Each year over 500 social work students in Ireland head out of the classroom and into the world of social work on a practice placement (work experience). Most would agree it is the most exciting, inspiring and educational experience of their lives. Most would also agree that it is terrifying!
For World Social Work Day 2023, the Schools of Social Work at Maynooth University and University College Dublin have collaborated on a research-based, spoken-word music video for students going on placement.
Dr Niamh Flanagan from Maynooth University and Dr Elaine Wilson from University College Dublin, who have previously co-researched with students about peer-to-peer advice about going on placement, wanted to expand this idea to garner the advice of practice teachers. With the support of the National Practice Teacher Social Work Initiative, the collaborators undertook research with over 60 placement teachers, practitioners and academics about the advice that they would give to students heading out on placement.
Using an unconventional mode of research dissemination, key pieces of advice have been integrated into a spoken-word music video adaptation of Baz Luhrmann’s “Everybody’s free to wear sunscreen”
Have a listen … and breathe!