The Sierra Leone Ireland Partnership (SLIP) and Maynooth University Department of International Development invite you to take part in a critical examination of the issues to be faced in rebuilding Sierra Leone’s education system.
The Government of Sierra Leone has identified education as the key to rebuilding a sustainable economy after thirty years of almost continuous emergency. It has committed 30% of the national budget (UNESCO) to providing free, inclusive, quality education for the first time in the country’s history. International partners are investing heavily in the project, too. The Irish Government, through Irish Aid, has adopted education as one of the four pillars of its engagement with Sierra Leone.
This seminar will:
- Outline the struggle of a State with little resources to rebuild an education system after decades of neglect and social disruption.
- Examine aspects of the systematic obstruction of the progress of women and girls through the education system in Sierra Leone.
- Acknowledge of the extensive Irish historical involvement in education in Sierra Leone and identify how links are being maintained today, and how they can be grown in the future.
- Identify the role of the different sectors, faith based, private and Government schools in delivering new systems and outcomes, for Sierra Leone education.
- Salute and encourage a bold initiative towards a better Sierra Leone and show that people in Ireland wish for a better life for our Sierra Leonean sisters and brothers.
Booking essential: please book via Eventbrite
See flyer for speakers and full schedule: Education in Sierra Leone seminar - detailed flyer