eriksen, HK; Finelli, F; Forni, O; Frailis, M; Fraisse, AA; Franceschi, E; Galeotta, S; Ganga, K; Giard, M; Giraud-Heraud, Y; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J; Gorski, KM; Gratton, S; Gregorio, A; Gruppuso, A; Hansen, FK; Hanson, D; Harrison, D; Helou, G; Henrot-Versille, S; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C; Herranz, D; Hildebrandt, SR; Hivon, E; Hobson, M; Holmes, WA; Hornstrup, A; Hovest, W; Huffenberger, KM; Jaffe, AH; Jaffe, TR; Jones, WC; Juvela, M; Keihanen, E; Keskitalo, R; Kisner, TS; Kneissl, R; Knoche, J; Knox, L; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Lagache, G; Lahteenmaki, A; Lamarre, JM; Lasenby, A; Laureijs, RJ; Lawrence, CR; Leonardi, R; Lesgourgues, J; Liguori, M; Lilje, PB; Linden-Vornle, M; Lopez-Caniego, M; Lubin, PM; Macias-Perez, JF; Maffei, B; Maino, D; Mandolesi, N; Maris, M; Marshall, DJ; Martin, PG; Martinez-Gonzalez, E; Masi, S; Massardi, M; Matarrese, S; Matthai, F; Mazzotta, P; Meinhold, PR; Melchiorri, A; Mendes, L; Mennella, A; Migliaccio, M; Mitra, S; Miville-Deschenes, MA; Moneti, A; Montier, L; Morgante, G; Mortlock, D; Mottet, S; Munshi, D; Murphy, JA; Naselsky, P; Nati, F; Natoli, P; Netterfield, CB; Norgaard-Nielsen, HU; Noviello, F; Novikov, D; Novikov, I; Osborne, S; O'Sullivan, C; Oxborrow, CA; Paci, F; Pagano, L; Pajot, F; Paladini, R; Paoletti, D; Pasian, F; Patanchon, G; Perdereau, O; Perotto, L; Perrotta, F; Piacentini, F; Piat, M; Pierpaoli, E; Pietrobon, D; Plaszczynski, S; Pointecouteau, E; Polegre, AM; Polenta, G; Ponthieu, N; Popa, L; Poutanen, T; Pratt, GW; Prezeau, G; Prunet, S; Puget, JL; Rachen, JP; Reach, WT; Rebolo, R; Reinecke, M; Remazeilles, M; Renault, C; Ricciardi, S; Riller, T; Ristorcelli, I; Rocha, G; Rosset, C; Roudier, G; Rowan-Robinson, M; Rusholme, B; Sandri, M; Santos, D; Savini, G; Scott, D; Seiffert, MD; Shellard, EPS; Smoot, GF; Spencer, LD; Starck, JL; Stolyarov, V; Stompor, R; Sudiwala, R; Sureau, F; Sutton, D; Suur-Uski, AS; Sygnet, JF; Tauber, JA; Tavagnacco, D; Terenzi, L; Toffolatti, L; Tomasi, M; Tristram, M; Tucci, M; Tuovinen, J; Umana, G; Valenziano, L; Valivlita, J; Van Tent, B; Vielva, P; Villa, F; Vittorio, N; Wade, LA; Wandelt, BD; Yvon, D; Zacchei, A; Zonca, A (2014) 'Planck 2013 results. XIV. Zodiacal emission'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 571 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Piat, M; Battistelli, E; Bau, A; Bennett, D; Berge, L; Bernard, JP; de Bernardis, P; Bigot-Sazy, MA; Bordier, G; Bounab, A; Breelle, E; Bunn, EF; Calvo, M; Charlassier, R; Collin, S; Cruciani, A; Curran, G; Dumoulin, L; Gault, A; Gervasi, M; Ghribi, A; Giard, M; Giordano, C; Giraud-Heraud, Y; Gradziel, M; Guglielmi, L; Hamilton, JC; Haynes, V; Kaplan, J; Korotkov, A; Lande, J; Maffei, B; Maiello, M; Malu, S; Marnieros, S; Martino, J; Masi, S; Montier, L; Murphy, A; Nati, F; O'Sullivan, C; Pajot, F; Parisel, C; Passerini, A; Peterzen, S; Piacentini, F; Piccirillo, L; Pisano, G; Polenta, G; Prele, D; Romano, D; Rosset, C; Salatino, M; Schillaci, A; Sironi, G; Sordini, R; Spinelli, S; Tartari, A; Timbie, P; Tucker, G; Vibert, L; Voisin, F; Watson, RA; Zannoni, M (2012) 'QUBIC: the Q&U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology'. Low Temperature Physics, 167 :872-878. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Battistelli, E; Bau, A; Bennett, D; Berge, L; Bernard, JP; de Bernardis, P; Bordier, G; Bounab, A; Breelle, E; Bunn, EF; Calvo, M; Charlassier, R; Collin, S; Coppolecchia, A; Cruciani, A; Curran, G; de Petris, M; Dumoulin, L; Gault, A; Gervasi, M; Ghribi, A; Giard, M; Giordano, C; Giraud-Heraud, Y; Gradziel, M; Guglielmi, L; Hamilton, JC; Haynes, V; Kaplan, J; Korotkov, A; Lande, J; Maffei, B; Maiello, M; Malu, S; Marnieros, S; Martino, J; Masi, S; Murphy, A; Nati, F; O'Sullivan, C; Pajot, F; Passerini, A; Peterzen, S; Piacentini, F; Piat, M; Piccirillo, L; Pisano, G; Polenta, G; Prele, D; Romano, D; Rosset, C; Salatino, M; Schillaci, A; Sironi, G; Sordini, R; Spinelli, S; Tartani, A; Timbie, P; Tucker, G; Vibert, L; Voisin, F; Watson, RA; Zannoni, M (2011) 'QUBIC: The QU bolometric interferometer for cosmology'. Astroparticle Physics, 34 :705-716. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Culverhouse, T; Ade, P; Bock, J; Bowden, M; Brown, ML; Cahill, G; Castro, PG; Church, S; Friedman, R; Ganga, K; Gear, WK; Gupta, S; Hinderks, J; Kovac, J; Lange, AE; Leitch, E; Melhuish, SJ; Memari, Y; Murphy, JA; Orlando, A; Pryke, C; Schwarz, R; O'Sullivan, C; Piccirillo, L; Rajguru, N; Rusholme, B; Taylor, AN; Thompson, KL; Turner, AH; Wu, EYS; Zemcov, M (2011) 'THE QUaD GALACTIC PLANE SURVEY. II. A COMPACT SOURCE CATALOG'. Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 195 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Lavelle J.; O'Sullivan C. (2010) 'Beam shaping using Gaussian beam modes'. Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision, 27 (2):350-357. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Gupta, S; Ade, P; Bock, J; Bowden, M; Brown, ML; Cahill, G; Castro, PG; Church, S; Culverhouse, T; Friedman, RB; Ganga, K; Gear, WK; Hinderks, J; Kovac, J; Lange, AE; Leitch, E; Melhuish, SJ; Memari, Y; Murphy, JA; Orlando, A; O'Sullivan, C; Piccirillo, L; Pryke, C; Rajguru, N; Rusholme, B; Schwarz, R; Taylor, AN; Thompson, KL; Turner, AH; Wu, EYS; Zemcov, M (2010) 'PARAMETER ESTIMATION FROM IMPROVED MEASUREMENTS OF THE COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND FROM QUaD'. Astrophysical Journal, 716 :1040-1046. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Zemcov, M; Ade, P; Bock, J; Bowden, M; Brown, ML; Cahill, G; Castro, PG; Church, S; Culverhouse, T; Friedman, RB; Ganga, K; Gear, WK; Gupta, S; Hinderks, J; Kovac, J; Lange, AE; Leitch, E; Melhuish, SJ; Memari, Y; Murphy, JA; Orlando, A; O'Sullivan, C; Piccirillo, L; Pryke, C; Rajguru, N; Rusholme, B; Schwarz, R; Taylor, AN; Thompson, KL; Turner, AH; Wu, EYS (2010) 'CHARACTERIZATION OF THE MILLIMETER-WAVE POLARIZATION OF CENTAURUS A WITH QUaD'. Astrophysical Journal, 710 :1541-1550. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Culverhouse, T; Ade, P; Bock, J; Bowden, M; Brown, ML; Cahill, G; Castro, PG; Church, SE; Friedman, R; Ganga, K; Gear, WK; Gupta, S; Hinderks, JR; Kovac, J; Lange, AE; Leitch, E; Melhuish, SJ; Memari, Y; Murphy, JA; Orlando, A; Schwarz, R; O'Sullivan, C; Piccirillo, L; Pryke, C; Rajguru, N; Rusholme, B; Taylor, AN; Thompson, KL; Turner, AH; Wu, EYS; Zemcov, M (2010) 'THE QUaD GALACTIC PLANE SURVEY. I. MAPS AND ANALYSIS OF DIFFUSE EMISSION'. Astrophysical Journal, 722 :1057-1077. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Hinderks, JR; Ade, P; Bock, J; Bowden, M; Brown, ML; Cahill, G; Carlstrom, JE; Castro, PG; Church, S; Culverhouse, T; Friedman, R; Ganga, K; Gear, WK; Gupta, S; Harris, J; Haynes, V; Keating, G; Kovac, J; Kirby, E; Lange, AE; Leitch, E; Mallie, OE; Melhuish, S; Memari, Y; Murphy, A; Orlando, A; Schwarz, R; Sullivan, CO; Piccirillo, L; Pryke, C; Rajguru, N; Rusholme, B; Taylor, AN; Thompson, KL; Tucker, C; Turner, AH; Wu, EYS; Zemcov, M (2009) 'QUaD: A HIGH-RESOLUTION COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND POLARIMETER'. Astrophysical Journal, 692 :1221-1246. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Friedman R.; Ade P.; Bock J.; Bowden M.; Brown M.; Cahill G.; Castro P.; Church S.; Culverhouse T.; Ganga K.; Gear W.; Gupta S.; Hinderks J.; Kovac J.; Lange A.; Leitch E.; Melhuish S.; Memari Y.; Murphy J.; Orlando A.; O'Sullivan C.; Piccirillo L.; Pryke C.; Rajguru N.; Rusholme B.; Schwarz R.; Taylor A.; Thompson K.; Turner A.; Wu E.; Zemcov M. (2009) 'Small angular scale measurements of the cosmic microwave background temperature power spectrum from QUaD'. Astrophysical Journal, 700 (2 PART 2):L187-L191. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Pryke C, Ade P, Bock J, Bowden M, Brown ML, Cahill G, Castro PG, Church S, Culverhouse T, Friedman R, Ganga K, Gear WK, Gupta S, Hinderks J, Kovac J, Lange AE, Leitch E, Melhuish SJ, Memari Y, Murphy JA, Orlando A, Schwarz R, Sullivan CO, Piccirillo L, Rajguru N, Rusholme B, Taylor AN, Thompson KL, Turner AH, Wu EYS, Zemcov M (2009) 'Second and Third season QUAD cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization power spectra '. Astrophysical Journal, 692 :1247-1270. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Brown, M. L., Ade P., Bock J., Bowden M., Cahill G., Castro P.G., Church S., Culverhouse T., Friedman R. B., Ganga K., Gear W. K., Gupta S., Hinderks J., Kovac J., Lange A.E., Leitch E., Melhuish S. J., Memari Y., Murphy J.A., Orlando A., O'Sullivan C. , Piccirill L., Pryke C., Rajguru N., Rusholme B., Schwarz R., Taylor A.N., Thompson K.L., Turner A.H., Wu E.Y.S., Zemcov M. (2009) 'Improved Measurements of the Temperature and Polarization of the CMB from QUaD'. Astrophysical Journal, 705 :978-999. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Gault, A. C.; P. A. R. Ade, E. Bierman, E.F. Bunn, P. O. Hyland, B. G. Keating, A. L. Korotkov, S. S. Malu, C. O'Sullivan, L. Piccirillo, P. T. Timbie,G. S. Tucker (2009) 'The Millimeter-wave Bolometric Interferometer (MBI)'. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 41 . [Full-Text]
