Prof Jiri Vala

Theoretical Physics, Physics, Hamilton Institute


Science Building
(01) 708 3553


Book Chapter

Year Publication
2014 P. Watts, G. Kells, and J. Vala (2014) 'From Topological Quantum Field Theories to Topological Materials' In: Sabre Kais(Eds.). Quantum Information and Computation for Chemistry, Advances in Chemical Physics (S.A. Rice and A.R. Dinner, Series Editors) . : John Wiley & Sons. [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2018 Brennan J.;Vala J. (2018) 'The Kitaev honeycomb model on surfaces of genus g ≥ 2'. New Journal of Physics, 20 (5). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Brennan J.;Vala J. (2016) 'Lattice Defects in the Kitaev Honeycomb Model'. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120 (19):3326-3334. [DOI]
2015 Goerz, MH;Gualdi, G;Reich, DM;Koch, CP;Motzoi, F;Whaley, KB;Vala, J;Muller, MM;Montangero, S;Calarco, T (2015) 'Optimizing for an arbitrary perfect entangler. II. Application'. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 91 . [DOI]
2015 Watts, P;Vala, J;Muller, MM;Calarco, T;Whaley, KB;Reich, DM;Goerz, MH;Koch, CP (2015) 'Optimizing for an arbitrary perfect entangler. I. Functionals'. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 91 . [DOI]
2014 Burella, G;Watts, P;Pasquier, V;Vala, J (2014) 'Graphical Calculus for the Double Affine Q-Dependent Braid Group'. Annales Henri Poincare, 15 :2177-2201. [DOI]
2014 Kells, G;Lahtinen, V;Vala, J (2014) 'Kitaev spin models from topological nanowire networks'. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 89 . [DOI]
2014 V. S. Malinovsky, I. R. Sola and J. Vala (2014) 'Phase-controlled two-qubit quantum gates'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 89 . [Full-Text]
2014 Malinovsky, VS;Sola, IR;Vala, J (2014) 'Phase-controlled two-qubit quantum gates'. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 89 . [DOI]
2013 Howard, M;Brennan, E;Vala, J (2013) 'Quantum Contextuality with Stabilizer States'. Entropy, 15 :2340-2362. [DOI]
2013 Watts, P;O'Connor, M;Vala, J (2013) 'Metric Structure of the Space of Two-Qubit Gates, Perfect Entanglers and Quantum Control'. Entropy, 15 :1963-1984. [DOI]
2012 Bolukbasi, AT;Vala, J (2012) 'Rigorous calculations of non-Abelian statistics in the Kitaev honeycomb model'. New Journal of Physics, 14 . [DOI]
2012 Howard, M;Vala, J (2012) 'Nonlocality as a benchmark for universal quantum computation in Ising anyon topological quantum computers'. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 85 . [DOI]
2012 Howard, M;Vala, J (2012) 'Qudit versions of the qubit pi/8 gate'. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 86 . [DOI]
2012 Howard M.;Vala J. (2012) 'Qudit versions of the qubit π/8 gate'. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 86 (2). [DOI]
2012 Huijse, L;Mehta, D;Moran, N;Schoutens, K;Vala, J (2012) 'Supersymmetric lattice fermions on the triangular lattice: superfrustration and criticality'. New Journal of Physics, 14 . [DOI]
2011 Watts, P;Vala, J (2011) 'Existence of zero-energy modes in the finite edged Kitaev honeycomb model'. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, . [DOI]
2011 Huijse L.;Moran N.;Vala J.;Schoutens K. (2011) 'Exact ground states of a staggered supersymmetric model for lattice fermions'. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84 (11). [DOI]
2011 Kells, G;Kailasvuori, J;Slingerland, JK;Vala, J (2011) 'Kaleidoscope of topological phases with multiple Majorana species'. New Journal of Physics, 13 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Muller, MM;Reich, DM;Murphy, M;Yuan, H;Vala, J;Whaley, KB;Calarco, T;Koch, CP (2011) 'Optimizing entangling quantum gates for physical systems'. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 84 . [DOI]
2011 Moran, N;Kells, G;Vala, J (2011) 'Diagonalisation of quantum observables on regular lattices and general graphs'. Computer Physics Communications, 182 :1083-1092. [DOI]
2010 Kells G.;Vala J. (2010) 'Zero energy and chiral edge modes in a p-wave magnetic spin model'. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 82 (12). [DOI]
