MU Secures Key Arqus Alliance Wins for the Irish Language During Seachtain na Gaeilge

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 - 15:00

As we celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge, the MU Arqus Alliance team, in conjunction with the MU Oifig na Gaeilge, is delighted to announce a series of significant achievements in integrating the Irish language into the Arqus European University Alliance. 

The journey began before Christmas when Maynooth University became the first Arqus university to publish a version of the Arqus logo in our native language, marking an important milestone in representing our linguistic and cultural heritage within the network.
Building on this momentum, we are pleased to share that in conjunction with our Arqus Working Group 11 colleagues we have successfully secured Arqus Innovation funding to deliver an online Irish language course at A1 level. This course will be delivered by MU faculty and be available to interested staff and students from across the Arqus network, offering an accessible introduction to the language and fostering deeper cultural exchange.
Additionally, the Irish language will now be included as part of the long-standing Arqus Virtual Café initiative. This initiative provides a space where students and staff from across the Alliance can come together informally to learn the languages of their peers. An MU student will facilitate the Irish language sessions, offering an enriching experience for both the instructor and participants.
A special thank you to Maynooth University (Comhordaitheoir na Gaeilge) Irish Language Coordinator, Aisling Ní Bheacháin, for her unwavering support in these efforts.
Commenting on these achievements, Arqus Alliance Manager Ben Finnegan said: "Maynooth University is proud of its Irish language and heritage and remains committed to integrating it into the fabric and workings of the Arqus Alliance. This is yet another example of how we are striving to embed every aspect of Maynooth University into the Arqus European University Alliance."
These milestones reaffirm MU’s dedication to the Irish language and its role in fostering linguistic diversity within Arqus. We look forward to seeing the continued growth of these initiatives and further opportunities to celebrate our language on the European stage.
For more information on the A1 Course in Irish please click here.

For more information on the Arqus Virtual Language Café please click here.

For more information on how MU staff and students can get involved in the Arqus Alliance please click here.

Buanna don Ghaeilge bainte amach ag OMN le Arqus, Comhghuaillíocht Ollscoileanna Eorpacha 

Agus Seachtain na Gaeilge á ceiliúradh againn, tá áthas ar fhoireann Arqus OMN, i gcomhar le hOifig  na Gaeilge, roinnt éachtaí suntasacha a fhógairt ina bhfuil an Ghaeilge á fí isteach in obair ARQUS. 
Cuireadh tús leis an aistear seo roimh Nollaig nuair a bhí OMN ar an gcéad Ollscoil de chuid Arqus chun leagan de logo Arqus a fhoilisú ina teanga dhúchais. Is clochmhíle suntasach é seo a léiríonn ár n-oidhreacht theangeolaíoch agus chultúrtha laistigh den ghréasán.
Ag tógáil ar an méid seo, táimid sásta a fhógairt, i gcomhar lenár gcomhghleacaithe ó ghrúpa oibre Arqus 11, gur éirigh linn maoiniú nuálaíochta a fháil ó Arqus chun cúrsa Gaeilge ag leibhéal A1 a chur ar fáil.  Teagascóir de chuid OMN a chuirfidh an cúrsa i láthair agus beidh sé oscailte do bhaill foirne agus do mhic léinn in ollscoileanna Arqus. Tabharfaidh an cúrsa deis do rannpháirtithe bunchúrsa Gaeilge a dhéanamh agus naisc chultúrtha a roinnt agus a chothú.  
Chomh maith leis sin, beidh an Ghaeilge mar chuid den togra seanbhunaithe, Café Fíorúil Arqus.  Cuireann an togra seo spás neamhfhoirmiúil ar fáil do mhic léinn agus do bhaill foirne  ollscoileanna Arqus inar féidir leo teangacha a fhoghlaim óna bpiaraí. Mac léinn de chuid Ollscoil Mhá Nuad a bheidh i mbun na seisiún Gaeilge seo a rachaidh go mór chun tairbhe an teagascóra féin agus rannpháirtithe araon. 
Tá buíochas ar leith ag dul d'Aisling Ní Bheacháin, Comhordaitheoir na Gaeilge, as a tacaíocht leanúnach leis na tograí seo. 
Agus é ag trácht ar na héachtaí seo, dúirt Bainisteoir Chomhghuaillíocht Arqus, Ben Finnegan: "Tá Ollscoil Mhá Nuad bródúil as a teanga agus a hoidhreacht Ghaeilge, agus tá sí tiomanta dá comhtháthú le struchtúr agus gníomhaíochtaí Arqus. Is sampla eile é seo den chaoi a bhfuilimid ag iarraidh gach gné d'Ollscoil Mhá Nuad a fhí isteach in Arqus, Comhghuaillíocht Ollscoileanna Eorpacha."
Treisíonn na clochmhílte seo tiomantas OMN don Ghaeilge agus an ról atá aici i gcur chun cinn éagsúlacht na dteangacha i gComhghuaillíocht Arqus. Táimid ag súil go mór le fás agus bláthú na dtograí seo agus le tuilleadh deiseanna  ár dteanga dhúchais a cheiliúradh ar an stáitse Eorpach.
Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoin Chúrsa Gaeilge A1, cliceáil anseo.
Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoi Chaifé Fíorúil Arqus, cliceáil anseo.
Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoi conas is féidir le foireann agus mic léinn OMN páirt a ghlacadh i gComhghuaillíocht Arqus, cliceáil anseo.