The MU Department of Biology Athena Swan Committee invite you to the 2024 Phyllis Clinch Women in Science Lecture by Prof. Eileen Furlong, Head of Genome Biology Unit at EMBL.
The lecture will take place on Friday 10 May at 2.30 pm in the Technology, Society and Innovation (TSI) Building, Lecture Theatre 3 in Maynooth University. The lecture is open to all guests. The lecture will be preceded by a light lunch outside the lecture theatre from 1.30pm.
Please register for the event before 1 May by clicking on the following link
Prof. Eileen Furlong is an Irish molecular biologist who currently leads the Genome Biology Unit within EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany (https://www.embl.org/people/person/eileen-furlong/). The Furlong group dissects fundamental principles of genome regulation and how that drives cell fate decisions during development, focusing on organisational and functional properties of the genome. The group aims to understand chromatin how enhancers function and how chromatin topology dynamically changes to control gene expression during developmental transitions. Prof. Furlong is an elected fellow of the Royal Society and elected member of Academia Europaea, as well as an awardee of multiple ERC Advanced Investigator grants. Prof. Furlong has been central to the development of a framework for EDI at EMBL and currently sits on the EMBL EDI Governing Body.
About the Phyllis Clinch Lecture: To showcase the many achievements of women in science the Department of Biology at Maynooth University is pleased to present the 2024 ‘Women in Science’ lecture, named after Dr Phyllis Clinch, famed Irish botanist and the first woman to receive the Boyle Medal from the Royal Dublin Society. This event is organised by the Department’s Athena Swan Committee as part of their goals to support and advance women’s careers in Biology, promote work-life balance in research and identify and address gender equity and diversity issues.