Celtic Women Icons: An Image-Making Workshop

St. Brigid
Saturday, February 17, 2024 - 12:00 to 18:00
Solas Bhríde Centre and Hermitages

The workshop is part of a larger programme of events hosted by the Contemporary Women Icons AHRC-funded Research Project, which raises awareness of women’s understudied accomplishments in the ancient sacred art practice of Orthodox iconography and supports local community groups in creating icons of
overlooked, or obscured, women from their own communities. In the workshop, delegates will draw on the techniques, rituals, and theories of iconography to create images of early Celtic women as part of the year-long Brigid 1500 celebrations.

During this interfaith event, we will discuss how to expand the visibility of Celtic women in sacred art, as well as the ways in which they straddle the two definitions of an “icon” as a devotional image and a celebrated person who is a symbol for a wider community. Together, we will explore how sacred art can portray spiritual encounters with female icons from our communities and discuss how we might expand the representation of women in Christian worship. Through welcoming delegates of all faiths and none, we hope to foster dialogue about how images, rituals, and female icons, have enriched our lives with a focus on the things we share.

Sign up here: www.solasbhride.ie/event/womens-iconography-in-the-twenty-first-century
The price of the ticket includes lunch and refreshments at 12 midday and the cost of art materials.

12 Midday-6 pm Solas Bhride Centre & Hermitages, Tully Road, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare R51 Y281
045 980200 | [email protected]