2010 Kells G.;Mehta D.;Slingerland J.;Vala J. (2010) 'Exact results for the star lattice chiral spin liquid'. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 81 (10). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Kells G.;Slingerland J.;Vala J. (2009) 'Description of Kitaev's honeycomb model with toric-code stabilizers'. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 80 (12). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Kells, G;Moran, N;Vala, J (2009) 'Finite size effects in the Kitaev honeycomb lattice model on a torus'. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Rico, E;Hubener, R;Montangero, S;Moran, N;Pirvu, B;Vala, J;Briegel, HJ (2009) 'Valence-bond states: Link models'. Annals of Physics, 324 :1875-1896. [DOI]
2008 Lahtinen, V;Kells, G;Carollo, A;Stitt, T;Vala, J;Pachos, JK (2008) 'Spectrum of the non-abelian phase in Kitaev's honeycomb lattice model'. Annals of Physics, 323 :2286-2310. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 Beals T.;Vala J.;Whaley K. (2008) 'Scalability of quantum computation with addressable optical lattices'. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 77 (5). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 Kells, G;Bolukbasi, AT;Lahtinen, V;Slingerland, JK;Pachos, JK;Vala, J (2008) 'Topological Degeneracy and Vortex Manipulation in Kitaev's Honeycomb Model'. Physical Review Letters, 101 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 G. Kells, V. Lahtinen, and J. Vala (2014) 'Kitaev spin models from topological nanowire networks'. Physical Review B, 89 . [Full-Text]
2013 G. Burella, P. Watts, V. Pasquier and J. Vala (2013) 'Graphical Calculus for the Double Affine Q-Dependent Braid Group'. Annales Henri Poincare, online . [Full-Text]
2012 A.T. Bolukbasi, and J. Vala (2012) 'Non-Abelian Berry Phase Calculations in the Kitaev Honeycomb Model'. New Journal of Physics, 14 . [Full-Text]
2012 M. Howard, and J. Vala (2012) 'Nonlocality as a Benchmark for Universal Quantum Computation in Ising Anyon Topological Quantum Computers'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 85 . [Full-Text]
2012 L. Huijse, D. Mehta, N. Moran, K. Schoutens, and J. Vala (2012) 'Supersymmetric Lattice Fermions on the Triangular Lattice: Superfrustration and Criticality '. New Journal of Physics, 14 . [Full-Text]
2011 G. Kells, J. Kailasvuori, J.K. Slingerland, and J. Vala (2011) 'Kaleidoscope of Topological Phases in an Exactly Solvable Spin Model'. New Journal of Physics, 13 . [Full-Text]
2011 L. Huijse, N. Moran, J. Vala, and K. Schoutens (2011) 'Exact Ground States of a Staggered Supersymmetric Model for Lattice Fermions'. Physical Review B, 84 . [Full-Text]
2011 M.M. Mueller, D.M. Reich, M. Murphy, H. Yuan, J. Vala, K.B. Whaley, T. Calarco, and C. Koch (2011) 'Optimizing Entangling Quantum Gates for Physical Systems'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 84 . [Full-Text]
2011 N. Moran, G. Kells, and J. Vala (2011) 'Diagonalization of Quantum Operators on Regular Lattices and General Graphs'. Computer Physics Communications, 182 . [Full-Text]
2010 G. Kells, and J. Vala (2010) 'Chiral Edge Modes on a p-Wave Magnetic Spin Model'. Physical Review B, 82 . [Full-Text]
2009 Kells, G., Moran N. and Vala, J. (2009) 'Finite size effects in the Kitaev honeycomb lattice model on torus'. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P03006 . [Full-Text]
2008 V. Lahtinen, G. Kells, A. Carollo, T. Stitt, J. Vala, and J. Pachos (2008) 'Spectrum of the Non-Abelian Phase in Kitaev’s Honeycomb Lattice Model'. 323 :2286-2310. [Full-Text]
2008 T. R. Beals, J. Vala, and K. B. Whaley (2008) 'Scalability of Quantum Computation with Addressable Optical Lattices'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77 . [Full-Text]
2005 M.J. Wright, S.D. Gensemer, J. Vala, R. Kosloff, and P.L. Gould (2005) 'Control of Ultracold Collisions with Frequency-Chirped Light'. Physical Review Letters, 95 . [Full-Text]
2005 J. Vala, D. S. Weiss, and K. B. Whaley (2005) 'Quantum Error Correction of Qubit Loss in Addressable Optical Lattice'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 72 . [Full-Text]
2005 M.J. Storcz, F.K. Wilhelm, J. Vala, K.R. Brown, J. Kempe, and K. B. Whaley (2005) 'Full Protection of Superconducting Qubit Systems from Coupling Errors'. Physical Review B, 72 . [Full-Text]
2005 J. Vala, A. V. Thapliyal, S. Myrgren, U. Vazirani, D. S. Weiss, and K. B. Whaley (2005) 'Perfect Pattern Formation of Neutral Atoms  in an Addressable Optical Lattice'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 71 .