2008 O'Sullivan, C; Cahill, G; Murphy, JA; Gear, WK; Harris, J; Ade, PAR; Church, SE; Thompson, KL; Pryke, C; Bock, J; Bowden, M; Brown, ML; Carlstrom, JE; Castro, PG; Culverhouse, T; Friedman, RB; Ganga, KM; Haynes, V; Hinderks, JR; Kovak, J; Lange, AE; Leitch, EM; Mallie, OE; Melhuish, SJ; Orlando, A; Piccirillo, L; Pisano, G; Rajguru, N; Rusholme, BA; Schwarz, R; Taylor, AN; Wu, EYS; Zemcov, M (2008) 'The quasi-optical design of the QUaD telescope'. Infrared Physics and Technology, 51 :277-286. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 Ade, P; Bock, J; Bowden, M; Brown, ML; Cahill, G; Carlstrom, JE; Castro, PG; Church, S; Culverhouse, T; Friedman, R; Ganga, K; Gear, WK; Hinderks, J; Kovac, J; Lange, AE; Leitch, E; Melhuish, SJ; Murphy, JA; Orlando, A; Schwarz, R; O'Sullivan, C; Piccirillo, L; Pryke, C; Rajguru, N; Rusholme, B; Taylor, AN; Thompson, KL; Wu, EYS; Zemcov, M (2008) 'First season QUaD CMB temperature and polarization power spectra'. Astrophysical Journal, 674 :22-28. [Full-Text]
2006 García E.; O'Sullivan C.; Rajo E.; Vázquez J. (2006) 'Error correction in the Gaussian beam telescope applicated to the new 40 m radiotelescope of centro astronómico de Yebes'. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 48 (10):2074-2077. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2006 Korotkov, A., Ade, P. A., Ali, S., Bierman, E., Bunn, E. F., Calderon, C., Gault, A. C., Hyland, P. O., Keating, B. G., Kim, J., Malu, S. S., Mauskopf, P. D., Murphy, J. A., O'Sullivan, C., Piccirillo, L., Timbie, P. T., Tucker, G. S., Wandelt, B. D. (2006) 'The Millimeter-Wave Bolometric Interferometer'. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 38 . [Full-Text]
2005 Gleeson, E; Murphy, JA; Maffei, B; Lanigan, W; Brossard, J; Cahill, G; Cartwright, E; Church, SE; Hinderks, J; Kirby, E; O'Sullivan, C (2005) 'Corrugated waveguide band edge filters for CMB experiments in the far infrared'. Infrared Physics and Technology, 46 :493-505. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2005 Martin-Jimenez, F; Garcia, E; O'Sullivan, C; De Haro, L; Fernandez, JAL; Tercero, F; Sierra-Castaner, M; Martin-Pintado, J (2005) 'Convergence of Gaussian-beam modes in corrugated conical horns'. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 45 :199-203. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2005 Murphy, JA; Gleeson, E; Cahill, G; Lanigan, W; O'Sullivan, C; Cartwright, E; Church, SE; Hinderks, J; Kirby, E; Thompson, K; Rusholme, B; Gear, WK; Maffei, B; Ade, PAR; Tucker, C; Jones, B (2005) 'Millimeter-wave profiled corrugated horns for the QUaD cosmic background polarization experiment'. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 26 :505-523. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2005 Bowden, M., P.A.R. Ade, J.J. Bock, M.J. Brown, G. Cahill, J.E. Carlstrom, P.G Castro, S. E. Church, T. Culverhouse, R. Friedman, K.M. Ganga, W. K. Gear, J.R. Hinderks, J. Kovac, A.E. Lange, E.M. Leitch, S.J. Melhuish, J. Murphy, A. Orlando R.Schwarz, C. O’Sullivan, L. Piccirillo, C. Pryke, N. Rajguru, B. Rusholme, A.N. Taylor, KL. Thompson, E.Y.S. Wu & M. Zemcov (2005) 'Status of the first season of QUaD observations of the Cosmic Microwave background Polarization'. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 37 .
2004 Bowden, M; Taylor, AN; Ganga, KM; Ade, PAR; Bock, JJ; Cahill, G; Carlstrom, JE; Church, SE; Gear, WK; Hinderks, JR; Hu, W; Keating, BG; Kovac, J; Lange, AE; Leitch, EM; Maffei, B; Mallie, OE; Melhuish, SJ; Murphy, JA; Pisano, G; Piccirillo, L; Pryke, C; Rusholme, BA; O'Sullivan, C; Thompson, K (2004) 'Scientific optimization of a ground-based CMB polarization experiment'. Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society, 349 :321-335. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2003 Garcia, E; De Haro, L; O'Sullivan, C; Cahill, G; Lopez-Fernandez, JA; Tercero, F; Galocha, B; Besada, JL (2003) 'Beam mode expansion of corrugated conical horns with phase correcting lens: Application to radioastronomy receivers'. Experimental Astronomy, 15 :171-193.
2002 O'Sullivan, C; Atad-Ettedgui, E; Duncan, W; Henry, D; Jellema, W; Murphy, JA; Trappe, N; van de Stadt, H; Withington, S; Yassin, G (2002) 'Far-infrared optics design & verification'. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 23 :1029-1045. [Full-Text]
2001 Murphy, JA; Colgan, R; O'Sullivan, C; Maffei, B; Ade, P (2001) 'Radiation patterns of multi-moded corrugated horns for far-IR space applications'. Infrared Physics and Technology, 42 :515-528. [Full-Text]
2000 O'Sullivan, C; Redfern, RM; Ageorges, N; Holstenberg, HC; Hackenberg, W; Ott, T; Rabien, S; Davies, R; Eckart, A (2000) 'Short timescale variability of the mesospheric sodium layer'. Experimental Astronomy, 10 :147-156. [Full-Text]
2000 Esposito S., Ragazzoni R., Riccardi A., O'Sullivan C., Ageorges N., Redfern M. & Davies R. (2000) 'Absolute tilt from a laser guide star: A first experiment'. Experimental Astronomy, 10 :135-145. [Full-Text]
1999 Baker, JC; Grainge, K; Hobson, MP; Jones, ME; Kneissl, R; Lasenby, AN; O'Sullivan, CMM; Pooley, G; Rocha, G; Saunders, R; Scott, PF; Waldram, EM (1999) 'Detection of cosmic microwave background structure in a second field with the Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope'. Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society, 308 :1173-1178. [Full-Text]
1999 O'Sullivan C. & Green D.A. (1999) 'Constraints on the secular decrease in the flux density of Cas A at 13.5, 15.5 and 16.5 GHz'. Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society, 303 :575-578. [Full-Text]
1999 Murphy, JA; O'Sullivan, C; Trappe, N; Lanigan, W; Colgan, R; Withington, S (1999) 'Modal analysis of the quasi-optical performance of phase gratings'. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 20 :1469-1486. [Full-Text]
1998 Shearer A., Golden A., Harfst S., Butler R., Redfern R.M., O'Sullivan C.M.M., Beskin G.M., Neizvestny S.I., Neustroev V.V., Plokhotnichenko V.L., Cullum M. & Danks A (1998) 'Possible pulsed optical emission from Geminga'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 335 . [Full-Text]
1998 O'Sullivan C., Shearer A., Colhoun M., Golden A., Redfern M., Butler R., Beskin G.M., Neizvestny S.L., Neustrov V.V., Plokhotnichenko V.L., Danks A. (1998) 'A search for the optical counterpart of PSR B1951+32 in the supernova remnant CTB 80'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 335 . [Full-Text]
1998 Shearer A, O'Sullivan C.M.M., Golden A., Garcia P.V.R., Redfern M., Danks A. & Cullum M. (1998) 'Time-resolved optical observations of PSR 1509-58'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 333 . [Full-Text]
1996 Scott P.F., Saunders R., Pooley G., O'Sullivan C., Lasenby A.N., Jones M., Hobson M.P., Duffett-Smith P.J. and Baker J (1996) 'Measurements of Structure in the Cosmic Background Radiation with the Cambridge Cosmic Anistropy Telescope'. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 461 . [Full-Text]
1996 C. O'Sullivan (1996) 'Observations of Anisotropies in the CMBR with the Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope'. Irish Astronomical Journal, 23 :161-164.
