Prof Rowan Fealy

Geography, ICARUS, Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI), National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG)


Laraghbryan House
(01) 708 4562


Rowan lectures on both theoretical and applied aspects of the climate system. His particular area of expertise is in regional climate analysis and modelling and land-atmosphere interactions at regional and local scales. He has published widely on all aspects of climate and climate change, with particular emphasis on Ireland. He contributes to the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) initiative which is seeking to develop regional climate projections for use in informing policy at all levels, as part of EURO-CORDEX. He has participated in a number of successful funded research projects as researcher, lead/co-applicant and PI working with state, semi-state, industry and international partners. In recognition of his contribution to scientific research, he was awarded a Fulbright Scholar award in Science and Technology 2012-2013 which facilitated his research, as a visiting scientist, at the National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado. He has previously participated in reporting to the United Nations, under the Framework Convention on Climate Change, and acted as an expert reviewer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007. 

Research Interests

Physical Climatology; Statistical and Dynamical Modelling of the Climate System; Model Uncertainty Land-air interactions in both Urban and non-Urban Land Use Types Climate and Agriculture

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Terrain AI SFI contribution (Stage 2) PI 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 3143566.98
Terrain AI Microsoft contribution (Stage 2) PI 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 2499977
Spatial Optimisation for Indicative Land Uses; a soil-climate based assessment PI 05/10/2020 04/10/2024 96000
Soil carbon sequestration in grassland production systems: A process-based approach PI Soils are the world's largest carbon reservoir containing approximately 1500 billion tons in the form of organic material. Increasing the amount of carbon in the earth's soils by 0.4% per year can halt the 4.3 billion ton annual increase in carbon emissions and help prevent climate change. Grassland soils are the dominant store of carbon in Ireland and need to be enhanced if Irish agriculture is to meet its national climate change obligations and Food Wise 2025 ambitions. Walsh Fellowships page 1 of 8 Numerous factors and processes drive the rate of carbon sequestration by soil. Measuring the effect of multiple factors on soil carbon processes at the field or higher scales is difficult and expensive. Currently, the only practical option at these scales is to model changes in carbon. Many models are available to simulate soil carbon. They vary in complexity from simple static tool to dynamic process based models. These tools however have not been developed for Irish grassland production systems. Thus, there findings regarding the effect farm management practices and/or new grassland technologies (e.g., conversions of leys to permanent grassland, introducing earthworms to soil, draining mineral soils and planting hedges) have on soil carbon levels may not be appropriate for Irish conditions. The main goal of this research will be to develop a valid process-based soil carbon sequestration model for Irish pastoral systems.This will be realized by adapting an existing published American or European tool e.g., Pasture Simulation (Riedo et al., 1998). The adapted model will be applied using field data collated from blueprint Teagasc farm systems and carbon outputs will be verified against actual field results. Once validated, the model will be used to evaluate promising carbon sequestration technologies for grassland systems and assess there nitrogen and economic implications. 01/10/2020 30/09/2024 108000
Next Gen Nutrient Efficiency for Sustainability – soil fertility underpinning nutrient use efficiency for sustainability PI There is an urgent need to achieve balanced nutrient management to increase the profitability and sustainability of Irish agriculture. Different soil types respond differently to additional nutrient applications, even with similar soil test starting points. In Ireland, high soil variability makes developing nutrient management strategies a key sustainability bottleneck for Irish farming and advisory services. Soil type is the main driver of nutrient cycling and production capacity. Accordingly, soils represent different nutrient loss risks due to run-off, leaching and denitrification. Poor soil fertility not only results in yield losses but also losses to the environment which makes meeting environmental obligations challenging. Significant opportunities for increased nutrient use efficiency exist through extensive soil fertility research now available, that could be coupled with a platform (NMP online) to enhance the sustainability of Irish agriculture. Taking the field as the management unit, this work will integrate soil fertility research with field by field NMP online platform data to categorise soils based on biophysical (soil, weather) and management data to generate standard algorithms to enhance production potential while minimising environmental losses. This new information can be leveraged by advisors,farmers and policymakers to improve nutrient use efficiency, profitability and overall sustainability of Irish agriculture. 01/10/2020 30/09/2024 101750
Developing high resolution soil moisture estimates from EO PI 02/03/2020 01/09/2022 348462.44
Response of tree species to climate change PI 01/12/2019 30/11/2023 114877.4
FPCUP: Developing regional or Member State-specific support for monitoring and reporting of GHG emissions and removals from land use land use change and forestry (Tier 2) PI 18/12/2019 17/12/2022 60000.25
Using a surface energy balance approach to characterise agro-environmental zones in Ireland in support of on-farm decision making PI 01/09/2016 31/08/2020 89833.37
Deriving high resolution, on-farm, rainfall estimates from terrestrial and satellite radar data: An application for use in real time nutrient management PI 02/10/2017 01/10/2021 94333.37
Establishing a Platform for IPM in Irish Crops PI 01/01/2015 31/12/2019 117000
Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Cluster PI 01/09/2014 31/08/2018 88000
Quantifying the costs and benefits associated with climate change risks and adaptation (ADAPT) PI 01/10/2011 30/09/2012 0
Next Generation, High Resolution, DEcadal and Long-Term Climate Simulations for IrelAnd leading to improved Policy Formulation (DELTA) FORMERLY: iDecSim PI 01/10/2011 30/09/2013 0

Post Doctoral Fellows / Research Team

Researcher Name Project Funding Body
Next generation, high resolution, DEcadal and Long-Term Climate Simulations for IrelAnd leading to improved policy formulation
Forest Management Research