2004 J. Zhang, J. Vala, S. Sastry, and K. B. Whaley (2004) 'Optimal Quantum Circuit Synthesis from Controlled-Unitary Gates'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 69 .
2004 D. S. Weiss, J. Vala, A. V. Thapliyal, S. Myrgren, U. Vazirani, and K. B. Whaley (2004) 'Another Way to Zero Entropy for Finite System of Atoms'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 70 .
2004  J. Zhang, J. Vala, S. Sastry, and K. B. Whaley (2004) 'Minimal Construction of Two-Qubit Quantum Operations'. Physical Review Letters, 93 .
2003  K. R. Brown, J. Vala, and K. B. Whaley (2003) 'Scalable Ion Trap Quantum Computation with Pairwise Interactions Only'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 67 .
2003  E. Gershgoren, Z. Wang, S. Ruhman, J. Vala, and R. Kosloff (2003) 'Investigating Pure Vibrational Dephasing of I3- in Solution: Temperature Dependence of T2* for the Fundamental and First Harmonic of n1'. 118 .
2003  J. Zhang, J. Vala, S. Sastry, and K. B. Whaley (2003) 'Geometric Theory of Non-Local Two-Qubit Operations'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 67 .
2003 J. Zhang, J. Vala, S. Sastry, and K. B. Whaley (2003) 'Exact Two-Qubit Quantum Circuit'. Physical Review Letters, 91 .
2002 J. Vala, and K. B. Whaley (2002) 'Encoded Universality for Generalized Anisotropic Exchange Hamiltonians'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 66 .
2002 J. Vala, Z. Amitay, B. Zhang, S. R. Leone, and R. Kosloff (2002) 'Experimental Implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm for Three-Qubit Functions using Pure Coherent Molecular Superpositions'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 66 .
2001 J. Vala, R. Kosloff, and J. Harvey (2001) 'Ab Initio and DIM Potentials for I2-, I2, I3-, and I3'. 114 .
2001 J. Vala, O. Dulieu, F. Masnou-Seeuws, P. Pillet, and R. Kosloff (2001) 'Coherent Control of Cold-Molecule Formation through Photoassociation Using a Chirped-Pulsed-Laser Field'. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 63 .
2001 J. Vala, and R. Kosloff (2001) 'Coherent Mechanism of Robust Population Inversion'. Optics Express, 8 .
2001 V. Kokoouline, J. Vala, and R. Kosloff (2001) 'Tuning of the Scattering Length of Cs2 on the Ground Triplet State'. 114 .
2001 E. Gershgoren, J. Vala, R. Kosloff, and S. Ruhman (2001) 'Impulsive Control of Ground State Dynamics of I3- in Solution'. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 105 :5081-5095.
1999 A. Sanov, T. Sanford, L. J. Butler, J. Vala, R. Kosloff, and W. C. Lineberger (1999) 'Photodissociation Dynamics of Gas-Phase BrICl- and BrI2- Anions'. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 103 :10244-10254.
