Monday, March 9, 2015 - 00:00
This week, Professor Michael Doherty will be attending the SE Research Network meeting in Brussels. The meeting will take place on 11 and 12 March 2015.
About the SE Research Network
SEEurope is a network project under the leadership of the ETUI (European Trade Union Institute). It involves legal, economic, and industrial relations experts from essentially all countries in which European Companies (SEs) can be set up.The project started in 2004 by observing the transposition of the SE legislation into national law. Since that time the focus has shifted towards monitoring the practice of establishing SE with a specific focus on employee involvement.
Further information is available on the ETUI website.
Professor Michael Doherty is Head of Maynooth University Department of Law and lectures in Work & Employment in Europe and in Employment Law on the LLB programme.