A key area of the Maynooth University Access Programme (MAP) concerns the creation and development of flexible pathways to third level education for our target groups.  MAP staff contribute significantly to the development of national pathways for school leavers and students with disabilities through HEAR and DARE and to the Maynooth University mature student entry route.

Higher Education Access Route logo
The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR): This is a college and university admissions scheme which offers places on reduced points and extra college support to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. HEAR Applicants must meet a range of financial, social and cultural indicators to be considered for a reduced points place and extra college support.
DARE logo
The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE):  This is a college and university admissions scheme which offers places on reduced points to school leavers with disabilities. DARE is for school leavers who have the ability to benefit from and succeed in higher education, but who may not be able to meet the points for their preferred course due to the impact of a disability or ongoing illness.
  The Mature Student entry route: This admissions route is for people aged 23 or over who may not have achieved their full potential in previous education or who have been out of education for some time. Applicants apply through the CAO. All Maynooth University courses are open to mature applicants. The selection processes comprise of either interview only or written assessment/interview. The selection process involves referral to mature summer courses in academic writing and mathematics, where required.
Electronic Engineering - Working with Equipment in the Lab - Maynooth University
Maynooth University Foundation Certificate Programmes in Science and Engineering: Maynooth University offers students the opportunity to prepare academically for a career in science/engineering through its Foundation Certificate programme in Science and Engineering at Level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). This specific pathway for mature students was developed by the Maynooth Access Programme which is also involved in the recruitment and selection of students onto the Foundation Programme.
Additional Pathways  
Uversity Logo
Deadline for Applications:  1st April 2019
Uversity is now accepting applications for its HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS FOR ADULT LEARNERS that are intended to remove financial barriers so that adult learners can unlock their potential and realise their ambitions. 
Uversity’s scholarships will provide multi-annual financial support for recipients to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree for the first time in participating third level institutions in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland.  Scholarships can be any subject area and will be tailored to recipients’ financial circumstances to cover some or all of the direct and indirect costs associated with higher education. 
Successful candidates must:

  • 23 years and older by 1st January 2019
  • be a citizen of an EEA member state or Switzerland AND resident in Ireland or Northern Ireland for 3 years or more by 1st January 2019
  • be returning to higher education in 2019/20 after a break from education of 3 years or more or have recently completed a higher education progression / preparation course
  • be admitted to a Bachelor’s Programme or have a deferred offer for the 2019/20 academic year.  Preference will be given to candidates intending to study full-time
  • be able to demonstrate:
  • academic potential
  • a clear motivation and ambition for returning to education
  • a drive to succeed and a strong work ethic
  • an ability to be transformed and transform others as a result of this scholarship and educational experience
  • financial need


  • non-EEA citizens resident in Ireland / Northern Ireland must have permanent leave to remain at time of application.
  • applicants who currently possess or are enrolled on a Degree programme ARE NOT ELIGIBLE
  • applicants DO NOT need to have an offer at time of application but if selected for a scholarship they must receive an offer on a Bachelor’s programme in one of the participating institutions to receive their scholarship.
  • For Republic of Ireland applicants, Uversity’s scholarships are currently considered reckonable income for means-tested social welfare benefits and SUSI grants. Offers will be subject to Uversity receiving an income disregard so that these benefits / grants are not adversely affected.

Eligible candidates must submit an application via Uversity’s online system by 1st April 2019 with the following information:

  • biographical / contact details
  • details of your education to date
  • details of any employment / volunteering (if applicable) to date
  • a motivation statement of maximum 500 words
  • details of two referees

All applications will be reviewed by Uversity for eligibility and may be shortlisted for interview.  Successful candidates will be notified by 1st September 2019.

Requests for further information / clarification should be sent to [email protected].