Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge exams take place in Maynooth (and in other centres around the country and abroad) in April, May and June of this year. Exams take place at four levels, from elementary to upper intermediate. The upper intermediate level, Meánleibhéal 2 (B2), is recognized by the Department of Education and Skills for entry into courses in Primary Education. For information on all exam levels, dates, fees and more, please go to www.teg.ie.
Discounted exam fees for Maynooth University students and staff.
Closing date for applications: 14 March 2014
For further information, email [email protected] or call 01 7083737.
Beidh Scrúduithe Theastas Eorpach na Gaeilge ar siúl i Má Nuad (agus in ionaid eile ar fud na tíre agus thar lear) in Aibreán, Bealtaine agus Meitheamh. Beidh scrúduithe ar fáil ag ceithre leibhéal ó Bhonnleibhéal 1 (A1) go Meánleibhéal 2 (B2). Tá Meánleibhéal 2 (B2) aitheanta ag an Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna mar cháilíocht a a shásaíonn na critéir iontrála do chúrsaí sa bhunoideachas. Le tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoi leibhéil scrúdaithe, dátaí, táillí agus eile, téigh go www.teg.ie.
Táille laghdaithe do bhaill foirne agus mic léinn OÉ Má Nuad.
Spriocdháta d'iarratais: 14 Márta 2004
Tuilleadh eolais: [email protected] 01 708 3737