Do you need help with your assignment? Are you confused about reference management? We're here to help. Maynooth University Library is running our Assignment Essentials Drop-in and Moodle Chat sessions. In the drop-in sessions we will focus on reference management and how it can save you time when it comes to assignments and essays. We'll show you EndNote - a really effective and easy to use tool. There will be a 30 minute presentation followed by 15 minutes of Q&A with a Teaching Librarian. You can come to all of the session or just part of it - whichever suits you. Our Moodle Chat sessions offer you a chance to ask any assignment related questions whether you are on or off campus. All of these 45 minute sessions are completely free and there is no need to register. Follow our hashtag #busynottizzy on social media to keep up to date with all the information. We look forward to seeing you either in person or online.
Our Drop in sessions will take place on:
Wednesday 29th March: 10.00-10.45am, Training Room E
Monday 3rd April: 12.00- 12.45pm, Training Room E
Wedesday 5th April: 3.00-3.45pm, Training Room E
Our online Q+A Sessions in Moodle Chat (Library Moodle Space) will take place on:
Monday 27th March: 3.00-3.45pm
Tuesday 28th March: 12.00-12.45pm
Thursday 30th March: 11.00-11.45am
Friday 31st March: 2.00-2.45pm
Monday 3rd April: 3.00-3.45pm
Tuesday 4th April: 11.00-11.45am