New Directions in Veteran History workshop

Montage of 4 photos - Women RAF- Yugloslav badge - Carte du combattant - Indian soldiers.
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 - 10:00 to 16:00
Arts & Humanities Institute, First Floor of Iontas Building

The COLVET project team are delighted to welcome you to attend this hybrid workshop on 'New Directions in Veteran History', in the Arts and Humanities Institute, First Floor of Iontas Building, Maynooth University on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025. 

This event brings together colleagues doing innovative research on the history of veterancy across a range of geographical and temporal contexts to explore the potential of comparative approaches to help us build a new, global and inclusive history of the war veteran.

Event Schedule:

10:00-11:00 Welcome and Introduction to the COLVET Project: 
Prof Dónal Hassett (Maynooth University) & Dr Nicola Camilleri (Maynooth University)

11:00-11:15: Coffee

11:15-12:30: Expanding the Global Geographies of Veteran History:
Dr Sofiya Anisimova (University College Dublin), Dr Niels Boender (University of Edinburgh) & Dr Alfred Tembo (University of Zambia)

12:30-1:30: Lunch

13:30-14:45: Rethinking Global Histories of Veteran Care and Provision:
Dr Hilary Buxton (Kenyon College), Dr John Paul Newman (Maynooth University) & Dr Oksana Vynnyk (Maynooth University)

14:45-15:00: Coffee

15:00-16:00: Keynote speaker Dr Jelena Đureinović (Vienna University): ‘Transnational Entanglements in Veteran Policy, Welfare, and Political Agency after 1945: The Yugoslav Partisans and the Decolonising World’.

16:00-17:30: New Gendered Global Histories of Veterancy:
Prof Alison Fell (University of Liverpool), Hayley Brabazon (Dublin City University) & Prof Sarah Zimmerman Western Washington University)

All are welcome in person or online. To register email: [email protected]
This event is funded with the support of the European Research Council, through grant number 101115749.