Three new Maynooth University School of Business Faculty won awards from the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014 in Philadephia, PA.

Thursday, February 5, 2015 - 00:00

Three New Maynooth University School of Business Faculty won awards from the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014 in Philadelphia, PA:

Maynooth University School of Business received two best paper awards and one service award from the 74th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, which took place at Philadelphia, PA. on 1-5 August 2014. The AOM has approximately 20,000 members from 25 divisions that span a wide range of academic fields. The 2014 AOM conference had over 10,000 attendees from 89 countries,  6,151 peer reviewed paper submissions (with around 50% accepted for presentation). The annual conference provides a forum for sharing research and expertise in all management disciplines through invited and competitive paper sessions, panels, symposia, workshops, distinguished speakers, and special programs for doctoral students.

The best paper awards include:
Global Forum Best Paper Award from the Management Education and Development division. Ryazanova, O. and Mc Namara, P.  (2014) “Language, Socialization and Networks: Knowledge Creation in Globalized Business Schools”. Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, Management Education and Development Division, 1-5 August, Philadelphia, USA.
Thomson South-Western Outstanding Research-Based Paper Award on Management Consulting from the Management Consulting Division. Fu, N. and Morris, T. (2014) “Organizational Ambidexterity and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Capital”, Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, Management Consulting Division, 1-5 August, Philadelphia, USA.

Service Award:
Peter Mc Namara also received an outstanding service award from the Management Education and Development division of the AOM in recognition of his service as the MED Program Chair. The program chair manages the process of attracting submissions and reviewers, the process of selecting papers and symposia and organizing sessions and social activities for the conference. MED is one of the 10 largest divisions of the AOM.

For further information, please see the 2015 Spring Irish Academy of Management Newsletter.

The Social Sciences Publications Festival 2015 at Maynooth University was held on 27 Jan 2015. The School of Business is active in a number of university research clusters. Faculty from the school of business have published their work in international peer reviewed journals such as Academy of Management Review; British Journal of Management; Journal of Management; Culture & Organisation; Human Relations; Human Resource Management; Information Systems Journal; International Studies of Management & Organisations; Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of Information Technology; Journal of International Business; Journal of Management Inquiry; Journal of Management Studies; Journal of Marketing Management; Journal of World Business; Long Range Planning; Organisation Studies; Research Policy; Supply Chain Management: An International Journal; Technovation, Strategic Management Journal amongst others.

The above photograph was taken at the Maynooth University Social Sciences Publications Festival 2015 (right to left): Professor Peter McNamara, Dr Na Fu and Ms Olga Ryazanova (each of whom joined the Maynooth University School of Business as new faculty during 2014).