Turn to Teaching contributed two chapters to the recently published book on teacher diversity, Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas and Directions for the Future, edited by Elaine Keane, Manuela Heinz, and Rory Mc Daid.
Gareth Burns and Katriona O’Sullivan’s chapter entitled ‘Going the Extra Mile’: Working Class Teachers and Their Engagement with Parents explores the influence of Bourdieusian habitus on teachers’ attitudes towards, and engagement with, parents in designated disadvantaged schools in Ireland.
The second Turn to Teaching contribution comes in the chapter entitled ‘No One Sees a Traveller at the Top of the Class’: Experiences of Irish Travellers on Programmes Supporting Teacher Diversity. Adopting a narrative approach, and authored by Gareth Burns, Miriam Colum, and Jerry O’Neill, this chapter explores five Travellers’ journeys into and through two programmes focused on enhancing the engagement and experiences of Irish Travellers in initial teacher education, namely Maynooth University’s Turn to Teaching and Marino Institute of Education’s Tobar programme.