Siobhán Buckley, PhD student, publishes article in the Irish Criminal Law Journal

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 - 09:30

PhD Student and Irish Research Council Scholar, Siobhán Buckley has recently published an article “Does Ireland have a Divergent Criminal Justice System? A Preliminary Cross-Sectoral Analysis of Punitiveness in the Adult and Youth Criminal Justice Sectors in Ireland, 1990-2015” in the Irish Criminal Law Journal.
The article offers some preliminary insights on the adult and youth criminal justice sectors in Ireland based on Siobhán’s doctoral research. The articles examines if Ireland has a divergent criminal justice system and argues the need to understand the relationship between the two justice sectors and their respective drivers, particularly in light of calls to extend the upper limit of the youth justice system.
Siobhán’s doctoral research concerns “Contrasts in Tolerance?”: A cross-sectoral analysis of punitiveness in the adult and youth criminal justice systems of Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands 1990 – 2015. The project looks at differences of approach and transitions between the adult and youth justice systems and is supervised by Professor Claire Hamilton. Siobhán’s doctoral research is funded by the Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship.
You can access the article on Westlaw IE or you can email Siobhán on [email protected] to request a copy.