This series of online workshops is aimed at Academics, Researchers and Phd students. So, if you want to know more about measuring (using Citations and Altmetric Attention Scores) the impact of your research output or finding the best journal to publish your research outputs in, please come along. There will also be an introductory session to Research Data Management and another on using Reference Management tools (Endnote Desktop and Endnote Online) to store your references, generate bibliographies & create in text citations or footnotes.
Measuring your Research Impact using Citations and Altmetric Attention Scores: An introduction to the research tools (Scopus, SciVal, Web of Science, Altmetric Explorer) available to measure and present your personal research impact (for example to include in your cv or as part of a funding application), to benchmark your impact against other researchers or institutions, identify potential research collaborations, find the highest impact journals in your field and track the attention your publications are receiving in the online environment.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022, Time: 10:30am - 11:30am. Book your place here.
Using Endnote Reference Management Software Online: MU has a subscription to the desktop version and online version of Endnote. Both will be covered in this session. You will be shown how to set up an account, populate it with bibliographic records and PDF’s, sort them into groups and format them into bibliographies for your papers. We will also look at the cite while you write tool, which allows you to create intext citations or footnotes and bibliographies for your papers in real time as you write.
Wednesday July 6th, 10.30-11.30. Book your place here
Research Data Management: An Introduction. This workshop will look at why Research Data needs to be managed (from a researcher and funder point of view), the data life cycle, how to develop a data management plan and finding a repository for your research data.
Wednesday, July 6, 2:30pm - 3:30pm. Book your place here.
Publishing in Academic Journals: Finding the right Journal for your Research & maximising its impact. This workshop will look at the tools available to help you decide where to publish your research output, how to identify the high impact journals in your field, the options available and benefits of open access publishing and how to avoid predatory publishers.
Thursday, 7th July, 10.30-11.30. Book your place here.
For more information contact Ciarán Quinn (Research Support Librarian) [email protected] or check out the Research Support Guides for more detail on these topics