We are delighted to invite staff and students to An Taisce's Green Campus Flag-raising event on Monday, 27th of November.
Although Maynooth Green Campus team applied for the re-assessment, it was done on behalf of MU, SPPU and Trócaire. The flag award required a reappraisal by representatives from An Taisce, who visited the campuses in September. We showcased not only the work of the MGC but also our overall efforts to work towards government mandates, including GHG emission reduction and broader improvements in our sustainability agenda, which have been included in the Strategic Plan. The flag acknowledges our University’s leadership and progress on these fronts.
We thank everyone involved!
The team is proud of this outstanding achievement
Bigí linn!
Date & Time: Monday, November 27th at 10 am
Location: John Paul II Library
Note: We will raise the Green Campus flag at the Kilcock Rd roundabout