Prof Mary Gilmartin

Geography, Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI)


Rhetoric House
(01) 708 6617


I completed a PhD in Geography at the University of Kentucky and worked at Nottingham Trent University and University College Dublin before joining Maynooth University in 2008. The main focus of my research is contemporary Irish migration and mobility. I am currently working on a new research project, funded by the Irish Research Council's Advanced Laureate programme. You can read a short account of the project here. The project will run from 2023 to 2027. Previous research projects, on migration-related topics, received funding from organisations such as the Irish Research Council and the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (with Dr Clíodhna Murphy in Law).

I have published widely on migration and within the discipline of geography. My book on Ireland and migration in the twenty-first century was published by Manchester University Press in 2015, and you can hear about the book in this interview with The History Show on RTE Radio 1. A full list of publications is available here.

I was Managing Editor of Social & Cultural Geography, a leading international geography journal, from 2014 to 2018. I remain a member of the journal's editorial board. 

Research Interests

My research interests lie at the intersection of political, cultural and social geography. My current research focuses on migration, in particular contemporary migration to and from Ireland. Bettina Migge (UCD) and I recently completed a 2-year study of recent migration to Ireland, funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences, and I continue to work on other migration-related research projects. In addition, I also engage in broader debates about the nature and practice of geography, informed by social theory. I am Managing Editor of Social & Cultural Geography, and am a member of the editorial boards of ACME, Geographical Journal, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, and Political Geography.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Mapping processes of settlement and integration in contemporary Ireland PI 12/12/2016 30/09/2018 99616.25

Post Doctoral Fellows / Research Team

Researcher Name Project Funding Body
Jenny Dagg Mapping processes of settlement and integration in contemporary Ireland
Leanne Caulfield Integration Policy in Ireland Through the Lens of Human Rights and Equality


