CAO code MH305
Level 8
What problem would you like to solve today? Every tool and service you use has been designed. Product Design & Innovation looks at problems from a human perspective, you will investigate the needs of people and create innovative design solutions that balance business viability, human desirability and technical feasibility. Working in groups and individually, whether its consumer products, agriculture, sports, wellbeing, in the commercial and public sector, you will find your niche.
Our programme is uniquely interdisciplinary, bringing Design, Engineering and Social Sciences together. Through project-based learning in workshops and studio you will learn from a specialist team of lecturers with professional experience.
Our graduates leave with a portfolio and experience to contribute to creative, innovative and entrepreneurial businesses here and abroad. How will you improve the world we live in?
Explore our graduate work here on our Degree Shows section of the website
Find out more about our course content here.
For more information on how to apply see the MU Admissions page.