IQDA research outputs
Publications about sharing and re-using qualitative social science data
Gray, Jane and Ruth Geraghty. 2019. 'Using quantitative data in qualitative secondary analysis' In: Hughes, Kahryn and Anna Tarrant (eds). Qualitative Secondary Analysis. London: Sage publications.
Gray, Jane. 2019. 'Explaining Macro-Social Change with Archived Data: Reading against the Grain'. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 15 (1):14-31
Murphy, Tara, Aileen O'Carroll, Suzanne Guerin and Jane Gray. 2018. 'Overcoming the ethical and practical challenges associated with archiving qualitative and quantitative data.' Pp. 155-170 in Suzanne Guerin, Nóirín Hayes and Sinéad McNally eds. Research and Evaluation in Community, Health and Social Care Settings: Experiences from Practice. London: Routledge.
Geraghty, Ruth. 2014. 'Attitudes to Qualitative Archiving in Ireland: Findings from a Consultation with the Irish Social Science Community.' Studia Socjologiczne 3: 187-201. MURAL (formerly EPRINTS)
Gray, Jane and Aileen O'Carroll. 2011. 'Qualitative Research in Ireland: Archiving Strategies and Development.' IASSIST Quarterly 34/35: 18-22. MURAL (formerly EPRINTS)
Gray, Jane (2014) Building data infrastructures presented at ISSP Conference 2 October 2014
Data Infrastructures ISSP slides
Gray, Jane (2012) Sharing and re-using qualitative data in Ireland presented at CSTAR: Seminar on Secondary Data Analysis, University College, Dublin, 19th June 2012 Sharing and re-using in Ireland slides