1995 O'Sullivan C., Yassin, G.; Woan, G.; Scott, P. F.; Saunders, Richard; Robson, M.; Pooley, Guy; Lasenby, A. N.; Kenderdine, S.; Jones, Michael; Hobson, M. P.; Duffett-Smith, P. J. (1995) 'A search for primordial anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation: first observations at 13.5 GHz with the Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope'. Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society, 274 . [Full-Text]
1994 Robson M., O'Sullivan C.M.M., Scott P.F. and Duffett-Smith P.J. (1994) 'Observations of atmospheric noise fluctuations with a metre-baseline interferometer in the 13-17 GHz band'. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 286 :1028-1032. [Full-Text]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2005 O'Sullivan C., N. Trappe and J.A. Murphy (2005) 'Studying the Origins of Structure in the Universe' The Irish Scientist, .
2002 Murphy J.A., O’Sullivan C. and Keating J. (2002) 'Astronomy Education at Maynooth' The Irish Scientist, .
2001 Murphy J.A., Trappe N. and O’Sullivan C. (2001) 'Far infrared astronomy with the Herschel Space Telescope' The Irish Scientist, .
1995 O'Sullivan C. (1995) 'The Irish Abroad' The Irish Scientist, .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 Piat M.; Battistelli E.S.; De Bernardis P.; Dalessandro G.; De Petris M.; Grandsire L.; Hamilton J.C.; Hoang T.D.; Marnieros S.; Masi S.; Mennella A.; Mousset L.; Osullivan C.; Prele D.; Stankowiak G.; Tartari A.; Thermeau J.P.; Torchinsky S.A.; Voisin F.; Zannoni M.; Ade P.; Alberro J.G.; Almela A.; Amico G.; Arnaldi L.H.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Azzoni S.; Banfi S.; Belier B.; Bau A.; Bennett D.; Berge L.; Bernard J.P.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.A.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Chapron C.; Charlassier R.; Cobos Cerutti A.C.; Columbro F.; Coppolecchia A.; De Gasperis G.; De Leo M.; Dheilly S.; Duca C.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Ferreyro L.P.; Fracchia D.; Franceschet C.; Gamboa Lerena M.M.; Ganga K.M.; Garcia B.; Garcia Redondo M.E.; Gaspard M.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Gilles V.; Giraud-Heraud Y.; Gomez Berisso M.; Gonzalez M.; Gradziel M.; Hampel M.R.; Harari D.; Henrot-Versille S.; Incardona F.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Maffei B.; Marty W.; Mattei A.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Mele L.; Melo D.; Montier L.; Mundo L.M.; Murphy J.A.; Murphy J.D.; Nati F.; Olivicri E.; Oriol C.; Paiella A.; Pajot F.; Passerini A.; Pastoriza H.; Pelosi A. (2022) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Qubic: the q and u bolometric interferometer for cosmology [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Lamagna, L.; Franceschet, C.; De Petris, M.; Gudmundsson, J.E.; Hargrave, P.; Maffei, B.; Noviello, F.; O'Sullivan, C.; Paiella, A.; Columbro, F.; Austermann, J.; Bersanelli, M.; Chahadih, A.; Cicuttin, M.; Clermont, L.; De Bernardis, P.; Fleury-Frenette, K.; Georges, M.P.; Geuzaine, C.; Hastanin, J.; Henrot-Versille, S.; Hubmayr, J.; Jaehnig, G.; Keskitalo, R.; Masi, S.; Matsuda, F.; Matsumura, T.; Montier, L.; Mot, B.; Piacentini, F.; Pisano, G.; Plesseria, J.Y.; Ritacco, A.; Savini, G.; Shitvov, A.; Suzuki, A.; Trappe, N.; Winter, B. (2022) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Optical modeling for the LiteBIRD Medium and High Frequency Telescope [Link] [DOI]
2022 Maffei, B.; Aghanim, N.; Aumont, J.; Battistelli, E.; Chluba, J.; Coulon, X.; De Bernardis, P.; Douspis, M.; Grain, J.; Hill, J.C.; Kogut, A.; Kuruvilla, J.; Lagache, G.; Macias-Perez, J.; Masi, S.; Matsumura, T.; Mele, L.; Monfardini, A.; O'Sullivan, C.; Pagano, L.; Pisano, G.; Ponthieu, N.; Remazeilles, M.; Ritacco, A.; Rotti, A.; Savini, G.; Sauvage, V.; Shitvov, A.; Stever, S.L.; Tartari, A.; Thiele, L.; Trappe, N.; Aubrun, J.F.; Laurens, A.; Pheav, D.; Vacher, F. (2022) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering BISOU: A balloon project for spectral observations of the early universe [Link] [DOI]
2022 Trappe, N.; O'Sullivan, C.; Maffei, B.; Aghanim, N.; Abitol, M.; Battistelli, E.; Chluba, J.; Coulon, X.; De Bernardis, P.; Hill, C.; Kogut, A.; Masi, S.; Pagano, L.; Rotti, A.; Savini, G.; Tartari, A. (2022) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Optical analysis of BISOU: A balloon project to measure the CMB spectral distortions [Link] [DOI]
2021 Scóccola, C. G.; Ade, P.; Alberro, J. G.; Almela, A.; Amico, G.; Arnaldi, L. H.; Auguste, D ; Aumont, J.; Azzoni, S.; Banfi, S.; Bélier, B.; Battistelli, E. S.; Baù, A.; Bennett, D.; Bergé, L.; Bernard, J. -Ph; Bersanelli, M.; Bigot-Sazy, M. -A.; Bonaparte, J.; Bonis, J.; Bunn, E.; Burke, D.; Buzi, D.; Cavaliere, F.; Chanial, P.; Chapron, C.; Charlassier, R.; CobosCerutti, A. C.; Columbro, F.; Coppolecchia, A.; D'Alessandro, G.; deBernardis, P.; DeGasperis, G.; DeLeo, M.; DePetris, M.; Dheilly, S.; Duca, C.; Dumoulin, L.; Etchegoyen, A.; Fasciszewski, A.; Ferreyro, L. P.; Fracchia, D.; Franceschet, C.; Gamboa Lerena, M. M.; Ganga, K. M.; García, B.; García Redondo, M. E.; Gaspard, M.; Gayer, D.; Gervasi, M.; Giard, M.; Gilles, V.; Giraud-Heraud, Y.; Gómez Berisso, M.; González, M.; Gradziel, M.; Grandsire, L.; Hamilton, J. -Ch.; Hampel, M. R.; Harari, D.; Henrot-Versillé, S.; Incardona, F. ; Jules, E.; Kaplan, J.; Kristukat, C.; Lamagna, L.; Loucatos, S.; Louis, T.; Maffei, B.; Marnieros, S.; Marty, W.; Masi, S.; Mattei, A.; May, A.; McCulloch, M.; Mele, L.; Melo, D.; Mennella, A.; Montier, L.; Mousset, L.; Mundo, L. M.; Murphy, J. A.; Murphy, J. D.; Nati, F.; Olivieri, E.; Oriol, C.; O'Sullivan, C.; Paiella, A.; Pajot, F.; Passerini, A.; Pastoriza, H.; Pelosi, A.; Perbost, C.; Perciballi, M.; Pezzotta, F.; Piacentini, F.; Piat, M.; Piccirillo, L.; Pisano, G.; Platino, M.; Polenta, G.; Prêle, D.; Puddu, R.; Rambaud, D.; Rasztocky, E.; Ringegni, P.; Romero, G. E.; Salum, J. M.; Schillaci, A.; Scully, S.; Spinelli, S.; Stankowiak, G.; Stolpovskiy, M.; Supanitsky, A. D.; Tartari, A.; Thermeau, J. -P.; Timbie, P.; Tomasi, M.; Torchinsky, S. A.; Tucker, G.; Tucker, C.; Viganò, D.; Vittorio, N.; Voisin, F.; Wicek, F.; Wright, M.; Zannoni, M.; Zullo, A., (2021) Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, Vol. 62 Current status of the QUBIC experiment
2021 B. Maffei, M. H. Abitbol, N. Aghanim, J. Aumont, E. Battistelli, J. Chluba, X. Coulon, P. De Bernardis, M. Douspis, J. Grain, S. Gervasoni, J. C. Hill, A. Kogut, S. Masi, T. Matsumura, C. O Sullivan, L. Pagano, G. Pisano, M. Remazeilles, A. Ritacco, A. Rotti, V. Sauvage, G. Savini, S. L. Stever, A. Tartari, L. Thiele, N. Trappe (2021) 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories (MG16) BISOU: a balloon project to measure the CMB spectral distortions https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2111.00246
2020 M. Hazumi and P.A.R. Ade and A. Adler and E. Allys and K. Arnold and D. Auguste and J. Aumont and R. Aurlien and J. Austermann and C. Baccigalupi and A. J. Banday and R. Banjeri and R. B. Barreiro and S. Basak and J. Beall and D. Beck and S. Beckman and J. Bermejo and P. de Bernardis and M. Bersanelli and J. Bonis and J. Borrill and F. Boulanger and S. Bounissou and M. Brilenkov and M. Brown and M. Bucher and E. Calabrese and P. Campeti and A. Carones and F. J. Casas and A. Challinor and V. Chan and K. Cheung and Y. Chinone and J. F. Cliche and L. Colombo and F. Columbro and J. Cubas and A. Cukierman and D. Curtis and G. D'Alessandro and N. Dachlythra and M. De Petris and C. Dickinson and P. Diego-Palazuelos and M. Dobbs and T. Dotani and L. Duband and S. Duff and J. M. Duval and K. Ebisaw (2020) Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave . In: Makenzie Lystrup and Marshall D. Perrin and Natalie Batalha and Nicholas Siegler and Edward C. Tong eds. LiteBIRD satellite: JAXA's new strategic L-class mission for all-sky surveys of cosmic microwave background polarization [Link]
