Prof Bernard Mahon

Biology, Hamilton Institute, Human Health Institute


Biosciences & Electronic Engineering Facility
(01) 708 3835


My scientific work is based on hypothesis-driven, fundamental studies of murine and human immunology. Two major topics are addressed:
  1. How do adult mesenchymal stem cells modulate immunity (a question with implications for stem cell therapy, transplantation and tolerance).  This work finds application is the design of new cell based therapies;
  2. The immunology of early life, particularly at the mucosal surface of the airways. This has led me to examine early life infections with the pathogens B. pertussis, poliovirus and B19V, work which has implications for vaccine design, immunisation protocols and diagnostics.
When appropriate, my work has been commercialised or translated to clinical settings. Key recent advances: a) Overcoming the technical problems of adult stem cell therapy; b) a clinical trial of a new whooping cough vaccine with EU partners. I previously served as Faculty dean and VP Research.     
Research Publications Professional Teaching