Year Publication
2024 K Browne, D Borisa, M Gilmartin, N Banerjea (2024) Social Geographies: The Basics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
2018 Gilmartin M.; Wood P.; O'Callaghan C. (2018) Borders, mobility and belonging in the era of Brexitand Trump.
2015 Dr Mary Gilmartin (2015) Ireland and migration in the 21st century. : Manchester University Press.
2009 Gallaher, C., C. Dahlman, M. Gilmartin, A. Mountz, P. Shirlow (2009) Key Concepts in Political Geography. : Sage.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2024 M. Gilmartin; P. Hubbard; R. Kitchin; S.M. Roberts (Ed.). (2024) Key Thinkers on Space and Place. London: Sage,
2021 L Berg, U Best, M Gilmartin, H Gutzon Larsen (Ed.). (2021) Placing Critical Geography: Historical Geographies of Critical Geography. London: Routledge,
2013 Gilmartin, M; White, A (Ed.). (2013) Migrations - Ireland in a Global World. Manchester: Manchester University Press,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 Gilmartin M.; Dagg J. (2022) 'Finding the Gap: Immigrant Integration Outcomes and Settlement Service Provision in the Republic of Ireland'. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 23 (2):679-699. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Gilmartin M.; Dagg J. (2021) 'Integration as Making Place'. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Jacobsen, MH; Gilmartin, M (2020) 'The ethics and politics of migration research'. DIALOGUES IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, . [DOI]
2020 Gilmartin, M; Dagg, J (2020) 'Spatializing immigrant integration outcomes'. Population, Space and Place, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Gilmartin, M; Coppari, PR; Phelan, D (2020) 'Promising precarity: the lives of Dublin's international students'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Murphy, C; Caulfield, L; Gilmartin, M (2019) 'Developing immigrant integration policy in the Irish public sector: An international human rights and public sector duty approach'. Administration, 67 :27-45. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Gilmartin M.; McGing C.; Browne K. (2019) 'Feminist and gender geographies in Ireland'. Gender, Place, and Culture, 26 (7-9):1111-1118. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Murphy C, Gilmartin M and Caulfield L (2019) 'Building and Applying a Human Rights-Based Model for Migrant Integration Policy'. Journal of Human Rights Practice, (Advance Access):1-22. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Wood P.; Gilmartin M. (2018) 'Irish enough: changing narratives of citizenship and national identity in the context of Brexit'. Space and Polity, 22 (2):224-237. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Naylor L.; Daigle M.; Zaragocin S.; Ramírez M.; Gilmartin M. (2018) 'Interventions: Bringing the decolonial to political geography'. Political Geography, . [DOI]
2017 Cian O'Callaghan & Mary Gilmartin (2017) 'Borders and borderlines'. Soundings, 64 . [Full-Text]
2016 Gilmartin M.; Migge B. (2016) 'Migrant mothers and the geographies of belonging'. Gender, Place, and Culture, 23 (2):147-161. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Gilmartin, M; Migge, B (2015) 'European migrants in Ireland: Pathways to integration'. European Urban and Regional Studies, 22 :285-299. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Gilmartin M.; Migge B. (2015) 'Home stories: immigrant narratives of place and identity in contemporary Ireland'. Journal of Cultural Geography, 32 (1):83-101. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Gilmartin M. (2013) 'Changing Ireland, 2000-2012: Immigration, emigration and inequality'. Irish Geography, 46 (1-2):91-111. [DOI]
2013 Gilmartin M. (2013) 'British migrants and Irish anxieties'. Social Identities, 19 (5):637-652. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Migge, B; Gilmartin, M (2011) 'Migrants and healthcare: Investigating patient mobility among migrants in Ireland'. Health and Place, 17 :1144-1149. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Gilmartin, M; White, A (2011) 'Interrogating Medical Tourism: Ireland, Abortion, and Mobility Rights'. Signs, 36 :275-280. [Full-Text]
2010 Moore, N; Gilmartin, M (2010) 'Teaching for Better Learning: A Blended Learning Pilot Project with First-Year Geography Undergraduates'. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 34 :327-344. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2009 Gilmartin, M (2009) 'Border thinking: Rossport, Shell and the political geographies of a gas pipeline'. Political Geography, 28 :274-282. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 Gilmartin M. (2008) 'Migration, identity and belonging'. Geography Compass, 2 (6):1837-1852. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 Gilmartin M.; White A. (2008) 'Revisiting contemporary Irish migration: New geographies of mobility and belonging'. Irish Geography, 41 (2):143-149. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 White, A; Gilmartin, M (2008) 'Critical geographies of citizenship and belonging in Ireland'. Women's Studies International Forum, 31 :390-399. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Kuusisto-Arponen AK, Gilmartin M (2015) 'Guest editorial: The Politics of Migration'. Political Geography, July . [Full-Text]
