A joint keynote address will be delivered by Professor Sandeep Parmar (University of Liverpool) and Dr Mary Jean Chan (Oxford Brookes University).
The symposium will conclude with a poetry reading and discussion with Mary Jean Chan, author of the Costa Poetry Award-winning Flèche.
The event is run by Drs Catherine Gander and Karl O'Hanlon. Attendance is free, but registration must be emailed to [email protected].
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Karl O’Hanlon and Catherine Gander
9.30-11.00—Panel One: The Social Function of Poetry
Chair: TBC
Maria Manning
‘Viral Critics: Reading Instapoetry with Criticism’
S.J. de Mattio
‘Elegies of the Quotidian: The Integral Role of the “Poet-Critic” in the Emergence of
AIDS Poetry’
Ellen Orchard
‘Poetry as Apology: Global Reckoning in Layli Long Soldier and Kimberly
Campanello’s Recent Collections’
11.15-12:30—Keynote talk: Sandeep Parmar and Mary Jean Chan
‘Poetry reviewing and race: a conversation’
13:30-15:00—Panel Two: Irish Poetic and Critical Environments
Chair: Karl O’Hanlon
Oana Marian
‘Critical Poetics: a Case for Contemporary Irish Female Poets as Undervalued
Liberation Resource’
Eszter György
‘Poetry or Propaganda? Art as criticism in Oscar Wilde’s The Ballad of Reading
Charlotte Buckley
‘Curing the Outdoors: An Ecofeminist Reading of Contemporary Irish Women’s
15.15-16:45—Panel Three: Poetry, Criticism, Difficulty
Chair: Catherine Gander
Ellen Dillon
‘Why write (down) what can’t be taught?: Fanny Howe and the Unteachable Poem’
Yasna Bozhkova
‘“I, too, dislike it”: The Hatred of Poetry from Marianne Moore to Ben Lerner’
Bowen Wang
‘“Reading, from out of the purple tabulae”: Wallace Stevens’ Metapoetics and Interart
16:45-17:00 - Concluding remarks, break
17.00-18:00—Mary Jean Chan: Poetry Reading & Discussion with Karl O’Hanlon and Catherine Gander