The CYRD is a Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence. In addition to pursuing the research and scholarly interests of staff in the Department of Applied Social Studies, the Centre For Youth Research and Development (CYRD) at Maynooth University conducts a range of research projects, which are commissioned, funded or otherwise supported by external organisations and agencies. Recent and current partners and funders include the European Commission, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the Combat Poverty Agency/Department of Social Protection, the National Youth Council of Ireland, Youth Work Ireland, the Equality Authority, Kildare Youth Services and Youth Advocate Programmes Ireland (YAP).
CYRD led the Erasmus+ funded YWeLP project which produced youthworkandyou.org a curated hub of open source, interactive curriculum resources for youth work education and trainng. You can find more information on the YWeLP project at https://www.youthworkandyou.org/the-project/
CYRD is a member of the Youth2030 Consortium, a global youth work and development education project funded by Irish Aid and led by NYCI in partnership with Trocaire, Concern and CYRD.
Professor Maurice Devlin and Associate Professor Hilary Tierney are co-Directors at the CYRD, which also employs a number of full and part-time researchers and research assistants.
The CYRD also has extensive links with international partners, for example as part of a consortium developing an MA in European Youth Studies. The Centre is also closely associated with the Research Committee on Youth (RC34) of the International Sociological Association.
For further details contact: [email protected] or [email protected]