Available Courses

Visiting students coming for one semester or one year may consider signing up for any of the following modules:

Visiting Student Classes

This list may be subject to change.

Although it is unlikely that a course on this list will become unavailable or full, please have a couple of back-up course options in case your chosen course is not available anymore, or clashes with another one of your chosen courses, or the course has reached its capacity.

  • Please note you cannot register for courses that are not on this list!
  • Please also be aware that some courses may have pre-requisites or co-requisites attached!
  • You are welcome to register for courses from a subject area that you are not studying at your home university as long as your home university coordinator approves this and it is on the available courses list. You will login and choose your modules online prior to arrival and details will be sent to you in advance of your arrival at Maynooth University.


Nomination/Application Process for 2025/2026 Academic Year

Partner Institutions will receive information regarding the nomination process directly from the International Office when nominations/applications open on 14th March 2025. Please note the following deadlines:

Full Year and First Semester (Fall Term): 1st May 2025
Second Semester (Spring Term): 1st October 2025

Nominated students will receive application information following a successful review of their nomination from the Partner Institution. Late nominations will not be acccepted.

Full Year and First Semester (Fall Term): 31st May 2025
Second Semester (Spring Term): 31st October 2025

Once a student has submitted a complete application, they will be further informed of their next steps. Late applications will not be accepted.

Please note: Students are advised to contact the International Coordinator for the relevant department if they have any academic queries, e.g. course content, etc.