Launch of book: 'Global Education in Ireland: Critical Histories and Future Directions' an in-person get together, as a community of practice, of all those who have worked on the book and those particularly interested in it at Maynooth University on Tuesday 5th November from 2.30 - 4.30pm (TSI Building, North Campus, Room TSI110)
'Global Education in Ireland: Critical Histories and Future Directions' is available to download, free of charge through Open Access, from the following website: https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/global-education-in-ireland-9781350380387/
This open access book, edited by Eilish Dillon, Niamh Gaynor, Gerard McCann and Stephen McCloskey, brings together leading global education (GE) practitioners and academics to, for the first time, provide a history of GE in Ireland.
It contains chapters from and about key contributions of adult and community education to global education.
The book will be a focus of the Academic Network for Global Education & Learning (ANGEL) webinar on Tuesday, 12th Nov at 13.00. Register at: http://angel-network.net/WS_GE_Ireland