Akita University

I particularly enjoyed the Japanese Modern Literature class, where we discussed various stories and made a video project for our finals. Another class I enjoyed was Warrior Cultures in Japan, where we studied and compared the cultures of Japanese samurai with Ancient Spartans. The class sizes are very small, often no more than twenty students. This meant a lot of discussion and personalized feedback, which I loved.
The university also organizes community outreach activities and bus trips, allowing exchange students to fully enjoy Akita's rich culture and interact with the local people.
Hong Kong Baptist University

I live on campus in the Undergraduate Halls and I'm sharing a room with another exchange student. It has been nice, but I do miss having my own space. The bathroom is shared between two rooms and there is only one kitchen for one floor, and it is tiny. Most of the time we eat outside either in the canteens on campus or in the city since it is sometimes cheaper than cooking your own food. Luckily there is also a lot to do here so we don't spend much time in those tiny rooms. There are endless opportunities to spend time in the city, go to the beaches, or do hikes.
I had no idea that HKBU was this versatile. I have been able to choose very interesting classes, especially in film and I've enjoyed them a lot. The staff and other students have been so nice and excited that I have chosen to come here. In my classes, I have often been the only or one of the few exchange students. There are a lot of exchange students here but most of them are taking business courses for example. Presentations are also a big part of the courses and in one of my classes, our presentation groups each had ten students which was weird to me since I'm used to having 2-4 people per group. Choosing the classes was quite easy if you had done the research beforehand and were familiar with the portal. I found the website quite confusing and old at first, but now I'm more comfortable with it and choosing my classes for semester two went a lot more smoothly. There is a two-week add/drop period at the start of each semester where you can still edit your timetable and see if you like the classes you chose. Most classes are in English, but it is good to check this before choosing them as there are many taught in Cantonese.
A few weeks ago, there was a weekend trip organized by the International Office to visit their collaborative campus in Zhuhai in China and it was a really cool trip and fully free!! Then I took a trip to Beijing with a few friends, and it was really fun, especially seeing and walking on the Great Wall! We are not going back home for Christmas, so we have been planning to visit Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, and maybe Thailand over the holiday break. There are so many options for traveling over here! My dream would be to visit Japan and South Korea in the spring and I'm hoping that would happen!
Overall, I really recommend HKBU - it has already been an amazing adventure and I'm only at the start of it!
University of Guelph-Humber - Toronto, Canada

Canadians themselves are super friendly. I have made connections with people that I am absolutely grateful for. I can’t stress it enough that if you can do a non-EU exchange, I highly recommend it. The things you see and the people you meet are invaluable and will definitely help you grow as a person!
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

I currently take 6 classes (due to one being a lab for another class). The content of the classes are similar to that of Maynooth, however the class size is much smaller, making it feel more personal. The exchange co-ordinator over here (Jocelyn) emailed me asking what classes I’d like to take and then enrolled me meaning I did not have to unroll myself which was super convenient and one less stress. I would definitely recommend UMass! I have felt super welcomed whilst being here. Everyone is super nice and supportive. My roommates are American allowing me to get a full American experience, but the exchange students are European allowing me to have some similarity. Due to the location we’ve been able to go on a number of trips such as New York, Cape Cod, Boston, Salem as well as sports events such as a Baseball game in Fenway Park.
University of Mississippi - US

Choosing classes was easy and there are academic advisors that can help you if you have any questions. Classes here are very different. They are much smaller, especially of you are taking senior or junior level classes, with only 30/40 people in each class. Attendance is mandatory. But I find that the classes feel more like secondary school as they are more discussion based, rather than just lectures. There is more work spread out across the semester rather than a focus on the final exam, but it is very manageable. The lectures here are very passionate about their topics and often are very interested in their students, helping them to find internships and employment after college.
I am not working over here, but I have friends who are and it was very easy to find a job on campus. The jobs often come with perks like free Ole Miss merchandise or access to football games. There is a large variety of jobs, especially working alongside the sports events. All jobs are provided through the college and the International Office can help you to find one. Trying to find accommodation in Oxford is difficult, on campus is not guaranteed. If you are sure that you are studying here I would recommend applying to as many off campus student housing providers as possible as they are starting to fill up already. There is new apartments being built all of the time, but most off campus accommodation is expensive. Living in Oxford is expensive.
If someone is applying here, I will be here in the Spring and help them if they need to find accommodation, i.e. where to look, what apartments are nice etc. There are buses that are free in Oxford, but without a car it is difficult to go elsewhere. The study abroad office does run trips to Memphis, New Orleans and surrounding cities. I have been able to travel with the rugby team to other cities and universities like Nashville and Atlanta, so I would definitely recommend joining a sports club here. It makes it easier to make friends and in my experience, you get a much more 'American' experience if you make friends with locals rather than just other international students which may seem easier to do at the start. But I have made friends from around the world and all over the states.
I would definitely recommend Ole Miss as a study abroad option as it is similar to Maynooth as a college town and the constant sporting events.