Gradual Return to On-campus Operations

Wednesday, July 29, 2020 - 08:00

From July 29 the Library has commenced another phase on our gradual return to on campus operations. During this phase registered staff and students can access designated study spaces and our physical collections within the library from 09:30 to 17:00. Please note that all other spaces and services remain unavailable. The next phase is due to commence on August 10. 

  • Library capacity is reduced and limited so please consider whether you need to come to the library. We have significant resources and assistance available online. We are also continuing to offer our click and collect and scanning services.  For more information about these options please see:
  • If you have any symptoms of COVID 19 you must not come to the Library. 
  • Readers seeking entry to the library must have a valid MU or SPCM ID card and have completed the Library COVID questionnaire (see below) in advance of your visit.  
  • Please use the hand sanitiser in the library foyer and at multiple locations elsewhere within the library.  Regular hand sanitisation is essential and particularly important before and after handling books, using shared machines etc. 
  • Please observe cough etiquette and 2 metres social distancing. 
  • All study spaces are at least 2 metres apart.  Please sit in the designated locations and do not move furniture for any reason or length of time.  
  • There is a one-way and  'keep left' policy for walking throughout the building.  Please follow the signage. 
  • Wipes to wipe down study spaces are available at the admissions desk. 
  • With the exception of bottled drinks, food and drink is not allowed in the library.
  • Please use hand sanitiser before and after browsing books on open shelves. 
  • When finished using a book, it should be placed on the nearest available trolley. Books should not be re-shelved. 
  • When leaving the building for any length of time, including breaks, please ensure that all books are placed back on trolleys and that you take all of your personal belongings.  Capacity is being strictly managed, and you may not be able to renter the library. 
  • To apply to visit the library please complete the Library COVID Questionnaire