Q1. Can I still apply to study abroad at Maynooth University this fall?
Yes, we are accepting applications until June 30th. If you wish to apply and it is after this date please email [email protected]
Q2. I submitted an application to study at MU this fall, when will I receive an acceptance letter?
Once the semester dates and teaching arrangements are confirmed, and after the June 30th application deadline, we will contact you. We appreciate your patience as we plan for Fall 2020.
Q3. When can I apply for on-campus housing?
Study Abroad students will apply for on-campus housing on August 7th. Accepted students will receive the application details the day before.
Q4. I applied to study abroad at MU this fall but I wish to defer to spring 2021, how can I do this?
Please email [email protected] to inform her of your withdrawal from the Fall 2020 programme. The Spring 2021 application will launch in mid-July and be available on the Study Abroad webpage.
Q5. Will teaching be online for fall 2020?
There will be a blend of online and on-campus learning. The exact details of the delivery of individual courses are being worked out and we will communicate them as soon as possible.
Q6. How much of my time will be on campus?
Because of restrictions, teaching on campus will be limited in two ways:
- Large lectures will be replaced by remote teaching, supplemented with classes on a rota basis.
- Smaller lectures will be on campus but with a reduced frequency.
The exact reduction is difficult to predict, as it will depend on the mix of large and small modules taken. Your academic department will provide further details later in the summer.
While on-campus teaching will be reduced, this does not mean that the workload is reduced. The remaining content will be taught remotely. As a consequence, you will have greater responsibility for managing your own learning and will need to ensure that you devote sufficient time to study outside of contact times.
Q7. When will I be required to arrive in Ireland for the fall semester?
We are planning for teaching to commence on September 28th. Please note that this is subject to change, and will depend on public-health guidelines.
September 2020 orientation will take place on the week beginning September 21st 2020. We will update our Arrival & Orientation webpage regularly.
Q8. I am still unsure whether to proceed with studying abroad this fall, when do I need to decide?
You do not need to confirm your place or pay tuition/housing until August. We will be flexible with refunds if matters change and you decide to withdraw or return home early in the semester.
- Please refer to our Study Abroad webpage for general details on how to apply, what you can study and further information about studying at Maynooth University for a semester
Q1. Can I still apply for the Erasmus programme at Maynooth University this autumn?
Yes, we are accepting applications until June 30th. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].
Q2. I submitted an application to study at MU this autumn, when will I receive an acceptance letter?
Once the semester dates and teaching arrangements are confirmed, and after the June 30th application deadline, we will contact you.
We appreciate your patience as we plan for autumn 2020.
Q3. I applied to study abroad at MU this autumn but I wish to defer to spring 2021, how can I do this?
Please email [email protected] to inform her of your withdrawal from the autumn 2020 programme.
The spring 2021 semester application will launch in mid-July and be available on the Incoming Erasmus webpage until the deadline of 30th October 2020 (subject to change)
Q4. Will teaching be online for autumn 2020?
There will be a blend of online and on-campus learning. The exact details of the delivery of individual courses are being worked out and we will communicate them as soon as possible.
Q.5 How much of my time will be on campus?
Because of restrictions, teaching on campus will be limited in two ways:
- Large lectures will be replaced by remote teaching, supplemented with classes on a rota basis.
- Smaller lectures will be on campus but with a reduced frequency.
The exact reduction is difficult to predict, as it will depend on the mix of large and small modules taken. Your academic department will provide further details later in the summer.
While on-campus teaching will be reduced, this does not mean that the workload is reduced. The remaining content will be taught remotely. As a consequence, you will have greater responsibility for managing your own learning and will need to ensure that you devote sufficient time to study outside of contact times.
Q6. When will I be required to arrive in Ireland for the autumn semester?
We are planning for teaching to commence on September 28th. Please note that this is subject to change and will depend on public-health guidelines.
September 2020 orientation will take place on the week beginning September 21st 2020. We will update our Arrival & Orientation webpage regularly.
- Please refer to our Incoming Erasmus webpage for general details on how to apply, what you can study and further information about studying at Maynooth University for a semester