1999 Z. Wang, T. Wasserman, E. Gershgoren, J. Vala, R. Kosloff, and S. Ruhman (1999) 'Geminate Recombination of I3- in Cooled Liquid and Glassy Ethanol'. CHEMICAL PHYSICAL LETTERS, 313 .
1998 R. M. Lynden-Bell, R. Kosloff, S. Ruhman, D. Danovich, and J. Vala (1998) 'Does Solvation Cause Symmetry Breaking in the I3- Ion in Aqueous Solution?'. 109 .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2003 J. Vala, J. Zhang, S. Sastry, and K. B. Whaley (2003) Proceedings of ERATO Conference on Quantum Information Science Two-qubit Module Design of a Universal Quantum Compiler
2002 J. Vala, and K. B. Whaley (2002) Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computation Encoded Universality for Generalized Anisotropic Exchange Interactions
2001 J. Vala, Z. Amitay, S. R. Leone, and R. Kosloff (2001) Proceedings of the International Conference on Quantum Information Implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm into Rovibrational Molecular Wave Packets
2000 E. Gershgoren, S. Ruhman, J. Vala, and R. Kosloff (2000) Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena Controlling and Probing Impulsively Induced Ground State Vibrational Dynamics

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
Fractional Statistics Topological Quantum Computation Focus Group Meeting UC Berkeley, USA, .
2010 (2010) Topological Quantum Computation North-South Quantum Information Winter School NUI Maynooth, Ireland, .
2009 (2009) Kitaev Honeycomb Lattice Model: From A to B and beyond Maynooth Workshop on Quantum Information and Condensed Matter NUI Maynooth, Ireland, .
2009 Dr. Enrique Rico (2009) Valence-bond states: Link models University of Vienna, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2009 (2009) Kitaev Honeycomb Lattice Model: Topological Phases, BCS States, and Toric Code Stabilizers Fritz Haber Center Seminar Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, .
2009 (2009) Quantum “Weirdness” and Its Potentials in Quantum Technologies Colloquium of Department of Physics and Astronomy Dublin City University, Ireland, .
2009 (2009) Topological Order in Quantum Lattice Models International Congress in Mathematical Physics Prague, Czech Republic, .
2009 (2009) Topological Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies FP7 FET Proactive - Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies Workshop Budapest, Hungary, .
2009 (2009) Kitaev Honeycomb Model. Toric Code Stabilizers and BCS state Quantum Hall Physics: Novel Systems and Applications Nordita, Sweeden, .
2009 (2009) Kitaev Honeycomb Lattice Model: Topological Phases, BCS States, and Toric Code Stabilizers 50 Years of Aharonov-Bohm Effect Tel Aviv, Israel, .
2009 (2009) Manipulation of Vortex Motion in Quantum Lattice Models KITP Program on Quantum Control of Light and Matter KITP, UC Santa Barbara, California, USA, .
2009 Prof. Steve Simon, SFI E.T.S. Walton Visiting Fellow at NUI Maynooth 2009-2010 (2009) COLLOQUIUM: Topological Phases of Matter and Why You Should Be Interested University of Oxford, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2009 (2009) Topological Order in Quantum Lattice Models IV Wroclaw Symposium “Quantum Mechanics, Topology & Information Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, .
2008 (2008) Kitaev’s Honeycomb Lattice Model on Torus Workshop on Solid State Quantum Information Pisa, Italy, .
2008 Dr. Vladimir Malinovsky (2008) Chirped pulse adiabatic control in quantum information and CARS microscopy MagiQ Technologies, Inc. USA, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2008 (2008) Quantum Revolution with Blue Gene Annual Seminar of the Irish Center for High-End Computing 2nd ICHEC Annual Seminar, .
2008 Prof. Eddy Ardonne (2008) Collective states of interacting Fibonacci anyons Nordita, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2008 Prof. Paul Fendley (2008) Topological order from quantum loop and nets University of Virginia, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2008 (2008) Kitaev’s Honeycomb Lattice Model on Torus Conformal Field Theory and Fractional Quantum Hall Physics Nordita, Sweeden, .