2020 Sekimoto Y.; Ade P.A.R.; Adler A.; Allys E.; Arnold K.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Aurlien R.; Austermann J.; Baccigalupi C.; Banday A.J.; Banerji R.; Barreiro R.B.; Basak S.; Beall J.; Beck D.; Beckman S.; Bermejo J.; De Bernardis P.; Bersanelli M.; Bonis J.; Borrill J.; Boulanger F.; Bounissou S.; Brilenkov M.; Brown M.; Bucher M.; Calabrese E.; Campeti P.; Carones A.; Casas F.J.; Challinor A.; Chan V.; Cheung K.; Chinone Y.; Cliche J.F.; Colombo L.; Columbro F.; Cubas J.; Cukierman A.; Curtis D.; D'Alessandro G.; Dachlythra N.; De Petris M.; Dickinson C.; Diego-Palazuelos P.; Dobbs M.; Dotani T.; Duband L.; Duff S.; Duval J.M.; Ebisawa K.; Elleflot T.; Eriksen H.K.; Errard J.; Essinger-Hileman T.; Finelli F.; Flauger R.; Franceschet C.; Fuskeland U.; Galloway M.; Ganga K.; Gao J.R.; Genova-Santos R.; Gerbino M.; Gervasi M.; Ghigna T.; Gjerløw E.; Gradziel M.L.; Grain J.; Grupp F.; Gruppuso A.; Gudmundsson J.E.; De Haan T.; Halverson N.W.; Hargrave P.; Hasebe T.; Hasegawa M.; Hattori M.; Hazumi M.; Henrot-Versille S.; Herman D.; Herranz D.; Hill C.A.; Hilton G.; Hirota Y.; Hivon E.; Hlozek R.A.; Hoshino Y.; De La Hoz E.; Hubmayr J.; Ichiki K.; Iida T.; Imada H.; Ishimura K.; Ishino H.; Jaehnig G.; Kaga T.; Kashima S.; Katayama N. (2020) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Concept design of low frequency telescope for CMB B-mode polarization satellite LiteBIRD [DOI]
2020 Mele L.; Ade P.; Alberro J.G.; Almela A.; Amico G.; Arnaldi L.H.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Azzoni S.; Banfi S.; Battistelli E.S.; Ba A.; B lier B.; Bennett D.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.P.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.A.; Bleurvacq N.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bottani A.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Chapron C.; Charlassier R.; Columbro F.; Coppolecchia A.; D'Alessandro G.; Bernardis P.D.; Gasperis G.D.; Leo M.D.; Petris M.D.; Dheilly S.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Ferreyro L.P.; Fracchia D.; Franceschet C.; Lerena M.M.G.; Ganga K.; García B.; Redondo M.E.G.; Gaspard M.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Gilles V.; Giraud-Heraud Y.; Gómez Berisso M.; González M.; Gradziel M.; Grandsire L.; Hamilton J.C.; Harari D.; Henrot-Versillé S.; Hoang D.T.; Incardona F.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Maffei B.; Marnieros S.; Marty W.; Masi S.; Mattei A.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Melhuish S.; Mennella A.; Montier L.; Mousset L.; Mundo L.M.; Murphy J.A.; Murphy J.D.; Nati F.; Olivieri E.; Oriol C.; O'Sullivan C.; Paiella A.; Pajot F.; Passerini A.; Pastoriza H.; Pelosi A.; Perbost C.; Perciballi M.; Pezzotta F.; Piacentini F.; Piat M.; Piccirillo L.; Pisano G.; Platino M.; Polenta G. (2020) Journal of Physics: Conference Series The QUBIC instrument for CMB polarization measurements [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 L. Montier and B. Mot and P. de Bernardis and B. Maffei and G. Pisano and F. Columbro and J. E. Gudmundsson and S. Henrot-Versillé and L. Lamagna and J. Montgomery and T. Prouvé and M. Russell and G. Savini and S. Stever and K. L. Thompson and M. Tsujimoto and C. Tucker and B. Westbrook and P. A. R. Ade and A. Adler and E. Allys and K. Arnold and D. Auguste and J. Aumont and R. Aurlien and J. Austermann and C. Baccigalupi and A. J. Banday and R. Banerji and R. B. Barreiro and S. Basak and J. Beall and D. Beck and S. Beckman and J. Bermejo and M. Bersanelli and J. Bonis and J. Borrill and F. Boulanger and S. Bounissou and M. Brilenkov and M. Brown and M. Bucher and E. Calabrese and P. Campeti and A. Carones and F. J. Casas and A. Challinor and V. Chan and K. Cheung and Y. Chinone and J. F. (2020) Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave . In: Makenzie Lystrup and Marshall D. Perrin and Natalie Batalha and Nicholas Siegler and Edward C. Tong eds. Overview of the medium and high frequency telescopes of the LiteBIRD space mission [Link]
2020 NeiL Trappe, Marcin Gradziel, Creidhe O’Sullivan, Gert de Lange, Damien Michael Audley, Darragh McCarthy, Peter Ade, Maarten van der Vorst (2020) 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2020) Analysis methods for multimoded horns for future THz missions (SAFARI Instrument for SPICA)
2020 Lamagna L.; Gudmundsson J.E.; Imada H.; Hargrave P.; Franceschet C.; De Petris M.; Austermann J.; Bounissou S.; Columbro F.; De Bernardis P.; Henrot-Versillé S.; Hubmayr J.; Jaehnig G.; Keskitalo R.; Maffei B.; Masi S.; Matsumura T.; Montier L.; Mot B.; Noviello F.; O'sullivan C.; Paiella A.; Pisano G.; Realini S.; Ritacco A.; Savini G.; Suzuki A.; Trappe N.; Winter B. (2020) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering The optical design of the Litebird middle and high frequency telescope [DOI]
2020 C. O'Sullivan, D. Burke, D. Gayer, J.D. Murphy, S. Scully, M. De Leo, M. De Petris, M. Gervasi, M. Zannoni, P. Ade, J.G. Alberro, A. Almela, G. Amico, L. H. Arnaldi, D. Auguste, J. Aumont, S. Azzoni, S. Banfi, E.S. Battistelli, A. Baù, B. Bélier, D. Bennett, L. Bergé , J.-Ph. Bernard, M. Bersanelli, M.-A. Bigot-Sazy, N. Bleurvacq, J. Bonaparte, J. Bonis, A. Bottani, E. Bunn, D. Buzi, F. Cavaliere, P. Chanial, C. Chapron, R. Charlassier, A.C. Cobos Cerutti, F. Columbro, A. Coppolecchia, G. D'Alessandro, P. de Bernardis, G. De Gasperis, S. Dheilly, C. Duca, L. Dumoulin, A. Etchegoyen, A. Fasciszewski, L.P. Ferreyro, D. Fracchia, M.M. Gamboa Lerena, K. Ganga, B. García, M.E. García Redondo, M. Gaspard, M. Giard, V. Gilles, Y. Giraud-Heraud, M. Gómez Berisso , M. González, M. Gradziel, L. Grandsire, J.-Ch. Hamilton, D. Harari, S. Henrot-Versillé, D.T. Hoang, F. Incardona, E. Jules, J. Kaplan, C. Kristukat, L. Lamagna, S. Loucatos, T. Louis, S. Mandelli, S. Marnieros , W. Marty, S. Masi, A. Mattei, A. May, M. McCulloch, L. Mele, S. Melhuish, A. Mennella, L. Montier, L. Mousset, L. M. Mundo, J. A. Murphy, F. Nati, E. Olivieri, C. Oriol, A. Paiella, F. Pajot, A. Passerini , H. Pastoriza , A. Pelosi , C. Perbost, M. Perciballi , F. Pezzotta, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, L. Piccirillo , G. Pisano,, M. Platino, G. Polenta, D. Prêle, R. Puddu, D. Rambaud, P. Ringegni, G. E. Romero, J.M. Salum, A. Schillaci, C. Scóccola, S. Spinelli , G. Stankowiak, M. Stolpovskiy, A.D. Supanitsky, A. Tartari, J.-P. Thermeau, P. Timbie, M. Tomasi, S. Torchinsky, G. Tucker, C. Tucker , D. Viganò , N. Vittorio, F. Voisin, F. Wicek, A. Zullo (2020) 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2020) The Optical Combiner of QUBIC: the Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology [Full-Text]
2020 Stankowiak G.; Piat M.; Battistelli E.S.; D'Alessandro G.; De Bernardis P.; Petris M.D.; Gonzalez M.; Grandsire L.; Hamilton J.C.; Hoang T.D.; Masi S.; Marnieros S.; Mennella A.; Mousset L.; O'Sullivan C.; Prele D.; Tartari A.; Thermeau J.P.; Torchinsky S.A.; Voisin F.; Zannoni M.; Ade P.; Alberro J.G.; Almela A.; Amico G.; Arnaldi L.H.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Azzoni S.; Banff S.; Belier B.; Baffu A.; Bennett D.; Berge L.; Bernard J.P.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.A.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Chapron C.; Charlassier R.; Cerutti A.C.C.; Columbro F.; Coppolecchia A.; De Gasperis G.; Leo M.D.; Dheilly S.; Duca C.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Ferreyro L.P.; Fracchia D.; Franceschet C.; Lerena M.M.G.; Ganga K.M.; Garcia B.; Redondo M.E.G.; Gaspard M.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Gilles V.; Giraud-Heraud Y.; Berisso M.G.; Gradziel M.; Hampel M.R.; Harari D.; Henrot-Versille S.; Incardona F.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Maffei B.; Marty W.; Mattei A.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Mele L.; Melo D.; Montier L.; Mundo L.M.; Murphy J.A.; Murphy J.D.; Nati F.; Olivieri E.; Oriol C.; Paiella A.; Pajot F.; Passerini A.; Pastoriza H.; Pelosi A. (2020) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Detection chain and electronic readout of the QUBIC instrument [DOI]
2018 Y. Sekimoto; P. Ade; K. Arnold; J. Aumont; J. Austermann; C. Baccigalupi; A. Banday; R. Banerji; S. Basak; S. Beckman; M. Bersanelli; J. Borrill; F. Boulanger; M. L. Brown; M. Bucher; E. Calabrese; A. Challinor; Y. Chinone; F. Columbro; A. Cukierman; D. Curtis; P. de Bernardis; M. de Petris; M. Dobbs; T. Dotani; L. Duband; A. Ducout; K. Ebisawa; T. Elleflot; H. Eriksen; J. Errard; R. Flauger; C. Franceschet; U. Fuskeland; K. Ganga; J.R. Gao; T. Ghigna; J. Grain; A. Gruppuso; N. Halverson; P. Hargrave; T. Hasebe; M. Hasegawa; M. Hattori; M. Hazumi; S. Henrot-Versille; C. Hill; Y. Hirota; E. Hivon; D. T. Hoang; J. Hubmayr; K. Ichiki; H. Imada; H. Ishino; G. Jaehnig; H. Kanai; S. Kashima; Y. Kataoka; N. Katayama; T. Kawasaki; R. Keskitalo; A. Kibayashi; T. Kikuchi; K. Kimura; T. Kisner; Y. Kobayashi; N. Kogiso; K. Kohri; E. Komatsu; K. Komatsu; K. Konishi; N. Krachmalnicoff; C. L. Kuo; N. Kurinsky; A. Kushino; L. Lamagna; A. T. Lee; E. Linder; B. Maffei; M. Maki; A. Mangilli; E. Martinez-Gonzalez; S. Masi; T. Matsumura; A. Mennella; Y. Minami; K. Mistuda; D. Molinari; L. Montier; G. Morgante; B. Mot; Y. Murata; A. Murphy; M. Nagai; R. Nagata; S. Nakamura; T. Namikawa; P. Natoli; T. Nishibori; H. Nishino; F. Noviello; C. O'Sullivan; H. Ochi; H. Ogawa; H. Ogawa; H. Ohsaki; I. Ohta; N. Okada; G. Patanchon; F. Piacentini; G. Pisano; G. Polenta; D. Poletti; G. Puglisi; C. Raum; S. Realini; M. Remazeilles; H. Sakurai; Y. Sakurai; G. Savini; B. Sherwin; K. Shinozaki; M. Shiraishi; G. Signorelli; G. Smecher; R. Stompor; H. Sugai; S. Sugiyama; A. Suzuki; J. Suzuki; R. Takaku; H. Takakura; S. Takakura; E. Taylor; Y. Terao; K. L. Thompson; B. Thorne; M. Tomasi; H. Tomida; N. Trappe; M. Tristram; M. Tsuji; M. Tsujimoto; S. Uozumi; S. Utsunomiya; N. Vittorio; N. Watanabe; I. Wehus; B. Westbrook; B. Winter; R. Yamamoto; N. Y. Yamasaki; M. Yanagisawa; T. Yoshida; J. Yumoto; M. Zannoni; A. Zonca (2018) SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2018, Austin, Texas, United States Concept design of the LiteBIRD satellite for CMB B-mode polarization https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2313432 [Full-Text]
