Ollscoil Mhá Nuad rangaithe sa chéad 7% go idirnáisiúnta don
Chomhionannas Inscne i rangú THE Global Impact 2022
Déardaoin, 28 Aibreán 2022: Tá Ollscoil Mhá Nuad tar éis bheith rangaithe sa chéad 7% go domhanda (ag uimhir 69 as 938 ollscoil) dá taighde ar staidéar an chomhionannais inscne, dá polasaithe ar chomhionannas inscne agus dá tiomantas chun mná a earcú agus a chur chun cinn.
Tá OMN sa chéad #301-400 ollscoil ar domhan mar atá siad rangaithe ag Rangú THE Global Impact 2022, a thugann léargas ar thionchar na n-ollscoileanna ar shochaí bunaithe ar an rath atá orthu le Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe de chuid na Náisiún Aontaithe (SDGs) a bhaint amach. Bhí breis agus 1,400 institiúid ó 106 tír páirteach ann.
Ag aithint go bhfuil OMN tiomanta don oideachas ar ardchaighdeán, bhí OMN rangaithe sa chéad 17% d’institiúidí domhanda don mhéid atá bainte amach againn san fhoghlaim go luath sa saol agus ar feadh an tsaoil, sa taighde oideolaíochta agus san oideachas ionchuimsitheach.
Tá rangú OMN sa chéad 200 institiúid ar domhan (#101-200) dá n-obair ar laghdú na neamhionannas mar fhrithchaitheamh ar thaighde OMN ar neamhionannais shóisialta, ar ár bpolasaithe ar leithcheal agus ar ár dtiomantas chun baill foirne agus mic léinn ó ghrúpaí faoi ghannionadaíocht a mhealladh chugainn.
Tá Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe de chuid na Náisiún Aontaithe dírithe ar thodhchaí níos fearr agus níos inbhuanaithe a bhaint amach do chách faoin mbliain 2030. Tugann na spriocanna aghaidh ar athruithe domhanda lena n-áirítear bochtaineacht, neamhionannas, aeráid, díghrádú comhshaoil, rathúnas, and síocháin agus ceartas.
Clúdaíonn Rangú THE University Impact conas mar a chorpaíonn institiúid na Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe ina cleachtais, polasaithe agus nósanna imeachta inmheánacha, “cothú caidrimh” sa tsochaí, agus gníomhaíochtaí taighde.
Tá na torthaí ar fáil ina n-iomlán ag: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/rankings/impact/2022/overall
#THEglobalimpact #THEunirankings
Achoimre ar na torthaí:
- SDG4 Oideachas ar Ardchaighdeán rangaithe 101-200 as 1,180 Institiúid (scór foriomlán de 68.4%), an dara háit in Éirinn.
- SDG5 Comhionannas Inscne rangaithe 69 as 938 Institiúid (scór foriomlán de 68.3%), sa tríú háit in Éirinn;
- SDG10 Laghdú na Neamhionannas rangaithe 101-200 as 796 Institiúid (scór foriomlán de 69%), sa cheathrú háit in Éirinn;
- Ar an iomlán THE University Impact OMN rangaithe 301-400 as 1,406 institiúid (scór foriomlán de 74%).
Maynooth University ranked in top 7% internationally for Gender Equality by THE Global Impact rankings 2022
Thursday, 28th April 2022: Maynooth University (MU) has been ranked in the top 7% of universities globally (at number 69 out of 938 institutions) for its research on the study of gender equality, policies on gender equality and commitment to recruiting and promoting women 5 Gender Equality).
MU is in the top #301-400 universities in the world as ranked by THE University Impact Rankings 2022, which capture universities’ impact on society based on their success in delivering the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Over 1,400 institutions from 106 countries participated globally.
Recognising MU’s commitment to quality education, MU was ranked in the top 17% (#101-200) of institutions globally (SDG 4 Quality Education) for our contribution to early years and lifelong learning, pedagogy research and our commitment to inclusive education.
MU’s research on social inequalities, policies on discrimination and commitment to recruiting staff and students from under-represented groups was reflected in MU being ranked in the top 200 institutions globally (#101-200) for our work on SDG 10 - Reducing Inequalities.
The UN 17 SDGs aim to achieve a better and a more sustainable future for all by 2030. The goals address global changes including poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.
THE University Impact Rankings cover how an institution embodies the SDGs in their internal practices, policies and procedures, “outreach” in society, and also their research activities.
Full results at: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/rankings/impact/2022/overall
#THEglobalimpact #THEunirankings
Summary of the findings:
- SDG4 Quality Education ranked 101-200 out of 1,180 Institutions (overall score of 68.4%), 2nd in Ireland.
- SDG5 Gender Equality ranked 69th out of 938 Institutions (overall score of 68.3%), 3rd in Ireland;
- SDG10 Reduced Inequalities ranked 101-200th out of 796 Institutions (overall score of 69%), 4th in Ireland;
- Overall for THE University Impact MU ranked 301-400 out of 1,406 institutions (overall score of 74%).