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Kane, S.; McCarthy, T.; Fealy, R.; Kratzer, S. (2024) 'A Validation of OLCI Sentinel-3 Water Products in the Baltic Sea and an Evaluation of the Effect of System Vicarious Calibration (SVC) on the Level-2 Water Products'. Remote Sensing, 16 (21). [Link] [DOI]
2024 Charley, A; Mirea, M.; Sonarghare, S.; Fealy, R.; McCarthy, T.; Caulfield, B. (2024) 'Evaluating the readiness for electric vehicle adoption among the urban population using geospatial techniques'. Journal of Transport Geography (Elsevier Science), 119 .
2024 Kazeem Ishola; Gerald Mills; Ankur Sati; Benjamin Obe; Matthias Demuzere; Deepak Upreti; Gourav Misra; Paul Lewis; Daire Walsh; Tim McCarthy; Rowan Fealy (2024) 'Implementation of global soil databases in NOAH-MP model and the effects on simulated mean and extreme soil hydrothermal changes'. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, . [DOI]
2024 Deodoro, S.C.; de Andrade Moral, R.; Fealy, R.; McCarthy, T.; Fealy, R. (2024) 'Using the surface scattering mechanism from dual-pol SAR data to estimate topsoil particle-sizefractions'. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 128 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Kazeem A. Ishola, Gerald Mills, Reamonn M. Fealy, Rowan Fealy (2023) 'A model framework to investigate the role of anomalous land surface processes in the amplification of summer drought across Ireland during 2018'. International Journal of Climatology, 43 (1):480-498. [Link]
2023 Sandra Cristina Deodoro, Rafael Andrade Moral, Reamonn Fealy, Tim McCarthy, Rowan Fealy (2023) 'An assessment of Sentinel 1 SAR, geophysical and topographical covariates for estimating topsoil particle size fractions'. European Journal of Soil Science, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Upreti, D.; McCarthy, T.; O’Neill, M.; Ishola, K.; Fealy, R. (2022) 'Application and Evaluation of a Simple Crop Modelling Framework: A Case Study for Spring Barley, Winter Wheat and Winter Oilseed Rape over Ireland'. Agronomy, 12 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Diez-Sierr J.; Iturbide M.; Gutiérrez J.M.; Fernández J.; Milovac J.; Cofiño A.S.; Cimadevilla E.; Nikulin G.; Levavasseur G.; Kjellström E.; Bülow K.; Horányi A.; Brookshaw A.; García-Díe M.; Pérez A.; Baño-Medin J.; Ahrens B.; Alias A.; Ashfaq M.; Bukovsky M.; Buonomo E.; Caluwaerts S.; Chou S.C.; Christensen O.B.; Ciarlò J.M.; Coppola E.; Corre L.; Demory M.E.; Djurdjevic V.; Evans J.P.; Fealy R.; Feldmann H.; Jacob D.; Jayanarayanan S.; Katzfey J.; Keuler K.; Kittel C.; Kurnaz M.L.; Laprise R.; Lionello P.; McGinnis S.; Mercogliano P.; Nabat P.; Önol B.; Ozturk T.; Panitz H.J.; Paquin D.; Pieczka I.; Raffaele F.; Remedio A.R.; Scinocca J.; Sevault F.; Somot S.; Steger C.; Tangang F.; Teichmann C.; Termonia P.; Thatcher M.; Torma C.; Van Meijgaard E.; Robert Vautard ; Kirsten Warrach-Sagi ; Winger K.; Zittis G. (2022) 'The Worldwide C3S CORDEX Grand Ensemble A Major Contribution to Assess Regional Climate Change in the IPCC AR6 Atlas'. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103 (12):E2804-E2826. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Meresa H.; Murphy C.; Fealy R.; Golian S. (2021) 'Uncertainties and their interaction in flood hazard assessment with climate change'. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 25 (9):5237-5257. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Cucak M; Moral RA; Fealy R; Lambkin K; Kildea S; (2021) 'Opportunities for an improved potato late blight management in the Republic of Ireland: Field evaluation of the modified Irish Rules crop disease risk prediction model'. Phytopathology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Murphy, C; Wilby, R L; Matthews, T K; Thorne, P; Broderick, C; Fealy, R; Hall, J; Harrigan, S; Jones, P; McCarthy, G; MacDonald, N; Noone, S; Ryan, C; (2020) 'Multi-century trends to wetter winters and drier summers in the England and Wales precipitation series explained by observational and sampling bias in early records'. International Journal of Climatology, 40 (1):610-619. [Link] [Full-Text]
2020 Latif, Y; Ma, YM; Ma, WQ; Muhammad, S; Adnan, M; Yaseen, M; Fealy, R (2020) 'Differentiating Snow and Glacier Melt Contribution to Runoff in the Gilgit River Basin via Degree-Day Modelling Approach'. Atmosphere, 11 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Ishola K.A.; Mills G.; Fealy R.M.; Choncubhair Ó.N.; Fealy R. (2020) 'Improving a land surface scheme for estimating sensible and latent heat fluxes above grasslands with contrasting soil moisture zones'. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 294 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Buckley, N., Mills, G., Fealy, R. (2020) 'An inventory of buildings in Dublin City for energy Management'. Irish Geography, 53 (1). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Pollard C.; Griffin C.; Andrade Moral R.; Duffy C.; Chuche J.; Gaffney M.; Fealy R. (2020) 'phenModel: A temperature-dependent phenology/voltinism model for a herbivorous insect incorporating facultative diapause and budburst'. Ecological Modelling, 416 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Duffy, Catriona and Tuffen, Melanie G and Fealy, Rowan and Griffin, Christine T (2020) 'Application of hierarchical clustering to identify high risk pests to Sitka spruce: Ireland as a case study'. . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Jacob, Daniela,Teichmann, Claas,Sobolowski, Stefan,Katragkou, Eleni,Anders, Ivonne,Belda, Michal,Benestad, Rasmus,Boberg, Fredrik,Buonomo, Erasmo,Cardoso, Rita M.,Casanueva, Ana,Christensen, Ole B.,Christensen, Jens Hesselbjerg,Coppola, Erika,De Cruz, Lesley,Davin, Edouard L.,Dobler, Andreas,Domínguez, Marta,Fealy, Rowan,Fernandez, Jesus,Gaertner, Miguel Angel,García-Díez, Markel,Giorgi, Filippo,Gobiet, Andreas,Goergen, Klaus,Gómez-Navarro, Juan José,Alemán, Juan Jesús González,Gutiérrez, Claudia,Gutiérrez, José M.,Güttler, Ivan,Haensler, Andreas,Halenka, Tomáš,Jerez, Sonia,Jiménez-Guerrero, Pedro,Jones, Richard G.,Keuler, Klaus,Kjellström, Erik,Knist, Sebastian,Kotlarski, Sven,Maraun, Douglas,van Meijgaard, Erik,Mercogliano, Paola,Montávez, Juan Pedro,Navarra, Antonio,Nikulin, Grigory,de Noblet-Ducoudré, Nathalie,Panitz, Hans-Juergen,Pfeifer, Susanne,Piazza, Marie,Pichelli, Emanuela,Pietikäinen, Joni-Pekka,Prein, Andreas F.,Preuschmann, Swantje,Rechid, Diana,Rockel, Burkhardt,Romera, Raquel,Sánchez, Enrique,Sieck, Kevin,Soares, Pedro M. M.,Somot, Samuel,Srnec, Lidija,Sørland, Silje Lund,Termonia, Piet,Truhetz, Heimo,Vautard, Robert,Warrach-Sagi, Kirsten,Wulfmeyer, Volker (2020) 'Regional climate downscaling over Europe: perspectives from the EURO-CORDEX community'. 20 (2). [Link] [Full-Text]