2014 Boyle M, Foote K, Gilmartin M (2014) 'Rethinking the PhD in geography: overview and introduction'. Geojournal, Online First . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Gilmartin M, Migge B (2014) 'Migrant mothers and the geographies of belonging'. Gender, Place, and Culture, Online First . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Mains SP, Gilmartin M, Cullen D, Mohammad R, Tolia-Kelly DP, Raghuram P, Winders J (2013) 'Postcolonial migrations'. Social and Cultural Geography, 14 :131-144. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Migge, B., and M. Gilmartin (2011) 'Migrants and healthcare: investigating patient mobility in Ireland'. Health and Place, 17 . [Full-Text]
2011 Gilmartin, M. (2011) 'Working through a recession'. Translocations: Migration and Social Change, 7 . [Full-Text]
2008 M. Gilmartin and G. Mills (2008) 'Mapping migrants: some cautionary notes'. Translocations: Migration and Social Change, 41 :21-34.
2008 M. Gilmartin, J.A. O’Connell and B. Migge (2008) 'Lithuanians in Ireland'. Oikos, 5 :49-62. [Full-Text]
2007 M. Gilmartin and L. Berg (2007) 'Locating postcolonialism'. Area, 39 :120-124. [Full-Text]
2005 M. Gilmartin and A. Buttimer (2005) 'Ireland: John Bull’s Other Island'. 8 :46-60. [Full-Text]
2004 M. Gilmartin (2004) 'Geography and Representation'. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 28 :281-284. [Full-Text]
2004 M. Gilmartin (2004) 'Geography in Ireland in Transition: some comments'. Irish Geography, 37 :121-144. [Full-Text]
2004 M. Gilmartin (2004) 'Language, Education and the new South Africa'. Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, 95 :405-418. [Full-Text]
2004 M. Gilmartin (2004) 'Migration, identity and citizenship'. Geographical Viewpoint, 32 :18-25.
2002 M. Gilmartin and H. Rangan (2002) 'Gender, Traditional Authority, and the Politics of Rural Reform in South Africa'. Development and Change, 33 :633-658. [Full-Text]
2001 M. Gilmartin and O. Dwyer (2001) 'From Mission to Parish: St Peter Claver Catholic Church, Lexington, Kentucky'. Southeastern Geographer, XXXXI :117-126. [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2013 Mains, SP; Gilmartin, M; Cullen, D; Mohammad, R; Tolia-Kelly, DP; Raghuram, P; Winders, J (2013) Postcolonial migrations. ABINGDON: [Article] [DOI] [Full-Text]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2016 Migge B.; Gilmartin M. (2016) 'Unbounding migration studies: The intersections of language, space and time' In: Migrations: Ireland in a global world.
2019 Gilmartin M.; Kuusisto-Arponen A.K. (2019) 'Borders and bodies: Siting critical geographies of migration' In: Handbook on Critical Geographies of Migration.
2019 Kuusisto-Arponen A.K.; Gilmartin M. (2019) 'Embodied migration and the geographies of care: The worlds of unaccompanied refugee minors' In: Handbook on Critical Geographies of Migration.
2019 Mary Gilmartin, Sinéad Kennedy (2019) 'A Double Movement: The Politics of Reproductive Mobility in Ireland' In: Abortion Across Borders. Baltimore, MD : Johns Hopkins University Press.
2019 Murphy C, Gilmartin M and Caulfield L (2019) 'Using International Human Rights Law in Interdisciplinary Human Rights Research' In: Case Studies in Legal Research Methodologies: Reflections on Theory and Practice. Dublin : Clarus Press.
2018 S Kennedy, M Gilmartin (2018) 'Mobility, migrants and abortion in Ireland' In: Crossing Troubled Waters. PEI : Island Studies Press.
2017 M Gilmartin (2017) 'Representation' In: The International Encyclopedia of Geography. Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley Blackwell. [DOI]
2017 M Gilmartin (2017) 'Belonging' In: Oxford Bibliographies: Geography. Oxford : OUP. [DOI]
2017 Mary Gilmartin (2017) 'Migration patterns, experiences and consequences in an age of austerity' In: Debating austerity in Ireland: crisis, experience and recovery. Dublin : Royal Irish Academy.
2016 Gilmartin M.; White A. (2016) 'Conclusion: The place of migration' In: Migrations: Ireland in a global world.
2014 M Gilmartin (2014) 'Immigration and spatial justice in contemporary Ireland' In: Spatial justice and the Irish crisis. Dublin : Royal Irish Academy.
2013 White, A; Gilmartin, M (2013) 'Introduction: Ireland and its relationship with migration' In: MIGRATIONS: IRELAND IN A GLOBAL WORLD. MANCHESTER : MANCHESTER UNIV PRESS.
2013 Gilmartin M (2013) 'Ireland, migration late 18th century to present' In: I Ness(Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. : Blackwell. [DOI]
2008 Crowley, U; Gilmartin, M; Kitchin, R (2008) 'Race and Immigration in Contemporary Ireland' In: NEW GEOGRAPHIES OF RACE AND RACISM. ALDERSHOT : ASHGATE PUBLISHING LTD.
2008 Gilmartin, M. (2008) 'Dublin: an emerging gateway?' In: L. Benton-Short and M. Price(Eds.). Migrants to the Metropolis: The Rise of Immigrant Gateway Cities. New York : Syracuse University Press.
