Key Messages from GenAI Series

Monday, July 29, 2024 - 15:00

In Semester 2 of 2023-24 CTL ran a series of five collaborative professional learning sessions on Generative AI (GenAI) applications from the perspective of teaching, learning and assessment.
Key message from across the sessions are captured in our infographic  which is organised under the headings Gen AI Current Trends, Pedagogical Considerations and GenAI and Academic Integrity.
The sessions were:
• Exploring Pedagogical Possibilities with GenAI
• GenAI – Current Status and Developments
• Sharing practice Part 1: Open Mic! How I use GenAI in teaching, learning and assessment
• Sharing practice Part 2: Presentations from Strand 1 GenAI T&L Fellows 2023-24
• GenAI, Writing and Assessment.
Building on this work, CTL is currently collaborating with staff and students on the development of MU GenAI Guidelines for both groups.
If you would like to learn more about our work in this area, please check out the dedicated space in the CTL Assessment and Feedback Hub and/or email us at [email protected]