2020 Demory, ME; Berthou, S; Fernandez, J; Sorland, SL; Brogli, R; Roberts, MJ; Beyerle, U; Seddon, J; Haarsma, R; Schar, C; Buonomo, E; Christensen, OB; Ciarlo, JM; Fealy, R; Nikulin, G; Peano, D; Putrasahan, D; Roberts, CD; Senan, R; Steger, C; Teichmann, C; Vautard, R (2020) 'European daily precipitation according to EURO-CORDEX regional climate models (RCMs) and high-resolution global climate models (GCMs) from the High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP)'. Geoscientific Model Development, 13 :5485-5506. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Cucak M.; Sparks A.; De Andrade Moral R.; Kildea S.; Lambkin K.; Fealy R. (2019) 'Evaluation of the'Irish rules': The potato late blight forecasting model and its operational use in the Republic of Ireland'. Journal of Agronomy, 9 (9). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Noone, S.,Brody, A.,Brown, S.,Cantwell, N.,Coleman, M.,Sarsfield Collins, L.,Darcy, C.,Dee, D.,Donegan, S.,Fealy, R.,Flattery, P.,Mc Govern, R.,Menkman, C.,Murphy, M.,Phillips, C.,Roche, M.,Thorne, P. (2019) 'Geo-locate Project: A novel approach to resolving meteorological station location issues with the assistance of undergraduate students'. 2019 :1-26. [Link] [Full-Text]
2019 Murphy, C; Wilby, RL; Matthews, TKR; Thorne, P; Broderick, C; Fealy, R; Hall, J; Harrigan, S; Jones, P; McCarthy, G; MacDonald, N; Noone, S; Ryan, C (2019) 'Multi-century trends to wetter winters and drier summers in the England and Wales precipitation series explained by observational and sampling bias in early records'. International Journal of Climatology, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 McDonnell J.; Lambkin K.; Fealy R.; Hennessy D.; Shalloo L.; C. Brophy. (2018) 'Verification and bias correction of ECMWF forecasts for Irish weather stations to evaluate their potential usefulness in grass growth modelling'. Meteorological Applications, 25 (2):292-301. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Ishola K.; Fealy R.; Mills G.; Fealy R.; Green S.; Jimenez-Casteneda A.; Adeyeri O. (2018) 'Developing regional calibration coefficients for estimation of hourly global solar radiation in Ireland'. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, :1-15. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Flattery P.; Fealy R.; Lanigan G.; Green S. (2018) 'Simulation of soil carbon efflux from an arable soil using the ECOSSE model: Need for an improved model evaluation framework?'. Science of the Total Environment, 622-623 :1241-1249. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Fealy R.; Mills G. (2018) 'Deriving Lamb weather types suited to regional climate studies: A case study on the synoptic origins of precipitation over Ireland'. International Journal of Climatology, 38 (8):3439-3448. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Knist, S; Goergen, K; Buonomo, E; Christensen, OB; Colette, A; Cardoso, RM; Fealy, R; Fernandez, J; Garcia-Diez, M; Jacob, D; Kartsios, S; Katragkou, E; Keuler, K; Mayer, S; van Meijgaard, E; Nikulin, G; Soares, PMM; Sobolowski, S; Szepszo, G; Teichmann, C; Vautard, R; Warrach-Sagi, K; Wulfmeyer, V; Simmer, C (2017) 'Land-atmosphere coupling in EURO-CORDEX evaluation experiments'. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 122 :79-103. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Pucik, T; Groenemeijer, P; Radler, AT; Tijssen, L; Nikulin, G; Prein, AF; van Meijgaard, E; Fealy, R; Jacob, D; Teichmann, C (2017) 'Future Changes in European Severe Convection Environments in a Regional Climate Model Ensemble'. Journal of Climate, 30 :6771-6794. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Duffy, C; Fealy, R; Fealy, RM (2017) 'An improved simulation model to describe the temperature-dependent population dynamics of the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae'. Ecological Modelling, 354 :140-171. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Alexander P.; Fealy R.; Mills G. (2016) 'Simulating the impact of urban development pathways on the local climate: A scenario-based analysis in the greater Dublin region, Ireland'. Landscape and Urban Planning, 152 :72-89. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Alexander P.; Bechtel B.; Chow W.; Fealy R.; Mills G. (2016) 'Linking urban climate classification with an urban energy and water budget model: Multi-site and multi-seasonal evaluation'. Urban Climate, 17 :196-215. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Alexander P.; Mills G.; Fealy R. (2015) 'Using LCZ data to run an urban energy balance model'. Urban Climate, 13 :14-37. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Osman, Y., Fealy, R. Sweeney, J (2015) 'Modelling extreme temperatures in Ireland under global warming using a hybrid peak-over-threshold & generalised Pareto distribution approach'. International Journal of Global Warming, 7 :21-47. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Broderick, C; Fealy, R (2014) 'An analysis of the synoptic and climatological applicability of circulation type classifications for Ireland'. International Journal of Climatology, 35 :481-505. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Mooney, P.A., Mulligan, F.J. and Fealy, R. (2013) 'Evaluation of the sensitivity of the Weather Research and Forecasting model to parameterization schemes for regional climates of Europe over the period 1990-1995'. Journal of Climate, 26 :1002-1017. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Foley, A; Fealy, R; Sweeney, J (2013) 'Model skill measures in probabilistic regional climate projections for Ireland'. Climate Research, 56 :33-49. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Fealy, R (2013) 'Deriving probabilistic based climate scenarios using pattern scaling and statistically downscaled data: A case study application from Ireland'. Progress in Physical Geography, 37 :178-205. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Osman, YZ; Fealy, R; Sweeney, JC (2013) 'Downscaling extreme precipitation in Ireland using combined peak-over-threshold generalised Pareto distribution model of varying parameters'. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 4 :348-363. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Keogh S.; Mills G.; Fealy R. (2012) 'The energy budget of the urban surface: Two locations in Dublin'. Irish Geography, 45 (1):1-23. [DOI]
2012 Bastola, S; Murphy, C; Fealy, R (2012) 'Generating probabilistic estimates of hydrological response for Irish catchments using a weather generator and probabilistic climate change scenarios'. Hydrological Processes, 26 :2307-2321. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Mullan, D; Favis-Mortlock, D; Fealy, R (2012) 'Addressing key limitations associated with modelling soil erosion under the impacts of future climate change'. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 156 :18-30. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Mooney, PA; Mulligan, FJ; Fealy, R (2011) 'Comparison of ERA-40, ERA-Interim and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data with observed surface air temperatures over Ireland'. International Journal of Climatology, 31 :545-557. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Mullan, D; Fealy, R; Favis-Mortlock, D (2011) 'Developing site-specific future temperature scenarios for Northern Ireland: addressing key issues employing a statistical downscaling approach'. International Journal of Climatology, 32 :2007-2019. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Murphy, C. and Fealy, R. (2010) 'Climate Change Impacts for Ireland. Part 2: Changes in Key Climatic Variables'. Geographical Viewpoint, 38 :29-43. [Full-Text]
2009 Murphy, C. and Fealy, R. (2009) 'Climate Change Impacts for Ireland. Part 1: The Global Context and Modelling the Future'. Geographical Viewpoint, 37 :19-24. [Full-Text]
2008 Fealy R.; Sweeney J. (2008) 'Statistical downscaling of temperature, radiation and potential evapotranspiration to produce a multiple GCM ensemble mean for a selection of sites in Ireland'. Irish Geography, 41 (1):1-27. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 Fealy, R; Fealy, RM (2008) 'The spatial variation in degree days derived from locational attributes for the 1961 to 1990 period'. Irish Journal Of Agricultural And Food Research, 47 :1-11. [Full-Text]
2007 Fealy, R; Sweeney, J (2007) 'Statistical downscaling of precipitation for a selection of sites in Ireland employing a generalised linear modelling approach'. International Journal of Climatology, 27 :2083-2094. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2007 Fealy, R; Sweeney, J (2007) 'Identification of frequency changes in synoptic circulation types and consequences for glacier mass balance in Norway'. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 61 :76-91. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2006 Charlton, R., Fealy, R., Moore, S., Sweeney, J. and Murphy, C. (2006) 'Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Water Supply and Flood Hazard in Ireland using Statistical Downscaling and Hydrological Modelling Technique'. CLIMATIC CHANGE, 74 :475-491. [Full-Text]
2006 Murphy C.; Fealy R.; Charlton R.; Sweeney J. (2006) 'The reliability of an 'off-the-shelf' conceptual rainfall runoff model for use in climate impact assessment: Uncertainty quantification using Latin hypercube sampling'. Area, 38 (1):65-78. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2006 Charlton, R; Fealy, R; Moore, S; Sweeney, J; Murphy, C (2006) 'Assessing the impact of climate change on water supply and flood hazard in Ireland using statistical downscaling and hydrological modelling techniques'. CLIMATIC CHANGE, 74 :475-491. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2005 Fealy, R; Sweeney, J (2005) 'Detection of a possible change point in atmospheric variability in the North Atlantic and its effect on Scandinavian glacier mass balance'. International Journal of Climatology, 25 :1819-1833. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2003 Sweeney, J. and Fealy, R. (2003) 'A Preliminary Investigation of Future Climate Scenarios for Ireland'. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, 102B :121-128.
2003 Holden, NM; Brereton, AJ; Fealy, R; Sweeney, J (2003) 'Possible change in Irish climate and its impact on barley and potato yields'. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 116 :181-196. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2002 Sweeney, J and Fealy, R. (2002) 'A preliminary investigation of future climate scenarios for Ireland'. Biology and Environment, 102b :121-128. [Full-Text]
2001 R. Charlton, Moore, S., Sweeney, J. and Fealy, R. (2001) 'Climate change and water resources in Ireland : initial investigation using downscaled GCMS and hydrological modelling techniques'. Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica, 27 :125-135. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]

