Human Resources
The purpose of this document is to set out the key principles that underpin the Post Requisition and Approval process and provide a guide to the procedural steps involved.
The Post Requisition and Approval Process is the formal mechanism whereby ongoing resource requirements for new and replacement (permanent and temporary) posts are formally approved by the University.
The process relates to the use of the core pay allocation of the requester’s devolved and agreed budget.
Please note that:
- All Research Posts (externally funded) will be approved by the Research Development Office.
- All Research Incentivisation Fund (RIF) posts will require the approval of Vice President for Research and relevant University Executive member prior to HR progressing same.
- Where a core pay budget will be used to facilitate re-structure a University Executive member’s area of responsibility, a paper should be brought to the University Executive for discussion in advance of requesting new posts.
- Requests for additional core pay budget (during the financial year) should be brought to University Executive as part of a business case proposal for approval, having agreed with Finance in advance.
Purpose and Scope:
This approval process applies to ongoing resource requirements in respect of new and replacement (permanent and contract) posts for the following staff categories:
- Academic (Operational or unexpected) *
- Professional
- Administrative
- Technical
*Assumes the annual academic staff planning and approval process continues.
Key Principles underpinning the Post Requisition Process:
- For like for like replacement (permanent or temporary) of established posts, Finance will confirm budgetary provision is in place prior to HR progressing the request.
- For new posts, the proposed grade must be verified by HR (internal process) in advance of seeking Finance confirmation of the budgetary provision at the grade.
- For fixed-term or specified purpose contracts, Finance will confirm budgetary provision before a contract can be issued.
- A short-term backfill, i.e. up to 6 months maximum, for a previously approved post does not require further approval through this process.
- The Budget holder is accountable for maintaining budgetary balance.
Post Requisition and Approval Process:
The approval process to be followed are set out hereunder. To commence the approval process, the Head of Department/Budget Holder must first submit a completed Post Requisition form (or Role Profile in the case of ‘new’ posts) to [email protected]
Figure 1: Process for New Posts

Figure 2: Process for Replacement Posts (permanent and temporary)

Figure 3: Process for Specified Purpose replacement posts (temporary)

Indicative Timelines of the Post Requisition and Approval process:

*Allowing for liaison with requestor regarding budget.
Please note:
Above are indicative timelines and additional time may be required to facilitate further discussion and decision-making. Above excludes timelines for consideration of grade in respect of new posts.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Head of Department/Budget Holder
- Liaison with Finance / Finance Business Partner regarding budget for Post Request.
- Discussion with University Executive member regarding their support for the post.
- Completion and submission of a Role Profile to [email protected]
- Completion and submission of a Post Requisition Form to [email protected]
Human Resources
- Review Post Request to confirm replacement or renewal.
- Liaison with Requestor in relation to FTE and Grade specification, if required
- HR Director makes decision regarding the approval of the post.
- Collate all Post Requisition for submission to the University Executive for ratification, following approval of Finance
- Communicate outcome of University Executive ratification process.
- Assess Post Requisition to satisfy budget availability.
- Liaise with Requestor in relation to budget matters.
- Bursar makes decision regarding the approval of post having regard for budget availability.
- Communicate outcome of budget assessment to Requestor and Human Resources.
University Executive
- Approve annual budget allocation.
- Approve requests for additional resource budget.
- Ratify post approval decisions.