Looking back and looking forward: Conversations on Freire’s Influence
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The Department of International Development, Maynooth University is pleased to host a conversation and critical exploration of the relevance of Paulo Freire to our world today.
The conference will examine his influence across three sectors: the academy, the community and globally, asking what relevance and influence (if any) has Freire to development concerns now.
The day has a great line-up of speakers including David Archer, ActionAid, Zoryana Pshyk, and Eilish Dillon, Maynooth University in the morning.
The afternoon features interactive workshops led by Dorothy Tooman, DEN-L, Liberia and Michael Solis, Trócaire; David Kaulem, Arrupe Jesuit University, Zimbabwe and Fergal Finnegan, Maynooth University; Amel Yacef, Youth and Community Worker, with Peter Dorman, Community Action Network
Register at eventbrite - the event is free but places are limited. You will be asked to select one of the three workshop topics during registration: Higher education, Community activism; Development in practice.