Published Report

Year Publication
2024 Fealy, R.; McCarthy, T.; De Andrade Moral, R.; Nair, A.; Li, D.; Ishola, K.; Fealy, R.M.; O'Sullivan, L. (2024) SoMoSAT – Soil Moisture Estimates from Satellite-based Earth Observations. Environmental Protection Agency, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2018 Fealy, R. and Bruyere, C. and Duffy, C. (2018) Regional Climate Model Simulations for Ireland for the 21st Century. Environmental Protection Agency, Co. Wexford, . [Link]
2015 Bullock, C., Fealy, R., Clinch, J.P. and O’Shea, R. (2015) ADAPT: Quantifying the costs and benefits associated with climate change risks and adaptation. Environmental Protection Agency, .
2014 Fealy, R., Allott, N., Broderick, C., de Eyto, E., Dillane, M., Erdil, R.M., Hancox, L., Jennings, E., McCrann, K., Murphy, C., O'Toole, C., Poole, R., Rogan, G., Ryder, E., Taylor, D., Whelan, K. and White, J. (2014) RESCALE: Review and simulate climate and catchment responses at Burrishoole, Technical Report. Marine Institute, .
2010 Fealy, R., Allott, N., Broderick, C., de Eyto, E., Dillane, M., Erdil, R.M., Jennings, E., McCrann, K., Murphy, C., O'Toole, C., Poole, R., Rogan, G., Ryder, E., Taylor, D., Whelan, K. and White, J. (2010) RESCALE: Review and simulate climate and catchment responses at Burrishoole, Final Summary Report. Marine Institute, .
2010 Fealy, R. (2010) An assessment of uncertainties in climate modelling at the regional scale: The development of probabilistic based climate scenarios for Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency, .
2009 Fealy, R. and Murphy, C. (2009) The Likely Physical Impacts of Future Climate Change on Inland Waterways and the Coastal Environment in Ireland. The Heritage Council of Ireland Series, .
2009 Fealy, R. (with contributions from Bates, R.) (2009) A Review of Global Climate Projections and Likely Scenarios for Ireland over the Present Century. The Heritage Council of Ireland Series, .
2009 Murphy, C. and Fealy, R. (2009) Climate change: Meeting the challenge of adaptation. The Irish Academy of Engineering, .
2008 Fealy, R. and Sweeney, J. (2008) Climate scenarios for Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency, . [Full-Text]
2008 Sweeney, J and Fealy, R. (2008) Global and Irish trends in climate. Environmental Protection Agency, .
2008 Sweeney, K, Fealy, R., McElwain, L., Siggins, L., Sweeney, J. and Trinies, V. (2008) Changing Shades of Green: The environmental and cultural impacts of climate change in Ireland. The Irish American Climate Project & Rockefeller Family Fund, .
2008 Fealy, R., Bates, R., McElwain, L., Sweeney, J. and Murphy, C. (2008) The Science of Climate Change. Occasional Paper 3. IIEA, . [Full-Text]
2003 Sweeney, J and Fealy, R. (2003) Establishing reference climate scenarios for Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency, .
2003 Fealy, R. (2003) The impacts of climate change on sea level and the Irish coast. Environmental Protection Agency, .
2001 Belokurov, A., Fealy, R., Hickler, T., Osuch, M., Vidyakina, S. (2001) Uncertainties related to Marine Ecosystem Processes. Institute for Geophysics, .

