The University Safety Lead Worker Group, in conjunction with the University Healthy Campus Team, held the inaugural Safety, Health and Wellbeing Fair in the foyer of the JP Library from November 6th to 9th. The event was well attended by both University Staff and Students who actively engaged with all stakeholders at the fair and provided positive feedback on the event. Daily raffles with a variety of safety themed prizes (e.g. cycling helmet, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, fire blankets) took place with a variety of staff and student winners.
An outline of the daily events that took place are detailed below:
Monday – The theme of the day was Road Safety with particular focus on Cycle Safety. The Safety Lead Workers had free road safety items such as bicycle lights, high visibility vests and high visibility bag covers available from the RSA. Coyne Cycles set up a bicycle display in the Library foyer where both staff and students enquired about bicycles available to purchase and the various schemes available. Great interest was shown on the latest Electric Bicycles available.
Tuesday – A variety of stakeholders were present in the JP Library on Tuesday. The local fire brigade were present to provide information on fire safety with particular focus on home fire safety. First Aid Systems had a stall with a variety of home safety equipment and first aid equipment available to purchase. Additionally, the HSE were in Training Room E offering staff and students the Covid 19 vaccination. Free tea and coffee and healthy snacks were provided during the day by the Safety Office and Healthy Campus Team for staff and student consumption.
Wednesday – The University Safety Office had information and a display for optimum Display Screen Equipment (DSE) set up for staff and students for both their office and home working environments. Information was provided on chair set up, screen heights and laptop set up, and keyboard and mouse placement. Information was also provided on the University Eye Examination programme and how these can be expensed for.
Thursday – The Campus Community Garda, Damien Travers, and his colleague set up a stall in the foyer providing tips to University personnel on personal safety and also had available etching equipment to enable campus personnel to mark up and identify equipment such as bicycles.
I would like to thank the following personnel/groups for their assistance during the week
- Safety Lead Workers Members for offering up their time to be present at the event and give assistance
- Cathal, Elaine and all the team in the library for their assistance in the event set up and execution
- The Healthy Campus Team for their support in setting up and publicising the event
- The University Communications for publicising the event
- All stakeholders mentioned above for providing their service over the day(s)
- Coyne Cycles, First Aid Systems, Masterfire, Dublin Fire Brigade, Kildare Fire Brigade, Road Safety Authority for providing raffle prizes and free items to distribute over the week
Daniel McDermott
University Safety Officer
Images of the Week: