MU celebrates Staff Recognition Awards

MU President Prof Eeva Leinonen with outgoing Registrar Prof Aiden Mulkeen, who won the Outstanding Contribution Award
Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 09:45

Maynooth University celebrated the 2024 Employee Recognition Awards ceremony in the TSI Building on the North Campus on Wednesday, 29 May.

Professor Eeva Leinonen, President of Maynooth University, welcomed over 200 staff to the awards ceremony hosted at TSI to mark  key achievements of colleagues across Academic, Administrative, Technical, Professional and Support Services.

Maynooth University has more than 1,300 staff across campus working in academic, research and professional capacities to support students, the community and the wider public.

The three award categories were Teaching, Public Engagement, and Service Excellence and Innovation.

Maynooth University Employee Recognition Awards 2024

Teaching & Learning Awards

Early Career Award: Dr Margaret Flood
Mid to Late Career Award: Dr Liam Mac Amhlaigh
Mid to Late Career Award: Dr Peter Mooney
Team Award: Maths Support Centre - Pádhraic O'Hanrahan, Dr Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Peter Mulligan (pictured below)

 Public Engagement Award

Individual Award: Dr Ian Marder
Team Award: STEM Passport for Inclusion team - Dr Katriona O'Sullivan, Isabel Meza Silva, Megan Griffin, Kalyn Potter, Christine Collins (pictured below)

 Service Excellence & Innovation Awards

Outstanding contribution: Prof Aidan Mulkeen
Living the MU Values: Deirdre Daly
Leadership in Supporting the University’s Strategic Plan: Department of Biology School Outreach Team - Patricia McDonnell, Deirdre Daly, Dr Noreen Curran
Service Excellence: Patricia Farren
Service Innovation: Gillian O’Meara
Service Innovation: Project Team (Timetabling Officer & Faculty Officer from the Faculty of Science & Engineering) on First Years’ Students Lab Timetable - Linda Dunne, Hayley Ní-Bhriain-Quinn
25 year service recipients: Dr Créidhe O'Sullivan, Dr Fabrice Rousseau, Dr Ian McAuley, Dr Mette Lebech, Dr Thomas Lysaght, Dr Tom Flavin, Professor Victor Lazzarini

Deirdre Daly of the Department of Biology won two awards, in both the individual and team categories
Prof Victor Lazzarini of the Department of Music was acknowledged for 25 years of service to MU