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2010 Holden, N.M., Fealy, R. and Sweeney, J. (2010) 'Effects of climate change on agriculture' In: Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices (GAMP). Geneva : World Meteorological Organisation-Commission for Agricultural Meteorology.
2009 Fealy, R. and Murphy, C. (2009) 'The Likely Physical Impacts of Future Climate Change on Inland Waterways and the Coastal Environment in Ireland' In: Kelly, B and Stack, M(Eds.). Climate Change, Heritage and Tourism: Implications for Ireland's Coast and Inland Waterways. : The Heritage Council of Ireland Series. [Full-Text]
2009 Murphy, C. and Fealy, R. (2009) 'Climate Change: Meeting the Challenge of Adaptation' In: in Critical Infrastructure: Adaptation for Climate Change. Dublin : The Irish Academy of Engineering. [Full-Text]
2007 Sweeney, J., Murphy, C., Charlton, R. and Fealy, R. (2007) 'Climate Change Scenarios and Challenges for the Water Environment' In: Ireland at Risk No. 1: The impact of climate change on the water environment. Dublin : The Irish Academy of Engineering.
2007 Sweeney, J., Holden, H. and Fealy, R. (2007) 'Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture' In: Guide to Agricultural Meteorlogical Practices (GAMP). : World Meteorological Organisation for Agricultural Meteorology.
2007 Murphy, C., Sweeney, J., Fealy, R. and Charlton, R. (2007) 'Climate change scenarios and challenges for the water environment' In: Ireland At Risk- Water. Dublin : The Irish Academy of Engineering. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2004 Holden, N.M., Sweeney, J., Brereton, A.J. and Fealy, R. (2004) 'Climate Change and Irish Agriculture' In: Keane, T. and Collins, J.F. (eds)(Eds.). Climate, Weather and Irish Agriculture, Joint Working Group on Agricultural Meteorology. Dublin : Met Éireann.
2004 Holden, N.M., Sweeney, J., Brereton, A.J. and Fealy, R. (2004) 'Climate change and Irish agriculture' In: Climate, Weather and Irish Agriculture. Dublin : Joint Working Group on Agricultural Meteorology,Met Éireann.
2002 Sweeney, J and Fealy, R. (2002) 'Future Climate Scenarios for Ireland using High Resolution Statistical Downscaling Techniques' In: Convery, F. and Feehan, J(Eds.). Achievement and Challenge: Rio+10 and Ireland. Dublin : Environmental Institute, University College Dublin. [Full-Text]
2002 Charlton, R., Moore, S. Sweeney, J and Fealy, R. (2002) 'Climate Change and Water Resources in Ireland: Initial Investigations using downscaled GCMs and hydrological modelling techniques' In: García-Ruiz, J-M and Jones, J.A.A(Eds.). Environmental Change and Water Sustainability. Zaragoza, Spain : Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2015 Alexander P.; Fealy R.; Mills G. (2015) 2015 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, JURSE 2015 Spatial validation of an urban energy balance model using multi-temporal remotely sensed surface temperature [DOI]
2015 Alexander, P.J., Mills, G. and Fealy, R. (2015) ICUC9-9th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12th Symposium on the Urban Environment Modelling the impact of future development pathways in a mid-latitude city on the urban energy balance
2013 Fealy, R. (2013) Irish National Hydrology Conference The use of climate models in guiding the decision making process: Implications for hydrological impact modelling
2011 Sunderland, K., Conlon, M., Mills, G. and Fealy, R. (2011) Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Proceedings of 2011 46th International Observations of the wind resource across the Dublin urban area Germany,
2011 Mullan, D.J., Favis-Mortlock, D.T. and Fealy, R. (2011) International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution Modelling the impacts of climate change on future rates of soil erosion: addressing key limitations [DOI]
2009 Mooney, P. A., Mulligan, F. J. and R. Fealy (2009) 2nd International Lund Regional-scale Climate Modelling (RCM) Workshop: 21st Century Challenges in Regional-scale Climate Modelling Analysis of surface air temperatures over Ireland from re-analysis data and observational data
2007 Fealy, R (2007) Irish Council for Bioethics Climate Change: What does it mean for Ireland?
2007 Sweeney, J. and Fealy, R. (2007) Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum Impact of Climate Change on Irish Agriculture 12/03/2007-
2006 Sweeney, J. and Fealy, R. (2006) National Hydrology Seminar Downscaling global climate models for Ireland: Providing future climate scenarios
2005 Murphy, C., Fealy, R., Charlton, R. and Sweeney, J. (2005) 25th Anniversary Conference on Groundwater in Ireland Changing precipitation scenarios: Preliminary implications for groundwater flow systems and planning
2004 Murphy, C., Fealy, R., Charlton, R. and Sweeney, J. (2004) National Hydrology Seminar Catering for uncertainty in a conceptual rainfall runoff model: model preparation for climate change impact assessment and the application of GLUE using Latin Hypercube Sampling
2003 Charlton, R., Sweeney, J., Fealy, R., Murphy, C. and Moore, S. (2003) National Hydrology Seminar Climate scenarios for mid-century and some preliminary perspectives on engineering implications
2002 Charlton, R., Moore, S., Fealy, R. and Sweeney, J. (2002) British Hydrological Society Eighth National Symposium Climate change and water resources in Ireland: predictions made at a high spatial resolution using downscaled GCM data and hydrological modelling technique Birmingham, [Full-Text]
2022 Finkele, K., Hochstrasser, T., Murphy, P. N. C., Daly, E., Jarmain, C., Richards, K., Fenton, O., Cummins, T., Saunders, M., Johnston, P. M., Bruen, M., Byrne, K. A., Delaney, D. T., Fealy, R., Green, S., Higgins, S., Hunter Williams, N., Lanigan, G., McCarthy, T., McCormack, T., Mellander, P.-E., Nicholson, O., Nugent, C., O'Loughlin, F., Tobin, B., Tuohy, P., and Whetton, R (2022) EMS Annual Meeting 2022 The new Irish Soil Moisture Observation Network–ISMON: an Umbrella for Integrating Several Recent Soil Moisture Measurements Initiatives Bonn, Germany, [Link]
2005 Murphy, C., Fealy, R., Charlton, R. and Sweeney, J. (2005) Proceedings of the 25th Anniversary Conference on Groundwater in Ireland Changing Precipatation Scenarios: prelimnary implications for groundwater flow systems and planning [Full-Text]
2005 Murphy, C., Fealy, R., Charlton, R. and Sweeney, J. (2005) Proceedings of the 25th Anniversary Conference on Groundwater in Ireland,Tullamore, 19-20 April Changing Precipitation Scenarios: Preliminary Implications for Groundwater Flow Systems and Planning [Full-Text]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2019 Murphy, C., Wilby, R.L., Matthews, T., Thorne, P., Broderick, C., Fealy, R., Hall, J., Harrigan, S., Jones, P., McCarthy, G., Macdonald, N., Noone, S., Ryan, C. (2019) Wetter winters and drier summers in England and Wales precipitation explained by observational and sampling bias in early records European Geosciences Union (EGU) Annual Meeting Vienna, Austria, .
2019 Murphy, C., Wilby, R.L., Matthews, T., Thorne, P., Broderick, C., Fealy, R., Hall, J., Harrigan, S., Jones, P., McCarthy, G., Macdonald, N., Noone, S., Ryan, C. (2019) Wetter winters and drier summers in England and Wales precipitation explained by observational and sampling bias in early records European Meteorological Society (EMS) Annual Meeting Copenhagen, Denmark, .
2019 Murphy, C., Wilby, R.L., Matthews, T., Thorne, P., Broderick, C., Fealy, R., Hall, J., Harrigan, S., Jones, P., McCarthy, G., Macdonald, N., Noone, S., Ryan, C. (2019) Wetter winters and drier summers in the UK explained by data errors and biases? 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Dublin, Ireland, .