2008 (2008) Topological Phases in the Kitaev Honeycomb Lattice Model on Torus SigmaPhi Conference on Statistical Physics Crete, Greece, .
2008 (2008) Topological Phases and Quantum Computation Theory Group Seminar Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany, .
2008 Dr. Simon Trebst (2008) Quantum loop gases and topological order Microsoft, Station Q, USA, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2008 (2008) Topological Phases and Topological Quantum Computation SFI Mid-Term Review NUI Maynooth, Ireland, .
2008 Prof. Jiannis Pachos (2008) The drunken slalom University of Leeds, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2007 (2007) Modular Symmetry and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Topological Phases and Their Application in Quantum Information Processing Aspen Center of Physics, USA, .
2007 (2007) Exact Diagonalization and Finite-Size Effects in the Kitaev Honeycomb Lattice Model International Workshop on Topological Quantum Computing Dublin, Ireland, .
2007 (2007) Naturally Fault-tolerant and Topological Quantum Computation International Summer School on Quantum Information Processing and Control NUI Maynooth, Ireland, .
2007 (2007) Topological Phases and Quantum Computation Institute of Theoretical Physics Seminar Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, .
2007 (2007) Topological quantum computation 1st SFI Science Summit Dublin, Ireland, .
2007 Dr. Joost Slingerland (2007) Anyon models – Theory, Interferometry, Bose condensation Microsoft, Station Q, USA, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2007 (2007) Topological Quantum Computation SFI science Summit Dublin, ireland, .
2007 (2007) Topological Quantum Materials: Paving the Road to Quantum Computing 1st ICHEC Annual Seminar Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland, .
2007 (2007) Topological Phases of Matter and Quantum Computation All-Ireland Conference on Quantum Information Science and Technology NUI Maynooth, Ireland, .
2007 (2007) Numerical Experiments with Kitaev Honeycomb Lattice Model Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation Seminar UC Berkeley, USA, .
2007 Prof. Kirill Shtengel (2007) Towards Microscopic Models with Topological Order UC Riverside, USA, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2007 (2007) Topological Quantum Computation FP7 FET Proactive - Consultation Workshop on QIPC & other Quantum Technologies European Commission, Brussels, EU, .
2007 Dr. Steve Simon (2007) The Unexpected Physics of Modern Wireless Communication: Replicas, Diffusons, and Supersymmetry for Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2007 (2007) Topological Phases in Extended Hubbard model Quantum Information Science Group Seminar Department of Physics, University of Leeds, UK, .
2006 (2006) Topological Quantum Computation Symposium on Quantum Technologies University of Cambridge, UK, .
2006 Dr. Derek McHugh (2006) Entanglement, purity and energy of discrete and continuous variable quantum states Slovak Academy of Sciences, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2006 (2006) Topological Quantum Computation, Decoherence-Free Subspaces and Encoded Universality Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation Seminar UC Berkeley, USA, .
2006 Prof. David Kribs (2006) Quantum error correcting subsystems University of Guelph, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2006 Prof. Tony Dorlas (2006) Efficient Transmission of Quantum Information DIAS, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2006 (2006) Topological Phases in Quantum Lattice Systems Annual General Meeting of Irish Association for High Performance Computing Maynooth, Ireland, .
2006 Prof. Jason Twamley (2006) Simulating higher transcendental mathematical functions with quantum mechanics Maquarie University, Sydney, Science and Engineering, Mathematical Physics, .
2006 (2006) CONQUEST at NUI Maynooth Mid-Term Review Meeting of EU Network “CONQUEST” Bratislava, Slovak Republic, .
2006 (2006) Topological Quantum Computation Winter Symposium of Irish Mathematical Society DIAS, Dublin, Ireland, .
2006 (2006) Spectral Properties of the Extended Hubbard Model Topological Phase and Condensed Matter Physics KITP, UC Santa Barbara, California, USA, .
2005 (2005) Topological Quantum Computation Department of Mathematical Physics Seminar NUI Maynooth, Ireland, .


Year Publication
2001 J. Vala (2001) On Quantum Control of Molecular Dynamics as a Method of Scientific Exploration in Physical Chemistry. Hebrew University of Jerusalem: THES
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