2018 O'Sullivan C.; Ade P.; Amico G.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Banfi S.; Barbarán G.; Battaglia P.; Battistelli E.; Baù A.; Bélier B.; Bennett D.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.; Bleurvacq N.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bordier G.; Bréelle E.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Buzzelli A.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Chapron C.; Charlassier R.; Columbro F.; Coppi G.; Coppolecchia A.; Couchot F.; D'Agostino R.; D'Alessandro G.; De Bernardis P.; De Gasperis G.; De Leo M.; De Petris M.; Di Donato A.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Franceschet C.; Gamboa Lerena M.; García B.; Garrido X.; Gaspard M.; Gault A.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Giraud-Héraud Y.; Gómez Berisso M.; González M.; Gradziel M.; Grandsire L.; Guerrard E.; Hamilton J.; Harari D.; Haynes V.; Henrot-Versillé S.; Hoang D.; Incardona F.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Korotkov A.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Lowitz A.; Lukovic V.; Luterstein R.; Maffei B.; Marnieros S.; Masi S.; Mattei A.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Medina M.; Mele L.; Melhuish S.; Mennella A.; Montier L.; Mundo L.; Murphy J.; Olivieri E.; Paiella A.; Pajot F.; Passerini A.; Pastoriza H.; Pelosi A.; Perbost C.; Perdereau O.; Pezzotta F.; Piacentini F.; Piat M.; Piccirillo L. (2018) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering QUBIC: The Q and U bolometric interferometer for cosmology [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Burke D.; Gayer D.; Kalinauskaite E.; O'Sullivan C.; Murphy J.; Scully S.; De Petris M.; De Leo M.; Mennella A.; Torchinsky S.; Zannoni M.; Amico G.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Banfi S.; Barbarán G.; Battaglia P.; Battistelli E.; Baù A.; Bélier B.; Bennett D.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.; Bleurvac N.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bordier G.; Bréelle E.; Bunn E.; Buzi D.; Buzzelli A.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Chapron C.; Charlassier R.; Columbro F.; Coppi G.; Coppolecchia A.; Couchot F.; D'Alessandro G.; D'Agostino R.; De Bernardis P.; De Gasperis G.; Di Donato A.; Drilien A.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Franceschet C.; Gamboa-Lerena M.; García B.; Garrido X.; Gaspard M.; Gault A.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Giraud-Héraud Y.; Gómez Berisso M.; González M.; Gradziel M.; Grandsire L.; Guerrard E.; Hamilton J.; Harari D.; Haynes V.; Henrot-Versillé S.; Hoang D.; Holtzer N.; Incardona F.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Korotkov A.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Lande J.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Lowitz A.; Lukovic V. (2018) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Optical modelling and analysis of the Q and U bolometric interferometer for cosmology [DOI]
2018 Trappe, N; Bucher, M; De Bernardis, P; Delabrouille, J; Deo, P; De Petris, M; Doherty, S; Ghribi, A; Gradziel, M; Kuzmin, L; Maffei, B; Masi, S; Murphy, JA; Noviello, F; O'Sullivan, C; Pagano, L; Piacentini, F; Piat, M; Pisano, G; Robinson, M; Stompor, R; Tartari, A; Traini, A; van der Vorst, M; Verhoeve, P; Zhu, C (2018) MILLIMETER, SUBMILLIMETER, AND FAR-INFRARED DETECTORS AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY IX Next Generation Sub-millimeter Wave Focal Plane Array Coupling Concepts - An ESA TRP project to develop multichroic focal plane pixels for future CMB polarization experiments [DOI]
2018 May, AJ; Chapron, C; Coppi, G; D' Alessandro, G; de Bernardis, P; Masi, S; Melhuish, S; Piat, M; Piccirillo, L; Schillaci, A; Thermeau, JP; Ade, P; Amico, G; Auguste, D; Aumont, J; Banfi, S; Barbaran, G; Battaglia, P; Battistelli, E; Bau, A; Belier, B; Bennett, D; Berge, L; Bernard, JP; Bersanelli, M; Bigot-Sazy, MA; Bleurvacq, N; Bonaparte, J; Bonis, J; Bordier, G; Breelle, E; Bunn, E; Burke, D; Buzi, D; Buzzelli, A; Cavaliere, F; Chanial, P; Charlassier, R; Columbro, F; Coppolecchia, A; Couchot, F; D' Agostino, R; De Gasperis, G; De Leo, M; De Petris, M; Di Donato, A; Dumoulin, L; Etchegoyen, A; Fasciszewski, A; Franceschet, C; Lerena, MMG; Garcia, B; Garrido, X; Gaspard, M; Gault, A; Gayer, D; Gervasi, M; Giard, M; Giraud-Heraud, Y; Berisso, MG; Gonzalez, M; Gradziel, M; Grandsire, L; Guerrard, E; Hamilton, JC; Harari, D; Haynes, V; Henrot-Versille, S; Hoang, DT; Incardona, F; Jules, E; Kaplan, J; Korotkov, A; Kristukat, C; Lamagna, L; Loucatos, S; Louis, T; Lowitz, A; Lukovic, V; Luterstein, R; Maffei, B; Marnieros, S; Mattei, A; McCulloch, MA; Medina, MC; Mele, L; Mennella, A; Montier, L; Mundo, LM; Murphy, JA; Murphy, JD; O' Sullivan, C; Olivieri, E; Paiella, A; Pajot, F; Passerini, A; Pastoriza, H; Pelosi, A; Perbost, C; Perdereau, O; Pezzotta, F; Piacentini, F; Pisano, G; Polenta, G; Prele, D; Puddu, R; Rambaud, D; Ringegni, P; Romero, GE; Salatino, M; Scoccola, CG; Scully, S; Spinelli, S; Stolpovskiy, M; Suarez, F; Tartari, A; Timbie, P; Torchinsky, SA; Tristram, M; Truongcanh, V; Tucker, C; Tucker, G; Vanneste, S; Vigano, D; Vittorio, N; Voisin, F; Watson, B; Wicek, F; Zannoni, M; Zullo, A (2018) MILLIMETER, SUBMILLIMETER, AND FAR-INFRARED DETECTORS AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY IX Thermal architecture for the QUBIC cryogenic receiver [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Salatino M.; Bélier B.; Chapron C.; Hoang D.; Maestre S.; Marnieros S.; Marty W.; Montier L.; Piat M.; Prêle D.; Rambaud D.; Thermeau J.; Torchinsky S.; Henrot-Versillé S.; Voisin F.; Ade P.; Amico G.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Banfi S.; Barbarán G.; Battaglia P.; Battistelli E.; Baù A.; Bennett D.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.; Bleurvacq N.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bordier G.; Bréelle E.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Buzzelli A.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Charlassier R.; Columbro F.; Coppi G.; Coppolecchia A.; Couchot F.; D'Agostino R.; D'Alessandro G.; De Bernardis P.; De Gasperis G.; De Leo M.; De Petris M.; Di Donato A.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Franceschet C.; Gamboa Lerena M.; García B.; Garrido X.; Gaspard M.; Gault A.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Giraud-Héraud Y.; Gómez Berisso M.; González M.; Gradziel M.; Grandsire L.; Guerrard E.; Hamilton J.; Harari D.; Haynes V.; Incardona F.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Korotkov A.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Lowitz A.; Lukovic V.; Luterstein R.; Maffei B.; Masi S.; Mattei A.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Medina M.; Mele L.; Melhuish S.; Mennella A.; Mundo L.; Murphy J.; O'Sullivan C.; Olivieri E.; Paiella A.; Pajot F. (2018) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Performance of NbSi transition-edge sensors readout with a 128 MUX factor for the QUBIC experiment [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Kalinauskaite E.; Murphy J.; Mcauley I.; Trappe N.; Mccarthy D.; Bracken C.; Doherty S.; Gradziel M.; O'sullivan C.; Wilson D.; Peacocke T.; Maffei B.; Lamarre J.; Ade P.; Savini G. (2017) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Radiation patterns of multimode feed-horn-coupled bolometers for FAR-IR space applications [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Mennella A.; Ade P.; Aumont J.; Banfi S.; Battaglia P.; Battistelli E.; Baù A.; Bélier B.; Bennett D.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.; Bersanelli M.; Bigot-Sazy M.; Bleurvacq N.; Bordier G.; Brossard J.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Buzzelli A.; Cammilleri D.; Cavaliere F.; Chanial P.; Chapron C.; Columbro F.; Coppi G.; Coppolecchia A.; Couchot F.; D’Agostino R.; D’Alessandro G.; De Bernardis P.; De Gasperis G.; De Leo M.; De Petris M.; Decourcelle T.; Del Torto F.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Franceschet C.; Garcia B.; Gault A.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Ghribi A.; Giard M.; Giraud-Héraud Y.; Gradziel M.; Grandsire L.; Hamilton J.; Harari D.; Haynes V.; Henrot-Versillé S.; Holtzer N.; Incardona F.; Kaplan J.; Korotkov A.; Krachmalnicoff N.; Lamagna L.; Lande J.; Loucatos S.; Lowitz A.; Lukovic V.; Maffei B.; Marnieros S.; Martino J.; Masi S.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Medina M.; Mele L.; Melhuish S.; Montier L.; Murphy A.; Néel D.; Ng M.; O’Sullivan C.; Paiella A. (2017) Proceedings of Science Qubic - the q&u bolometric interferometer for cosmology - a novel way to look at the polarized cosmic microwave background [Full-Text]
