Title: Diagnostics for nominal data analysis
Speaker: Patricia Peres Araripe, University of São Paulo
The talks will be held virtually this semester via Microsoft Teams. Link to join the meeting is given below. All are welcome.
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In the agronomic or biological areas, experiments with a categorical response are usual. The categorical variable is obtained by a finite number of categories and classified as polytomous when it has more than two categories. The generalized logit models, class members of Generalized Linear Models, are commonly used to fit a polytomous variable with a nominal scale (without order between the categories). After choosing a statistical model, an important step is the residuals and diagnostics analysis. However, this method for assessing the adequacy of these models is still emerging and extremely necessary in the class of discrete models. It is presented the recently developed residuals by Chen, Wang, and Zhang (2020) and illustrated them using a literature example. Then, it will be discussing the results of the simulation studies using distance measures in the residuals analysis.
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