Thurs., 29th of May will see a special seminar hosted by the Department of Sociology/ NIRSA, Political Economy and Work Cluster and the New Deals in the New Economy project on Social Investment in Europe followed by the launch of a new MA in Sociology (Work, Labour Markets and Employment) by Minister Joan Burton.
‘Social Investment’ focuses on investing in people’s skills and capacities and supporting them to participate fully in employment and social life (EU Commission). Does ‘social investment’ lead to a renewal or an erosion of the welfare state? Will ‘social investment’ support economic and social recovery? To read more see this journal article by Prof. ' and .
The event will start at 9.30 with registration and coffee followed by the seminar at 10.00 in the Phoenix building on the North Campus in Maynooth University keynoted by Prof Anton Hemerijck, VU University Amsterdam and Prof Brian Nolan, UCD and chaired by Prof. Sean O'Riain.
Following a break for coffee there will be a a roundtable discussion with: Rossella Ciccia (NUIM), Tom Healy (NERI) and Rory O’Donnell (NESC) chaired by Mary Murphy (NUIM).
At 13:30 Joan Burton, Minister for Social Protection will launch a new Maynooth UniversityMA Sociology: Work, Labour Markets and Employment (MAWLE). (To commence September 2014 subject to approval of the Academic Council)
Minister Joan Burton
Attendance is free but please register for seminar by emailing [email protected] before May 26th, 2014
Details of transport available at:
Fore more see .