2016 McCarthy, D; Trappe, N; Murphy, JA; Doherty, S; Gradziel, M; O' Sullivan, C; Audley, MD; de Lange, G; van der Vorst, M (2016) MILLIMETER, SUBMILLIMETER, AND FAR-INFRARED DETECTORS AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VIII Optical characterisation and analysis of multi-mode pixels for use in future far infrared telescopes [DOI]
2016 Trappe, N; Bucher, M; De Bernardis, P; Delabrouille, J; Deo, P; De Petris, M; Doherty, S; Ghribi, A; Gradziel, M; Kuzmin, L; Maffei, B; Mahashabde, S; Masi, S; Murphy, JA; Noviello, F; O' Sullivan, C; Pagano, L; Piacentini, F; Piat, M; Pisano, G; Robinson, M; Stompor, R; Tartari, A; van der Vorst, M; Verhoeve, P (2016) MILLIMETER, SUBMILLIMETER, AND FAR-INFRARED DETECTORS AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VIII Next Generation Sub-millimetre Wave Focal Plane Array Coupling Concepts - An ESA TRP project to develop multichroic focal plane pixels for future CMB polarisation experiments [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Kalinauskaite, E; Murphy, A; McAuley, I; Trappe, NA; Bracken, CP; McCarthy, DN; Doherty, S; Gradziel, ML; O' Sullivan, C; Maffei, B; Lamarre, JMA; Ade, PAR; Savini, G (2016) MILLIMETER, SUBMILLIMETER, AND FAR-INFRARED DETECTORS AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VIII Modelling Multimode Feed-Horn Coupled Bolometers for millimeter-wave and Terahertz Astronomical Instrumentation [DOI]
2016 Gayer D.; O'Sullivan C.; Scully S.; Burke D.; Brossard J.; Chapron C. (2016) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering FreeCAD visualization of realistic 3D physical optics beams within a CAD system-model [DOI]
2016 Scully, S; Burke, D; O' Sullivan, C; Gayer, D; Gradziel, M; Murphy, JA; De Petris, M; Buzi, D; Zannoni, M; Mennella, A; Gervasi, M; Tartari, A; Maffei, B; Aumont, J; Banfi, S; Battaglia, P; Battistelli, ES; Bau, A; Belier, B; Bennett, D; Berge, L; Bernard, JP; Bersanelli, M; Bigot-Sazy, MA; Bleurvacq, N; Bordier, G; Brossard, J; Bunn, EF; Cammilleri, D; Cavaliere, F; Chanial, P; Chapron, C; Coppolecchia, A; Couchot, F; D' Alessandro, G; De Bernardis, P; Decourcelle, T; Del Torto, F; Dumoulin, L; Franceschet, C; Gault, A; Ghribi, A; Giard, M; Giraud-Heraud, Y; Grandsire, L; Hamilton, JC; Haynes, V; Henrot-Versille, S; Holtzer, N; Kaplan, J; Korotkov, A; Lande, J; Lowitz, A; Marnieros, S; Martino, J; Masi, S; McCulloch, M; Melhuish, S; Montier, L; Neel, D; Ng, MW; Pajot, F; Passerini, A; Perbost, C; Perdereau, O; Piacentini, F; Piat, M; Piccirillo, L; Pisano, G; Prele, D; Puddu, R; Rambaud, D; Rigaut, O; Salatino, M; Schillaci, A; Stolpovskiy, M; Timbie, P; Tristram, M; Tucker, G; Vigano, D; Voisin, F; Watson, B (2016) MILLIMETER, SUBMILLIMETER, AND FAR-INFRARED DETECTORS AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VIII Optical design and modelling of the QUBIC instrument, a next-generation quasi-optical bolometric interferometer for cosmology [DOI]
2016 Donohoe A.; O'Sullivan C.; Murphy J.; Bracken C.; Savini G.; Pascale E.; Ade P.; Sudiwala R.; Hornsby A. (2016) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Electromagnetic modelling of a space-borne far-infrared interferometer [DOI]
2016 Ade P.; Hornsby A.; Pascale E.; Sudiwala R.; Juanola-Parramon R.; Baccichet N.; Savini G.; Bracken C.; Donohoe A.; Murphy A.; O'Sullivan C. (2016) 2015 8th UK, Europe, China Millimeter Waves and THz Technology Workshop, UCMMT 2015 Progress in spectral-spatial interferometry at multi-THz frequencies - Potential applications [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 McCarthy, D; Trappe, N; Doherty, S; Murphy, JA; Bracken, C; Gradziel, M; O' Sullivan, C; van der Vorst, M; Audley, MD; de Lange, G (2015) 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) Analysis and Optical Characterisation of Bolometric Integrating Cavities Including a Free Space Gap in the Waveguide Structure [Full-Text]
2015 Murphy, JA; McAuley, I; McCarthy, D; Trappe, N; Gradziel, M; O' Sullivan, C; Mahon, R (2015) 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) Quasi-Optical Phase Retrieval of Radiation Patterns of Non-Standard Horn Antennas at Millimetre and Submillimetre Wavelengths [Full-Text]
2015 McCarthy D.; Trappe N.; Murphy J.; Gradziel M.; O'Sullivan C.; Doherty S. (2015) Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium The optimisation and analysis of multi-moded feed horn structures at terahertz frequencies [Full-Text]
2015 Doherty, S; von Bieren, A; Cahill, F; Macor, A; de Rijk, E; Trappe, N; Billod, M; O' Sullivan, C; Favre, M; Gradziel, M; Murphy, JA (2015) 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) Rectangular to Large Diameter Conical Corrugated Waveguide Converter Based on Stacked Rings [Full-Text]
2015 Anthony Murphy J.; O'Sullivan C.; Donohoe A.; Bracken C.; Gradziel M.; Savini G.; Juanola-Parramon R.; Lightfoot J.; Spencer L.; Ade P. (2015) Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, FTS 2015 Diffraction issues for far-infrared space interferometry
2015 Bracken C.; O'Sullivan C.; Donohoe A.; Murphy A.; Savini G.; Juanola-Parramon R.; Baccichet N.; Guisseau A.; Ade P.; Pascale E.; Spencer L.; Walker I.; Dohlen K.; Lightfoot J.; Holland W.; Jones M.; Walker D.; McMillan A. (2015) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Optical and quasi-optical analysis of system components for a far-infrared space interferometer [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Savini G.; Ade P.; Baccichet N.; Bracken C.; Dohlenh K.; Donohoe A.; Gom B.; Griffin M.; Holland W.; Iafolla V.; Ivison R.; Jones M.; Juanola-Parramon R.; Lightfoot J.; Liu S.; McMillan A.; Murphy J.; Naylor D.; O'Sullivan C.; Pascale E.; Pezzutto S.; Rakotonimbahy E.; Schito D.; Spencer L.; Spinoglio L.; Swinyard B.; Venendaal I.; Vives S.; Walker D.; Leisawitz D.; Shi S.; Matsuo H. (2015) Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, FTS 2015 Progress in the critical assessment for a far-infrared space interferometer with double fourier modulation (FP7-FISICA) [Full-Text]
2015 Ade, P; Hornsby, A; Pascale, E; Sudiwala, R; Juanola-Parramon, R; Baccichet, N; Savini, G; Bracken, C; Donohoe, A; Murphy, A; O' Sullivan, C (2015) 2015 8TH UK, EUROPE, CHINA MILLIMETER WAVES AND THZ TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP (UCMMT) Progress in Spectral-Spatial interferometry at multi-THz frequencies - Potential applications
2014 Scully, S; Gayer, D; Bennet, D; O'Sullivan, C; Gradziel, ML (2014) TERAHERTZ, RF, MILLIMETER, AND SUBMILLIMETER-WAVE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS VII Techniques for the modelling of QUBIC A next-generation quasi-optical bolometric interferometer for cosmology [DOI]
2014 McCarthy, D; Trappe, N; Murphy, JA; O'Sullivan, C; Gradziel, M; Doherty, S; Bracken, C; Tynan, N; Polegre, A; Huggard, P (2014) MILLIMETER, SUBMILLIMETER, AND FAR-INFRARED DETECTORS AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VII Efficient algorithms for optimising the optical performance of profiled smooth walled horns for future CMB and Far-IR missions [DOI]
2014 Savini G.; Juanola-Parramon R.; Stabbins R.; Baccichet N.; Donohoe A.; Murphy A.; O'Sullivan C. (2014) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering A thermal spectral-spatial interferometric testbed [DOI]