2019 Murphy, C., Wilby, R.L., Matthews, T., Thorne, P., Broderick, C., Fealy, R., Hall, J., Harrigan, S., Jones, P., McCarthy, G., Macdonald, N., Noone, S., Ryan, C. (2019) Wetter winters and drier summers in the UK explained by data errors and biases? Conference of Irish Geographers Galway, Ireland, .
2019 Murphy, C., Wilby, R., Matthews, T., Thorne, P., Broderick, C., Fealy, R., Hall, J., Harrigan, S., Jones, P., McCarthy, G., Macdonald, N., Noone, S. and Ryan, C. (2019) Wetter winters and drier summers in the UK explained by data errors and biases Climate Data Homogenization and Analysis of Climate Variability, Trends and Extremes, European Geosciences Union (EGU) Vienna, .
2019 Mills, G., Fealy, R., Burton, K. and Ningal, T. (2019) Exploring the climate of cities using remotely sensed data: A Dublin case study the 7th EUGEO Congress in conjunction with the 51st Conference of Irish Geographers NUI Galway, .
2019 Jiménez-Castañeda, A., Fealy, R., Green, S. and Mills, G. (2019) A meteorological weather radar open source processing chain 7th EUGEO Congress in conjunction with the 51st Conference of Irish Geographers Galway, .
2019 Fealy, R and Mills, G. (2019) Mitigation for climate change: The need for 'climate-smart' cities All Ireland Smart Cities Forum, Sustainable Places, Connected Communities Dublin, .
2018 Fealy, R. and Mills, G. (2018) Deriving Lamb Weather Types suited to regional climate studies: A case study on the synoptic origins of precipitation over Ireland Conference of Irish Geographers Maynooth University, .
2017 Fealy, R. (2017) Climate Change Monitoring & Detection: User needs & Applications Copernicus Infosession Maynooth University, .
2017 Cucak, M., Sparks, A.H., Fealy, R., Griffin, D., Lambkin, K. and Kildea, S. (2017) Lowering thresholds of qualitative plant risk prediction algorithms: sensitivity versus specificity of Irish Rules for potato late blight development EuroBlight workshop Aarhus University, .
2017 Cucak, M., Fealy, R. Griffin, D., Lambkin, K., Sparks, A.H. and Kildea, S. (2017) Revision of Irish potato late blight forecasting model EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology Dublin, .
2016 Cucak, M., Fealy, R., Griffin, D. and Kildea, S. (2016) Can We Still Use 'Irish Rules' To Forecast Potato Late Blight Epidemics In Ireland? Pest and Pathology Group, European Potato Research Society Dundee, Scotland, .
2015 Fealy, R. (2015) Analysing the human fingerprint in the city Alumni Geography Lecture Series Dublin, 07/05/2015-.
2015 Alexander, P.J., Mills, G. and Fealy, R. (2015) Modelling the impact of future development pathways in a mid-latitude city on the urban energy balance ICUC9-9th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12th Symposium on the Urban Environment Dublin, 20/07/2015-24/07/2015.
2014 Fealy, R. (2014) Strategic planning for future water under climate change: Use of climate models in the decision making process DCU Water Conference Dublin, 28/11/2014-.
2014 Sunderland, K., Conlon, M.F., Mills, G. and Fealy, R. (2014) Voltage Variation on a 4-wire Distribution Network With High Penetrations of Domestic Grid-Tied PV 29th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition Amsterdam, 22/09/2014-26/09/2014.
2013 Broderick C.; Fealy R.; Murphy C. (2013) The application of a multimodel ensemble to quantify uncertainty and produce weighted probabilistic projections of hydrological change European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly Vienna, Austria, .
2013 Broderick C.; Fealy R. (2013) An analysis of the synoptic and climatological applicability of circulation type classifications for Ireland European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly Vienna, Austria, .
2013 Pollard, C., Fealy, R. and Griffin, C. (2013) A phenology model for Phratora vulgatissima – stage emergence for future climates IMPACT (Integrated management of forest pests addressing climate trends) Final Conference Dublin, 07/05/2013-07/05/2013.
2012 Alexander, P.J., Fealy, R. and Mills, G (2012) Empirical and modelled relationships between remotely sensed data and the Urban Climate of Dublin 26th EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference Sopot, poland, 03/09/2012-07/09/2012.
2011 Keogh, S., Fealy, R. and Mills, G. (2011) The energy balance of the urban surface: Two locations in Dublin Croucher Advanced Study Institute 2011-2012, Urban Climatology on Tropical and Sub-Tropical Regions Honk Kong, 05/12/2011-10/12/2011.
2011 Mulligan, F.J., Mooney, P.A. and Fealy, R. (2011) Regional climate simulations over Europe: Sensitivity of surface variables to microphysics, longwave radiation and land surface model 2nd NCAR/NCAS WRF Workshop Edinburgh, 31/10/2011-.
2011 Mooney, P.A., Mulligan, F.J. and Fealy, R. (2011) Sensitivity of surface temperature and precipitation to a selection of parameterisation schemes NORWRF 2011 Begren, 05/09/2011-09/09/2011.
2010 Mooney, P.A., Mulligan, F.J. and Fealy, R. (2010) Regional Climate Simulations over Europe: Sensitivity of surface variables to microphysics and longwave radiation 12th Annual WRF Users’ Event Boulder, Colorado, 20/06/2010-24/06/2010.
2010 Duffy, C., Fealy, R. and Fealy, R.M. (2010) Agricultural pests and diseases in Ireland: Implications due to climate change A Climate for Change: Opportunities for Carbon-Efficient Farming Dublin, 24/06/2010-25/06/2010.
2010 Broderick, C., Fealy, R. and Murphy, C., McCrann, K., Jennings, E., Erdil, R., Poole, R., O’Toole, C. and Whelan, K. (2010) Review and Simulate Climate and Catchment Responses at Burrishoole EPA National Research Conference Dublin, 23/06/2010-.
2010 Grealis, E., Fealy, R., O’Donoghue, C. and Fealy, R.M. (2010) Spatial Modelling of Irish Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The Impact of Climate Change Adaptation and Policy Instruments on Local, Regional and National Greenhouse Gas Emissions A Climate for Change: Opportunities for Carbon-Efficient Farming Dublin, 24/06/2010-25/06/2010.
2009 Mooney, P. A., Mulligan, F. J. and Fealy, R. (2009) Analysis of surface air temperatures over Ireland from re-analysis data and observational data 2nd International Lund Regional-scale Climate Modelling (RCM) Workshop: 21st Century Challenges in Regional-scale Climate Modelling Sweden, .
2009 (2009) Uncertainty and decision-making: bridging the gap Environmental Researchers' Colloquium Waterford Institute of Technology, .
2009 (2009) Constructing a temperature-based life-history model Royal Entomological Society Central Science Laboratory, Yorkshire, England, .
2008 (2008) Overview of Existing Research Capacity Marine Climate Change Research Meeting Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway, .
2008 Fealy, R (2008) Coping with Uncertainties in Climate Modelling Environmental Protection Agency Fellowship & Schol Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8, .
2008 Fealy, R. (2008) Indicators and Impacts of Climate Change The International Society of Travel and Tourism Clontarf Castle, Dublin, .
2008 (2008) Re-constructing Climate Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA) Seminar Beggars Bush, .
2006 Sweeney, J. and Fealy, R. (2006) Downscaling global climate models for Ireland: Providing future climate scenarios National Hydrology Seminar Tullamore, .
2007 Murphy, C. and Fealy, R. (2007) Precipitation Scenarios and Implications for Flood British Irish Council on Climate Change Workshop Dublin, .