2006 Gilmartin, M. (2006) 'Geography and Ethics' In: B. Warf(Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. London & California : Sage Publications.
2006 Gilmartin, M. (2006) 'Race/Racism' In: B. Warf(Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. London & California : Sage Publications.
2006 Gilmartin, M. (2006) 'Ethnicity' In: B. Warf(Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Human Geography. London & California : Sage Publications.
2004 Gilmartin, M. and Kofman, E. (2004) 'Critically Feminist Geopolitics' In: L. Staeheli, E. Kofman and L. Peake(Eds.). Mapping Gender, Making Politics:  Feminism and Political Geography. New York : Routledge.
2002 M. Gilmartin (2002) 'Making Space for Personal Journeys' In: P. Moss(Eds.). Feminist Geography in Practice: Research and Methods. : Blackwell.
2002 W. Davies and M. Gilmartin (2002) 'Geography as a Cultural Field' In: Rod Gerber and Michael Williams(Eds.). Geography, Culture and Education. Netherlands : Kluwer.
1999 M. Gilmartin (1999) 'The Irish Travels of Asenath Nicholson in 1844-45' In: Anne Buttimer, Stanley Brunn and Ute Wardenga(Eds.). Text and Image: Social Construction of Regional Knowledges. Leipzig : Selbstverlag Institut für Länderkunde.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2017 M Gilmartin, J Dagg (2017) IRiS/MSEI Global perspectives on research co-production conference Mapping processes of settlement and integration in contemporary Ireland’ University of Birmingham, 14/09/2017-15/09/2017.
2017 Mary Gilmartin (2017) RGS/IBG Annual Conference Decolonising migration London, .
2017 M Gilmartin (2017) Galway International Arts Festival The Power of Home: Architecture, Geography and Conflict: in conversation with Marwa Al-Sabouni Galway, 22/07/2017-.
2017 M Gilmartin, P Wood (2017) Nordic Geographers' Meeting Brexit Futures: Roundtable Discussion Stockholm, Sweden, 18/06/2017-21/06/2017.
2017 M Gilmartin, P Wood (2017) Conference of Irish Geographers Bordering citizenship: Ireland, Britain and Brexit’ UCC, 04/05/2017-06/05/2017.
2017 M Gilmartin, P Wood (2017) Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Irish Enough: Changing Narratives of Citizenship and National Identity in the context of Brexit Boston, MA, 05/04/2017-09/04/2017.
2017 J Dagg, M Gilmartin (2017) International Metropolis Conference Mapping processes of settlement and integration in contemporary Ireland The Hague, Netherlands, 12/03/2018-12/03/2018.
2017 M Gilmartin (2017) Beyond Leaving Beyond home: new spaces for migrant belonging National Library of Ireland, .
2017 M Gilmartin (2017) My Story, My Words: Language and Migration Narratives of Belonging NUI Galway, .
2016 M Gilmartin, P Rojas Coppari, D Phelan (2016) Conference of Irish Geographers The promise of English: international student migrants and the global language industry St Patrick's College Dublin, .
2016 M Gilmartin, P Rojas Coppari, D Phelan (2016) Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Lives in suspension: international students at work in Ireland San Francisco, 29/03/2016-02/04/2016.
2016 M Gilmartin (2016) Scottish Graduate School in Human Geography Advanced Training Residential Course The importance of getting lost Kindrogan, Scotland, 23/03/2016-25/03/2016.
2015 M Gilmartin, B Migge (2015) Where Geography meets Language: Transcultural Urban Spaces Immigrant narratives of place and identity University of Berne, Switzerland, 16/10/2015-17/10/2015.
2015 M Gilmartin (2015) Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Migrancy, permanent liminality and decoloniality Chicago, 21/04/2015-25/04/2015.
2015 M GIlmartin (2015) School of Geography, Politics and Sociology seminar series Migration and spatial justice in contemporary Ireland University of Newcastle, .
2015 M Gilmartin (2015) Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments Projecj Borders, bodies and scale Griffith College Dublin, .
2015 M Gilmartin (2015) ESRC Festival of Social Science Making sense of migration QUB, Belfast, .
2015 M Gilmartin (2015) Launch of 'Workers on the Move' report by Migrant Rights Centre Ireland Ireland and labour migration Chester Beatty Library, .
2015 M Gilmartin (2015) Conflict, Migration and Identity in Modern Ireland: Global and transnational perspectives Migration and modern Ireland Carlow, .
2015 M Gilmartin (2015) Visualising the Irish Diaspora and the 'Pathos of Distance' reland and migration in the twenty-first century' National Gallery of Ireland, 15/03/2015-.
2014 M Gilmartin, B Migge (2014) How we made a new art on old ground: interdisciplinary perspectives on Language, Migration and Identity Home stories: migration, identity and language in contemporary Ireland Mellon Centre for Migration Studies, Omagh, .
2012 M Gilmartin (2012) 9th Enhancement Themes Conference Students as co-creators of the curriculum Edinburgh, .
2011 M Gilmartin (2011) International Conference of Critical Geographers Postcolonial feminist perspectives on university restructuring Frankfurt, .
2008 Mary Gilmartin (2008) RGS/IBG Annual Conference Border thinking London, UK, .