2014 Murphy J.; Bracken C.; Doherty S.; McAuley I.; Wilson D.; O'Sullivan C.; Trappe N.; Gradziel M.; Ade P.; Gleeson E.; Maffei B.; Lamarre J.; Noviello F.; Peacocke T.; Pisano G.; Puget J.; Savini G.; Sudiwala R.; Withington S.; Wylde R.; Yurchenko V. (2014) 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2014 Multimode horn antennas for far-infrared astronomy [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Mc Auley I.; Murphy J.; Wilson D.; O'sullivan C. (2014) Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi Optical modelling of the Planck multi-mode channels [DOI]
2013 Sadwick L.; O'Sullivan C. (2013) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Introduction [DOI]
2012 Goldie D.; Gao J.; Glowacka D.; Griffin D.; Hijmering R.; Khosropanah P.; Jackson B.; Mauskopf P.; Morozov D.; Murphy J.; Ridder M.; Trappe N.; O'Sullivan C.; Withington S. (2012) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Ultra-low-noise transition edge sensors for the SAFARI L-band on SPICA [DOI]
2012 Sadwick L.; O' Sullivan C. (2012) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Introduction [DOI]
2012 Murphy, JA; Doherty, S; Trappe, N; Bracken, C; Peacocke, T; O'Sullivan, C (2012) TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS V New Developments in Waveguide Mode-Matching Techniques for Far-Infrared Astronomy [DOI]
2012 Gayer, D; Bennett, D; O'Sullivan, C; Scully, S; Curran, G; Hamilton, JC; Bigot-Sazy, MA; Piat, M; Kaplan, J; Tartari, A; Gervasi, M; Zannoni, M (2012) MILLIMETER, SUBMILLIMETER, AND FAR-INFRARED DETECTORS AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VI The Optical Design of the QUBIC Beam Combiner [DOI]
2012 Khosropanah P.; Hijmering R.; Ridder M.; Gao J.; Morozov D.; Mauskopf P.; Trappe N.; O'Sullivan C.; Murphy A.; Griffin D.; Goldie D.; Glowacka D.; Withington S.; Jackson B.; Audley M.; De Lange G. (2012) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering TES arrays for the short wavelength band of the SAFARI instrument on SPICA [DOI]
2011 Sadwick L.; O'Sullivan C. (2011) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Introduction [DOI]
2011 Hinderks, JR; Ade, P; Bock, J; Bowden, M; Brown, ML; Cahil, G; Carlstrom, JE; Castro, PG; Church, S; Culverhouse, T; Friedman, R; Ganga, K; Gear, WK; Gupta, S; Harris, J; Haynes, V; Kovac, J; Lange, AE; Leitch, E; Mallie, OE; Melhuish, S; Memari, Y; Murphy, A; Orlando, A; Schwarz, R; O' Sullivan, C; Piccirillo, L; Pryke, C; Rajguru, N; Rusholme, B; Taylor, AN; Thompson, KL; Tucker, C; Turner, AH; Wu, EYS; Zemcov, M (2011) ASTRONOMICAL POLARIMETRY 2008: SCIENCE FROM SMALL TO LARGE TELESCOPES Polarization Calibration of the QUaD Experiment [Full-Text]
2011 Trappe N.; Gao J.; Glowacka D.; Goldie D.; Griffin D.; Khosropanah P.; Mauskopf P.; Morozov D.; Murphy A.; O'Sullivan C.; Ridder M.; Withington S. (2011) Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2011 Optical requirements and modelling of coupling devices for the SAFARI instrument on SPICA [Full-Text]
2011 Doherty, S; Trappe, N; O'Sullivan, C; Murphy, JA; Curran, G; Mauskopf, P; Zhang, J; Withington, S; Goldie, D; Glowaka, D; Khosropanah, P; Ridder, M; Brujin, M; Gao, JR; Griffin, D; Swinyard, B; Ferlot, M (2011) TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS IV Modelling of Horn Antennas and Detector Cavities for the SAFARI instrument at THz Frequencies [DOI]
2010 Spinelli S.; Gervasi M.; Tartari A.; Zannoni M.; O'Sullivan C.; Bennett D.; Curran G. (2010) IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide Estimators for the performances of the optical combiner of an adding interferometer [DOI]
2010 Mauskopf P.; Ade P.; Beyer J.; Bruijn M.; Gao J.; Glowacka D.; Goldie D.; Griffin D.; Griffin M.; Hoevers H.; Khosrapanah P.; Kooijma P.; De Korte P.; Morozov D.; Murphy A.; O'Sullivan C.; Ridder M.; Trappe N.; Van Weers H.; Van Der Kuur J.; Withington S. (2010) 21st International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology 2010, ISSTT 2010 A TES focal plane for SPICA-SAFARI [Full-Text]
2010 Doherty S.; Trappe N.; O'Sullivan C.; Murphy A. (2010) IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide A modal approach to the modeling of rectangular detector horns and cavities at THz frequencies [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Trappe, N; Gao, JR; Glowacka, D; Goldie, D; Griffin, D; Khosropanah, P; Mauskopf, P; Morozov, D; Murphy, A; O'Sullivan, C; Ridder, M; Withington, S (2010) TERAHERTZ TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS III Optical requirements and modeling of coupling devices for future far-infrared space missions [DOI]
2010 O'Sullivan C.; Murphy J.; Trappe N.; Gradziel M.; Peacocke T.; Withington S. (2010) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Efficient optical modelling for far-infrared astronomical instrumentation [DOI]
2009 Tartari, A., Bartlett J.G., Brelle E, Charlassier R., Ghribi A., Giraud-Hraud Y., Guglielmi L., Hamilton J.-C., Kaplan J., Piat M., Prle D., Rosset C., Voisin F., Bernard J.-P., Bounab A., Giard M., Lande J., Dumoulin L., Berg L., Collin S., Marnieros S., Pajot F., Battistelli E., Cruciani A., De Bernardis P., Giordano C., Iacoangeli A., Maiello M., Masi S., Piacentini F., Peterzen S., Polenta G., Schillaci A., Ba A., Gervasi M., Passerini A., Sironi G., Spinelli S., Zannoni M., Maffei B., Piccirillo L., Pisano G., Watson B., Haynes V., Tucker G., Korotkov A., Timbie P., Gault A., Bunn E., Malu S.S., Curran G., Gradziel M., Murphy A., O'Sullivan C., (2009) 5th ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications & 31st ESA Antenna Workshop, ESTEC, The Netherlands, 18-20 May BRAIN/MBI: A Bolometric Interferometer Dedicated to the CMB Polarization [Full-Text]
2008 O'Sullivan C., J.A. Murphy, M. Gradziel, N. Trappe, T. Peacocke (2008) Proceedings of the Research Colloquium on Emerging Trends in Wireless Communications Millimetre-Wave Optics for High-Precision Applications
2008 Curran G.; Gradziel M.; O' Sullivan C.; Anthony Murphy J.; Korotkov A.; Malu S.; Timbie P.; Tucker G. (2008) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Modeling the quasi-optical performance of CMB astronomical interferometers [DOI]
2008 May R.; Murphy J.; O'Sullivan C.; Gradziel M.; Trappe N. (2008) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Gaussian beam mode analysis of phase gratings [DOI]
2008 Tucker G.; Korotkov A.; Gault A.; Hyland P.; Malu S.; Timbie P.; Bunn E.; Keating B.; Bierman E.; O'Sullivan C.; Ade P.; Piccirillo L. (2008) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering The millimeter-wave bolometric interferometer (MBI) [DOI]
2007 Lanigan W.; Butler E.; Duffy E.; McAuley I.; Young L.; Gradziel M.; O'Sullivan C.; Murphy J.; May R.; Trappe N. (2007) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Analysis of millimetre-wave imaging and detection [DOI]
2007 Curran G.; Gradziel M.; O'Sullivan C.; Murphy J.; Hyland P.; Korotkov A.; Malu S.; Piccirillo L.; Timbie P.; Tucker G. (2007) IRMMW-THz2007 - Conference Digest of the Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimetre Waves, and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics Quasi-optical design and analysis of the millimeter-wave bolometric interferometer (MBI) [Full-Text]
2006 McAuley I.; Young L.; Gradziel M.; Lanigan W.; O'Sullivan C.; Murphy J.; Mahon R.; May R.; Trappe N. (2006) IRMMW-THz 2006 - 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics Millimetre-wave and terahertz imaging systems with medical applications [DOI] [Full-Text]
2006 Korotkov A.; Kim J.; Tucker G.; Gault A.; Hyland P.; Malu S.; Timbie P.; Bunn E.; Bierman E.; Keating B.; Murphy A.; O'Sullivan C.; Ade P.; Calderon C.; Piccirillo L. (2006) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering The millimeter-wave bolometric interferometer [DOI]
2004 Humphries, K. and Loughran, J.P. and Gradziel, M. and Lanigan, W. and Ward, T. and Murphy, J.A. and O'Sullivan, C. (2004) 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004, San Francisco, California, USA Medical applications of Terahertz Imaging: a Review of Current Technology and Potential Applications in Biomedical Engineering [Full-Text]
2004 Gleeson, E; Lanigan, W; Murphy, JA; O'Sullivan, C; Maffei, B; Church, SE; Cartwright, E (2004) MILLIMETER AND SUBMILLIMETER DETECTORS FOR ASTRONOMY II Bandwidth characteristics of corrugated waveguide-horn feeds for CMB experiments [DOI]
2003 Jellema, W., Wijnholds S. J., Wesselius P. R., Withington S., Yassin G., Murphy J.A., O’Sullivan C., Trappe N., Peacocke T. and Leone B., (2003) Proceedings of 5th ESA Workshop on Millimeter-Wave Technology and Applications Performance characterization and measurement results of a submillimeter-wave near-field facility for the heterodyne instrument for the far-infrared