Year Publication
2014 Knist, S., Goergen, K., Keune, J., Poorthuis, L., Colette, A., Cardoso, R.M., Fealy, R., Fernández, J., García-Díez, M., Katragkou, E., Mayer, S., Soares, P., Sobolowski, S., Vautard, R., Warrach-Sagi, K., Wulfmeyer, V., Simmer, C. (2014) Validation of soil moisture and surface fluxes in EURO-CORDEX simulations as part of land-atmosphere coupling analysis. [Abstract]
2013 Broderick, C. and Fealy, R. (2013) An analysis of the synoptic and climatological applicability of circulation type classifications for Ireland. [Abstract]
2013 Broderick, C., Fealy, R. and Murphy, C. (2013) The application of a multi-model ensemble to quantify uncertainty and produce weighted probabilistic projections of hydrological change. [Abstract]
2012 Mooney, P.A., Mulligan, F.J. and Fealy, R. (2012) Developing next generation high resolution DEcadal and Long Term climate projections for IrelAnd (DELTA). [Abstract]
2011 Keogh, S., Mills, G. and Fealy, R. (2011) The energy budget of the urban surface: Two locations in Dublin. [Abstract]

Computer Program

Year Publication
2019 Moral, R.A. and Fealy, R. (2019) phenModel. [Computer Program] [Link]

Magazine Article

Year Publication
2020 Cucak, M; Kildea, S; Moral, RD; Esker, P; Fealy, R (2020) Revision of Potato late blight forecasting in the Republic of Ireland. ST PAUL: [Magazine Article]
2021 Cucak, M; Moral, RD; Esker, P; Lambkin, K; Fealy, R; Kildea, S (2021) Opportunities for an improved potato late blight management in the Republic of Ireland. ST PAUL: [Magazine Article]

Policy Contribution

Year Publication
2015 Fealy, R. and Mills, G. (2015) Cross cutting theme: Climate change, Background Paper in support of Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023. [Policy Contribution]
2010 Fealy, R. (2010) Contributions to climate change and energy policy sections Regional Planning Guidelines (2010-2022) for the Borders Region. [Policy Contribution]

Technical Publication

Year Publication
2006 Fealy, R., Murphy, C., McElwain, L. and Sweeney, J. (2006) The Isle of Man Climate Change Scoping Study: Technical Paper 4 Future Climate Change Scenarios and Impacts. [Technical Publication] [Full-Text]
2010 Fealy, R., Allott, N., Broderick, C., de Eyto, E., Dillane, M., Erdil, R.M., Jennings, E., McCrann, K., Murphy, C., O'Toole, C., Poole, R., Rogan, G., Ryder, L., Taylor, D., Whelan, K. and White, J. (2010) RESCALE. [Technical Publication] [Full-Text]
2006 Fealy, R., Murphy, C., McElwain, L. and Sweeney, J. (2006) The Isle of Man Climate Change Scoping Study: Technical Paper 3 Climate Indicators. [Technical Publication] [Full-Text]

Working Paper

Year Publication
2010 McGrath, R., Fealy, R. and Sheridan, T. (2010) Recent Irish weather extremes and climate change, 9th Scientific Statement. [Working Paper]
2004 Fealy, R. and Sweeney, J. (2004) Climate and sea level change, 3rd Scientific Statement. [Working Paper]
2008 Fealy, R. (2008) Climate Change in Northern Ireland. [Working Paper]

Conference Paper

Year Publication
2014 Broderick, C., Fealy, R. and Murphy, C. (2014) The application of a multimodel ensemble to quantify uncertainty and produce weighted probabilistic projections of hydrological change. [Conference Paper]

Gov. Report or Document

Year Publication
2013 Fealy, R., Allott, N., Broderick, C., de Eyto, E., Dillane, M., Erdil, R.M., Jennings, E., McCrann, K., Murphy, C., O'Toole, C., Poole, R., Rogan, G., Ryder, L., Taylor, D., Whelan, K. and White, J. (2013) RESCALE: Review and Simulate Climate and Catchment Responses at Burrishoole. [Gov. Report or Document] [Full-Text]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) program Global Hydroclimatology Panel 01/11/2021 -
Science of Climate Change Working Group, Institute of European Affairs (IEA) Chair 21/06/2008 - 21/12/2008

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/05/2022 US-Ireland Research Innovation Award American Chamber of Commerce and RIA
01/11/2021 AI Awards AI Awards
01/01/2012 Fulbright Scholar award in Science and Technology


Committee Function From / To
Climate Change and Environmental Sciences Committee - Royal Irish Academy (RIA) Committee member 01/09/2014 - 30/09/2018
Future Earth Ireland- Royal Irish Academy (RIA) Committee member 01/09/2015 - 30/09/2018
Irish Committee on Climate Change - Royal Irish Academy (RIA) Committee member 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2014

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
US Senate and Congress Policy Makers Presentations to Senate and Congress staff in Washington D.C.
Fingal County Council Policy Makers Background Paper entitled “Cross cutting theme: Climate Change” in support of the Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 (with G. Mills, UCD)

Current Students

Student Name Degree Supervision

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2021 Azucena Jimenez Castaneda PhD in Geography
2021 Kazeem Abiodun Ishola PhD in Geography
2020 Mladen Cucak PhD in Geography
2018 Padraig Flattery PhD in Geography
2016 Alexander, Paul PhD
2015 Duffy, Catriona PhD
2015 Keogh, Stephanie PhD
2015 Pollard, Ciaran PhD
2014 Grealis, Eoin PhD
2012 Broderick, Ciaran PhD
2012 Mullen, Donal PhD
2011 Foley, Aideen PhD