Deciding if college is right for you and understanding all the pathways to further and higher education can be challenging. During the Coronavirus pandemic this challenge becomes even harder. Are you working with Traveller or Roma students who may be considering going on to further or higher education next September? If so, please let them know about the second in our series of Whidden Workshops – it’s Kushti to Rokker on Wednesday, 9 December at 11:00am.
We will have a number of Traveller and Roma students getting together on Zoom. These students will share their stories while also offering up advice for any prospective students from each of their communities. There will also be access officers from Cork Institute of Technology, Dublin City University and Maynooth University to discuss the various pathways to further and higher education:
- QQI / FETAC entry route
- Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) and Disability Access Route to Education (DARE)
- Mature student entry route
- Foundation Courses
The event is being hosted by Cork Institute of Technology, Dublin City University, Maynooth University and College Connect. If you’d like any further information you can call or email Declan from College Connect at 087 331 3412 or [email protected] .