2003 Jellema, W., Wesselius P.R., Withington S., Yassin, G., Murphy, J.A., O’Sullivan, C., Trappe, N., Peacocke T., Leone, B. (2003) 14th International Symposium of Space Terahertz Technology Experimental verification of the electromagnetic simulations of a HIFI mixer sub assembly [Full-Text]
2002 Murphy J.A., Colgan R., Gleeson E., Maffei B., O'Sullivan C., Ade P.A.R (2002) Proceedings of the 2K1BC Workshop on Eperimental Cosmology at Millimetre-Waves Corrugated Horn Design for HFI on PLANCK
2002 Yassin G., Withington S., O'Sullivan C., Murphy J.A., Peacocke T., Jellema W. and Wesselius P. (2002) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology Electromagnetic modelling of Submillimetre-wave systems
2002 O'Sullivan C., Murphy J.A., Withington S., Yassin G., Atad-Ettedgui E., Duncan W., Henry D., Jellema W., van de Stadt H. (2002) Proceedings of the 2K1BC Workshop on Eperimental Cosmology at Millimetre-Waves MM-Wave Optics Design & Verification
2002 Gleeson E., Murphy J.A., Church S.E., Colgan R., O’Sullivan, C. (2002) Proceedings of the 2K1BC Workshop on Eperimental Cosmology at Millimetre-Waves Electromagnetic modelling of few-moded Winston cones in the far-infrared [Full-Text]
2000 S. Withington, G. Yassim, J.A. Murphy, C.O'Sullivan, E. Atad, W. Duncan, D. Henry, H. van der Stadt, P. Armandillo, P. de Maagt, G. Ulbrich (2000) Proceedings of Millennium Conference on Antennas and PropagationOCEEDINGS OF MILLENNIUM CONFERENCE ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION Submlllimetre-wave and far-infrared optical design and analysis techniques
2000 Colgan R, Murphy J.A., Maffei B., O'Sullivan C., Wylde S.R., Ade P. (2000) Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology Modelling Few-Moded Horns for Far-IR Space Applications
2000 C. O'Sullivan, S.Withington and J.A. Murphy (2000) 8th International Symposium on Terahertz Electronics Coherent and incoherent phase retrieval using Gaussian Beam Modes
1999 C. O'Sullivan, J.A. Murphy, N. Trappe, W Lanigan, R Colgan and S. Withington (1999) Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology The Gaussian Beam Mode Analysis of Phase Gratings [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2013 Murphy J.; O'Sullivan C. (2013) Terahertz optics. [Article] [DOI]


Year Publication
2019 Lee, Adrian; Ade, P. A. R.; Akiba, Y.; Alonso, D.; Arnold, K.; Aumont, J.; Austermann, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Banday, A. J.; Banerji, R.; Barreiro, R. B.; Basak, S.; Beall, J.; Beckman, S.; Bersanelli, M.; Borrill, J.; Boulanger, F.; Brown, M. L.; Bucher, M.; Buzzelli, A. Calabrese, E.; Casas, F. J.; Challinor, A.; Chan, V.; Chinone, Y.; Cliche, J. -F.; Columbro, F.; Cukierman, A.; Curtis, D.; Danto, P.; de Bernardis, P.; de Haan, T.; De Petris, M.; Dickinson, C.; Dobbs, M.; Dotani, T.; Duband, L.; Ducout, A.; Duff, S.; Duivenvoorden, A.; Duval, J. -M.; Ebisawa, K.; Elleflot, T.; Enokida, H.; Eriksen, H. K.; Errard, J.; Essinger-Hileman, T.; Finelli, F.; Flauger, R.; Franceschet, C.; Fuskeland, U.; Ganga, K.; Gao, J. -R.; Genova-Santos, R.; Ghigna, T.; Gomez, A.; Gradziel, M. L.; Grain, J.; Grupp, F.; Gruppuso, A.; Gudmundsson, J. E.; Halverson, N. W.; Hargrave, P.; Hasebe, T.; Hasegawa, M.; Hattori, M.; Hazumi, M.; Henrot-Versille, S.; Herranz, D.; Hill, C.; Hilton, G.; Hirota, Y.; Hivon, E.; Hložek, R.; Hoang, D. -T.; Hubmayr, J.; Ichiki, K.; Iida, T.; Imada, H.; Ishimura, K.; Ishino, H.; Jaehnig, G. C.; Jones, M.; Kaga, T.; Kashima, S.; Kataoka, Y.; Katayama, N.; Kawasaki, T.; Keskitalo, R.; Kibayashi, A.; Kikuchi, T.; Kimura, K.; Kisner, T.; Kobayashi, Y.; Kogiso, N.; Kogut, A.; Kohri, K.; Komatsu, E.; Komatsu, K.; Konishi, K.; Krachmalnicoff, N.; Kuo, C. L.; Kurinsky, N.; Kushino, A.; Kuwata-Gonokami, M.; Lamagna, L.; Lattanzi, M.; Lee, A. T.; Linder, E.; Maffei, B.; Maino, D.; Maki, M.; Mangilli, A.; Martínez-Gonzalez, E.; Masi, S.; Mathon, R.; Matsumura, T.; Mennella, A.; Migliaccio, M.; Minami, Y.; Mistuda, K.; Molinari, D.; Montier, L.; Morgante, G.; Mot, B.; Murata, Y.; Murphy, J. A.; Nagai, M.; Nagata, R.; Nakamura, S.; Namikawa, T.; Natoli, P.; Nerval, S.; Nishibori, T.; Nishino, H.; Nomura, Y.; Noviello, F.; O'Sullivan, C.; Ochi, H.; Ogawa, H.; Ogawa, H.; Ohsaki, H.; Ohta, I.; Okada, N.; Okada, N.; Pagano, L.; Paiella, A.; Paoletti, D.; Patanchon, G.; Piacentini, F.; Pisano, G.; Polenta, G.; Poletti, D.; Prouvé, T.; Puglisi, G.; Rambaud, D.; Raum, C.; Realini, S.; Remazeilles, M.; Roudil, G.; Rubiño-Martın, J. A.; Russell, M.; Sakurai, H.; Sakurai, Y.; Sandri, M.; Savini, G.; Scott, D.; Sekimoto, Y.; Sherwin, B. D.; Shinozaki, K.; Shiraishi, M.; Shirron, P.; Signorelli, G.; Smecher, G.; Spizzi, P.; Stever, S. L.; Stompor, R.; Sugai, H.; Sugiyama, S.; Suzuki, A.; Suzuki, J.; Switzer, E.; Takaku, R.; Takakura, H.; Takakura, S.; Takeda, Y.; Taylor, A.; Taylor, E.; Terao, Y.; Thompson, K. L.; Thorne, B.; Tomasi, M.; Tomida, H.; Trappe, N.; Tristram, M.; Tsuji, M.; Tsujimoto, M.; Tucker, C.; Ullom, J.; Uozumi, S.; Utsunomiya, S.; Van Lanen, J.; Vermeulen, G.; Vielva, P.; Villa, F.; Vissers, M.; Vittorio, N.; Voisin, F.; Walker, I.; Watanabe, N.; Wehus, I.; Weller, J.; Westbrook, B.; Winter, B.; Wollack, E.; Yamamoto, R.; Yamasaki, N. Y.; Yanagisawa, M.; Yoshida, T.; Yumoto, J.; Zannoni, M.; Zonca, A. (2019) LiteBIRD: an all-sky cosmic microwave background probe of inflation. [Bulletin]


Year Publication
2010 Sadwick L.; O'Sullivan C. (2010) Terahertz technology and applications III: Introduction. [Editorial] [DOI]


Year Publication
2022 Hamilton J.C.; Mousset L.; Battistelli E.S.; De Bernardis P.; Bigot-Sazy M.A.; Chanial P.; Charlassier R.; D'Alessandro G.; De Petris M.; Gamboa Lerena M.M.; Grandsire L.; Landau S.; Mandelli S.; Marnieros S.; Masi S.; Mennella A.; O'Sullivan C.; Piat M.; Ricciardi G.; Scóccola C.G.; Stolpovskiy M.; Tartari A.; Torchinsky S.A.; Voisin F.; Zannoni M.; Ade P.; Alberro J.G.; Almela A.; Amico G.; Arnaldi L.H.; Auguste D.; Aumont J.; Azzoni S.; Banfi S.; Baù A.; Bélier B.; Bennett D.; Bergé L.; Bernard J.P.; Bersanelli M.; Bonaparte J.; Bonis J.; Bunn E.; Burke D.; Buzi D.; Cavaliere F.; Chapron C.; Cobos Cerutti A.C.; Columbro F.; Coppolecchia A.; De Gasperis G.; De Leo M.; Dheilly S.; Duca C.; Dumoulin L.; Etchegoyen A.; Fasciszewski A.; Ferreyro L.P.; Fracchia D.; Franceschet C.; Ganga K.M.; García B.; García Redondo M.E.; Gaspard M.; Gayer D.; Gervasi M.; Giard M.; Gilles V.; Giraud-Heraud Y.; Gómez Berisso M.; González M.; Gradziel M.; Hampel M.R.; Harari D.; Henrot-Versillé S.; Incardona F.; Jules E.; Kaplan J.; Kristukat C.; Lamagna L.; Loucatos S.; Louis T.; Maffei B.; Marty W.; Mattei A.; May A.; McCulloch M.; Mele L.; Melo D.; Montier L.; Mundo L.M.; Murphy J.A.; Murphy J.D.; Nati F.; Olivieri E.; Oriol C.; Paiella A.; Pajot F.; Passerini A.; Pastoriza H. (2022) QUBIC I: Overview and science program. [Reviews] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Gowen, AA; O'Sullivan, C; O'Donnell, CP (2012) Terahertz time domain spectroscopy and imaging: Emerging techniques for food process monitoring and quality control. LONDON: [Reviews] [DOI]
2006 Timbie P.; Tucker G.; Ade P.; Ali S.; Bierman E.; Bunn E.; Calderon C.; Gault A.; Hyland P.; Keating B.; Kim J.; Korotkov A.; Malu S.; Mauskopf P.; Murphy J.; O'Sullivan C.; Piccirillo L.; Wandelt B. (2006) The Einstein polarization interferometer for cosmology (EPIC) and the millimeter-wave bolometric interferometer (MBI). [Reviews] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2003 Church S.; Ade P.; Bock J.; Bowden M.; Carlstrom J.; Ganga K.; Gear W.; Hinderks J.; Hu W.; Keating B.; Kovac J.; Lange A.; Leitch E.; Mallie O.; Melhuish S.; Murphy A.; Rusholme B.; O'Sullivan C.; Piccirillo L.; Pryke C.; Taylor A.; Thompson K. (2003) QUEST on DASI: A South Pole CMB polarization experiment. [Reviews] [DOI] [Full-Text]


Year Publication
1995 Dr Créidhe O'Sullivan (1995) Observations of Anisotropies in the CMBR at 15GHz with the CAT. University of Cambridge: [Thesis]


Year Publication
2000 O'Sullivan C. (2000) The Age of the Universe. [Other]

Other Publication

Year Publication
1998 Delplancke F., Ageorges N., Hubin N. & O’Sullivan C. (1998) LGS light pollution investigation in Calar Alto.
1998 O’Sullivan C.M.M., Redfern R.M., Ageorges N., Holstenberg H.-C., Hackenberg W., Rabien S., Ott T., Davies R., Eckart A. (1998) The mesospheric sodium layer at Calar Alto, Spain.
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Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University College Dublin B.Sc.
Cambridge University Ph.D.