Published Report

Year Publication
2018 Murphy C, Caulfield L and Gilmartin M (2018) Developing Integration Policy in the Public Sector: A Human Rights Approach. Maynooth University, . [Full-Text]
2018 Mary Gilmartin, Jennifer Dagg (2018) Immigrant integration and settlement services in Ireland. MUSSI, .
2017 Clíodhna Murphy, Leanne Caulfield, Mary Gilmartin (2017) Developing Integration Policy in the Public Sector: A Human Rights Approach. MUSSI, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2015 M Gilmartin, B Gallwey (2015) Migrants and Homeless Services in the Dublin Region: a research briefing paper. Dublin Region Homeless Agency, .
2008 M. Gilmartin, B. Migge, A. Feldman and S. Loyal (2008) Getting On: From Migration to Integration – Chinese, Indian, Lithuanian and Nigerian Migrants’ Experiences in Ireland. Immigrant Council of Ireland, .

Book Review

Year Publication
2013 Gilmartin, M (2013) Mothers united: an immigrant struggle for socially just education. ABINGDON: [Book Review] [DOI]
2012 Gilmartin, M (2012) Millionaire Migrants: Trans-Pacific Life Lines. MALDEN: [Book Review] [DOI]


Year Publication
2019 Brown S.; Gilmartin M. (2019) Migration and mobilities. [Editorial] [DOI]
2015 Boyle M.; Foote K.; Gilmartin M. (2015) Rethinking the PhD in geography: overview and introduction. [Editorial] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Kuusisto-Arponen, AK; Gilmartin, M (2015) The politics of migration. OXFORD: [Editorial] [DOI]


Year Publication
2006 M. Gilmartin (2006) Ireland’s ethnic make-up: the same but different. [Thesis]

Working Paper

Year Publication
2016 M Gilmartin, P Rojas Coppari, D Phelan (2016) International Student Migration to Ireland. NIRSA: [Working Paper]
2012 M Gilmartin (2012) The changing landscape of Irish migration, 2000-2012. NIRS: [Working Paper] [Link]
2006 M. Gilmartin, U. Crowley and R. Kitchin (2006) ’Vote Yes for Commonsense Citizenship’: the paradoxes at the heart of Ireland’s Céad Míle Fáilte. [Working Paper] [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2021 Jacobsen M.H.; Gilmartin M. (2021) The ethics and politics of migration research. [Note] [DOI]


Year Publication
2008 M. Gilmartin and S. McDowell (2008) Bibliography of Irish Geography, 2000-2007. [Other]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Geographical Society of Ireland Member -
Association of American Geographers Member -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University College Dublin BA Geography and English
University of Kentucky PhD Geography
University of Kentucky MA Geography

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2021 Sasha Brown PhD in Geography
2020 Aine Rickard PhD in Geography
2018 Suzanne Pegley PhD in Geography
2017 Steven Lucas PhD in Geography
2013 Zoe O'Reilly PhD in Geography
2013 Elaine Burroughs PhD in Geography
2013 Siobhan McPhee PhD in Geography
2011 John Watters PhD in Geography
2011 Kevin Keegan PhD in Geography
2009 Mary Kelly PhD in Geography
2006 Niamh Humphries PhD
2008 Angela Armen MLitt