Welcome to Maynooth University new international students!

Dear Students, we are looking forward to welcoming you to campus soon. We have prepared the following pre-arrival information for you. Please take time to read it carefully.
Dear Students, we are looking forward to welcoming you to campus soon. We have prepared the following pre-arrival information for you. Please take time to read it carefully.
Before you arrive in Ireland, you will receive an email from our Student Records Office inviting you to register with the university online. This is step one of the registration process. You must complete step two of the process when you arrive at Maynooth University. For full details of the process consult the Registration section of this website.
You can only open an Irish bank account once you arrive in Ireland and complete your student registration with the university.
The quickest way to open a bank account is online with AIB - further details here: Quick sign up with AIB
The other Irish banks in Maynooth are Bank of Ireland and PTSB. These banks will require you to make an appointment to see them in person to open an account and you will also need to request a bank letter from the International Office. This process may take 2-3 weeks to complete.
You can find information on the Cost of Living in Ireland in 'Your Financial Guide to University' which can be found on the Student Budgeting Advice Service webpage.
Students with citizenship from UK, Switzerland and EEA countries (i.e. citizens of the EU, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) - please find information here
Non -EEA students with Stamp 2 permission to remain are allowed to take up casual employment. They can work up to 20 hours a week during term time and up to 40 hours a week in the holidays. Holiday periods have been standardised – June to September inclusive and from 15 December to 15 January.
Taxation/applying for a Personal Public Service (PPS) Number
You can find full details of taxation and personal rates on the Irish Revenue website
If you intend to work you should apply for a Personal Public Service Number - Further information here.
To request an official letter from the University to prove your registration please click here
If you need a letter to prove your Irish term address please contact the Records Office here (you will need to specify on the Records Office form that you need to have your study address included on their letter)
Citizens of the European Union , the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and Switzerland should ensure that they bring their European Health Insurance card with them. This entitles them to free public care in Ireland.
Citizens of the United Kingdom are entitled to free public healthcare in Ireland and can find health information here.
Non-EU/EEA citizens are obliged by Irish immigration law to purchase private health insurance. We have included a section on this on our Immigration page.
Maynooth University campus is located in the town of Maynooth, to the west of Dublin city in an area known as County Kildare. Maynooth is a popular commuter town so there are good train, bus and motorway links to Dublin city centre. We have prepared a guide on how to get to Maynooth which is available here
Maynooth town was founded in the 12th century and has a current population of about 17,000 people. There are many historic sites to visit in the town, including the ruins of the medieval castle of the Fitzgerald family Maynooth Heritage Trail.
Please consult our Pre-Arrival Guide for information on living, shopping and dining in Maynooth.
You can find out all about our campus facilities here
The app contains useful information such as campus maps, building maps, commuting information, etc.
Download the Goin' - Connecting Students app for free and connect with other international students arriving at Maynooth this year! Topics include sports chat, finding accommodation, talking about your degree programme, etc. Sign up link will follow soon.
Before you arrive, important information will be communicated to new students through the email address you provided on your application form. Once you have arrived and registered fully, we will communicate with you via your MU email address. To make sure you receive our emails, please add "[email protected]" to your Safe Senders list. Please also add the following email addresses:
Check how to add these emails to your Safe Senders list depending of your email provider here:
Some of our students have created blogs and videos about their time at Maynooth, including first impressions! Have a look here!