Love Data Week 14-18 February 2022 - Recordings
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Maynooth University Library hosted Love Data Week during the week of 14-18 February, 2022. The hashtag is #lovedata22. Similar to Open Access Week, the purpose of Love Data Week is to raise awareness and build a community to engage on topics related to research data management, open data, citizen science and many others and to encourage sharing, preservation, and re-use of data. Love Data Week highlights the importance of data and the many uses and applications arising from it. This year the theme is Data For Everyone.
Maynooth University Library is marked this event with a series of talks and workshops by students and by data specialists from on and off campus all showcasing different aspects of the use and engagement with data across Maynooth University and elsewhere, especially open data. This year the event was fully online and talks have been recorded with presenter permission. The programme of events can be found HERE. There are also two SWAY exhibitions on Data for Everyone – Data Books and Clericus: From analogue to digital, which is also available through the programe or below.
Love Data Week is a social media event coordinated by research data specialists, mostly but not exclusively working in academic and research libraries or data archives or centres. We believe research data are the foundation of the scholarly record and crucial for advancing our knowledge of the world around us.
Clericus: From analogue to digital – Sway Exhibition
Data for Everyone: Data Books - Sway Exhibition
Library Data Infographic - Link
Journey of a Dataset- Dermot Lynott, Maynooth University - Recording Here
Series of webinars from SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science including:
Pattern Based prediction: a new machine learning method for detecting population outbreaks - Gabriel Rodrigues Palma
Urbanization and Environmental Drivers of Circadian Rhythms - Jack Kilgallen, Victor Nagahama and Oluwayomi Akinfenwa
Voulez-vous voter avec moi ce soir: Exploring 2017 French Presidential Election Results - Kevin Horan, Gabriel Rodrigues Palma, Conor Hackett, Niloufar Pourshir Sefidi
Terrain-AI: Data and technology to support improved carbon measurement and monitoring - Dr Stephanie Keogh & Daire Walsh Terrain-Ai, National Centre for Geocomputation, MUSSI
- Coming Soon
Ireland's Open Data Initiative - Rhoda Kerins, Head of the Open Data Unit in the Department of Expenditure & Reform - Recording Here
Marine Open Data Science and Product Development - Trevor Alcorn, Marine and Coastal Unit GIS Specialist
- Link coming soon
Work values of 17/18 year olds in growing up in Ireland - Bharvi Dhall, SFI CRT in Foundations of Data Science, Maynooth University - Recording Here
How far is too far? Distance-based diagnositcs applied to count data - Darshana Jayakumari, Hamilton Institute, Maynooth University - Recording Here
The Benefits of Altmetric’s Explorer for Maynooth University Researchers - Ciarán Quinn, Research Support Librarian, MU Library
An Introduction to the Altmetric Explorer - How it can help you track the attention your work creates - Michelle Herbert, Engagement Manager, Altmetric - Recording for Both Here
Publishing in Insights, the UKSG peer-reviewed journal - Lorraine Estelle, Editor of "Insights" - Recording Here
Rich data sources for music and sound analysis - Dr. Joe Timoney, Computer Science, Maynooth University - Recording Here
Love Data Week 2023 will take place 13 - 17 February.
If you would like to take part please contact Heidi at [email protected]